Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Really people? If you going to ask for help or post about your Virtual Airline and not include a link what good does that do? Seriously... Please include links when you post. PS. Not sure if this is the place to post this. Thanks, Edmundk
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 3 replies
Does Nabeel tell us the story of phpVMS? How it came about? Who helped work? How tournou become so popular? Currently many airlines use this wonderful system? PS.: If there is any question that they find interesting and wish to comment below. I hope he answers us.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
Trying to source some payware paints for my A330. There are so many models and a few are quite inaccurate looking, like Wilco. I'd like to know what models everyone offers repaints for (A330 only).
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 18 replies
I'd like to setup a chat server so our pilots can talk to each other. Can anyone guide me on how to learn more about this. Two criteria. #1 it has to be free #2 I'd like to be able to integrate it somehow with phpVMS Thanks
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 1 reply
I have an html and css tutorial that I have added a drop down menu to and i am trying to position the navigation to the right side of the top of page. I can't figure out the correct css code to do so. Trying to align where the navigation lines up with the right side.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 2 replies
I am trying to learn a little bit about HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap at the moment. I have completed some tutorials on creating a basic website by hand coding with html and css, and now want to learn Bootstrap a little. I am having a problem getting started. I can't get the tutorial (have tried several on youtube, etc..) to display properly. Currently I am following this beginners tutorial: Instead of the navbar looking like the tutorial when I get started mine looks like this: Shou…
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 3 replies
HI All, I have problem described as here Before I jump to install FSX somewhere to get this file back, is there anyone able to send me this file to save me a lot of troubles? Thanks in advance! Best regards, Edwin
Last reply by Edwin, -
- 4 replies
I logged into cPanel the other day and noticed there was the option to change theme that wasn't there before. So, naturally curious, I tried it, only for it to result in this: Invalid license Main IP Address: CPanel Version: RVskin Version: Note: Server administrator can run perl /root/rvadmin/ to switch users to other skin such as X skin while waiting for the resolution. - This happens every time I try to access it now.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 10 replies
[Content Removed]
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello, all. We need some people with programming experience who can help me to write articles for my website with development tutorials and articles related to tecnlogia. I also put a area dedicated to programming based Virtual Air Lines phpVMS. Someone is willing to help me? Comment below or send me a PM. Link to Website: HERE
Last reply by B77W, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, I found FSlive and look at it with interest, but can't seem to put a link between FSLive and PHPVMS. Is there any integration and in what way can I reflect PHPVMS into FSLive? Or is everything that is in FSLive also in PHPVMS (except aircraft management database with pricing and such) Best regards, DaanAir
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
Just thought I would let everyone know Hostgator released a coupon code today! RMN75 You can get their top plan Business for $3.74 per month for life.
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 0 replies
Web Tip #1: Use PHP to display the copyright year on your webpage, don't use plain html you will forget to update it. Replace © 2014 Redwood Virtual With © <?php echo date ('Y'); ?> Redwood Virtual Remember, if this is on an static .html page, you must rename the extension to .php. .tpl in phpVMS is fine because you are displaying content within a module created with a .php extension.
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 0 replies
Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 (9M-MRD) crashes over Ukraine near the Russian border. Link: Video: A dark year for Malaysian Airlines..
Last reply by James142, -
- 8 replies
If anyone knows let in the comments.. Another curiosity. What was the first Virtual Airline to use phpVMS??
Last reply by OA01, -
- 10 replies
I am working on a virtual airline directory...well...actually I am just working on it as a hobby but I do need some input. You can see it by going to . You can also see what the submission form would look like by just selecting the Submit New Listing and choose category Virtual Airlines link without registering to get an idea of the information you can input at this time. I have purposely made it that you are only required to enter the basics for new airlines, like title, and summary. As your airline grows you can add information to it by editing your va. I need to know what to change, add, or delete that's not needed. The unique thing is the Cl…
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Last reply by servetas, -
- 0 replies
I was referred to Site Ground hosting, and am referring back. The prices are very cheap, and a referral deal get's us both a bargain! Check it out!
Last reply by tobyrice01, -
- 8 replies
Hello, I am looking for some rank images. Maybe I could get an image of a four bar rank or all of the bars (1-4). This is the link that I used for my First Officer rank. If one of you fellow simpilots have an image like that, please post it. Sorry if this was a bit vague.
Last reply by OA01, -
- 2 replies
"Madrid - Barajas" now is named "Adolfo Suárez, Madrid-Barajas", following the example of JFK with a president name's.
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 3 replies
Has now been resolved and he has taken it down and changed it
Last reply by Ashj24uk, -
- 8 replies
I am curious to see what the web designers in the community think about frameworks for web design. I have worked with Bootstrap and the functionality is great, but do you also find many sites have a similar feel when they incorporate bootstrap fully? Do you find it is actually easier to start with your own code? Cheers!
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, We are in the works of a live online aviation tv station, that will include a Flight Simulator channel, and a real aviation channel. The channels will consist of user made aviation videos (full credit will be given to the user) to create a 24/7 live stream of videos. Your Virtual Airlines promo videos, or any other aviation video you have created, can be added to the FS/Aviation channels. This can help advertise your virtual airline, or youtube channel. If you are interested please leave your Youtube video URL's, or your channel link below. Again, full credit will be given to your videos. We will notify you if your videos will be in the live streams. …
Last reply by benboy123, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, i'm currently creating a new community site for virtual airline staff and pilots. Of course it will also be open to any Flightsim enthusiast who likes to join. The main purpose is that virtual airlines find any possible information centered on one site plus give pilots who look for a VA a place where they can easily browse through VAs from all over the world. Secondly it also gives people who offer services for VAs the chance to advertise on one place thus making it easier for VA CEOs to find these services. I plan to expand that community in the future by listening to the whishes of the community members. since this forum here is mainly for phpvms Support i …
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 28 replies
I've been thinking for some time now about making a search engine for virtual airlines, but before starting development I'd like to have some feedback what I have in mind is a phpvms based site where VA's can register and upload their schedules file. From this the site then knows where the VA flies and with which aircraft. Apart of this there would be a small questionnaire to fill out about the features they provide eg is there a jumpseat system, type of simulator, cargo or pax, how many minimum hours, free to fly any aircraft or restricted by rank... you know, the kind of stuff that really matters to a pilot who chooses an airline I haven't found anything like this …
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, Are there any plans to create tutorials for the tutorials page on the website? If not, I would be more than willing to start a video tutorial series for phpVMS! I wouldn't mind help from others if you so would want to!
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I have a weird thing that when I fly an A318 or A320 at around FL350/FL360 the plane starts to shake up and down, not very big bumps, but more like vibrations. Is this because of me going to fast at that flight level? I have set the IAS to 300. I don't have this at at say FL270 or FL300. Edwin.
Last reply by Edwin, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Had an email from Jeff today he was building me a custom Kacars he gave me a full refund and this post is not a post to slag him off or anything. But anyway this is his auto response to a email i sent him to see if the tracker would be ready and this is what it said AUTO-RESPONSE At this time I am not accepting any orders. I am extremely busy with personal items and do not have the time to devote to coding at this time. I will only be handling support at this time. Support emails will be handled but may be handled slowly. Please be patient. I will get to them. Any email regarding orders will not be responded to at this time. As soon as I get some time I will be…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 4 replies
Hi All, My last dedicated FSX computer died, and I've been using FSX on the family laptop, but I've decided to get one of my own, for FSX. My Budget can only strech to getting a used PC(Around $600AUD), so I've been doing some digging, and found these. (Sorry for basic info, sellers weren't helpful) -4ghz amd quad core proccesor -2gb AMD Radeon HD video -8gb 2133mhz ddr3 ram -2Tb hard drive -Dvd burner Or CPU: Intel CORE 2 quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz Motherboard: ASUS PSG4IT-M LX3 RAM: 8GB (4GB x 2 kit) DDR3 Graphics card: Gigabyte GV-NX845512 HD Hard Drive: WD 1TB. SATA 2x 19" LCD Moniters Ideas?
Last reply by CustomCoders, -
- 1 reply
Did anyone try out the new AMD driver with Mantle support and FSX? I myself just had to rebuild FSX completely due to a Microsoft update which crashed up my whole AMD driver and in the end rebuilding my computer, so I'm a bit reluctant to try myself..
Last reply by Ashj24uk,