Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Hi, I have build a Computer with great specs which can be seen below. My problem is that I get constant lag with a $1000 computer and it makes no sense. Running on Ultra High give me around 5-10 fps its stupid please help! Intel 3rd Generation Core i7-3770K CPU (4 x 3.50GHz, Ivy Bridge, Socket 1155, 8Mb L3 Cache, Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0) 8GB Ram GTX 660 2GB
Last reply by Zishan, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Had an email from Jeff today he was building me a custom Kacars he gave me a full refund and this post is not a post to slag him off or anything. But anyway this is his auto response to a email i sent him to see if the tracker would be ready and this is what it said AUTO-RESPONSE At this time I am not accepting any orders. I am extremely busy with personal items and do not have the time to devote to coding at this time. I will only be handling support at this time. Support emails will be handled but may be handled slowly. Please be patient. I will get to them. Any email regarding orders will not be responded to at this time. As soon as I get some time I will be…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 8 replies
HiWhen can we aspect a new update (or maybe already the definitive version) of phpvms? Anthony
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 8 replies
Hey everyone, I think I am going to remove flight legs. Now since you can enter letters into the flight numbers, the leg's are kinda "obsolete", since you can just add it as part of the flight number. Also, FSACARS and FSPAX don't support it, so it's throwing things off with PIREPs and those finance calculations, and other 'future plans' which I have in mind. It just adds another layer of complexity, which is just giving me a big headache, and doesn't really serve a huge purpose (I don't think many of you are using legs) Just giving a heads up. Nabeel
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 8 replies
Would anyone be interested in repainting a couple of FS9/FSX aircraft for me in return for skinning your new phpvms site? You can see my site at: and another one I am working on for someone else:
Last reply by selwynorren, -
- 8 replies
Hello everyone and Nabeel, I have started a brand new website for the dicussion of everything flight simulation which of course includes Virtual Airlines and the software tha runs them. Be sure and register and promote your phpVMS site and your VA at: Nabeel and others be sure and write articles about your site and software after registering you will have Author memebership which means you can write an article about your VA and phpVMS and post in the forums. You only have to register once to have access to all areas of the site! See you there! This is NOT a VA site so no competition here It is a flight simulation discussion site.
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 8 replies
Im curious as to what web design program everyone is using? I am getting tired of my web design program since it lacks power to build larger and more safisticated web sites. Thanks in advance for the responses.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 8 replies
I am getting really frustrated with FSACARS. I am thinking of getting FSFK. Anyone use FSFK with phpVMS with success? Would you recommend FSFK?
Last reply by joeri, -
Hello everyone. I have heard of such a system as the dispatch, but absolutely no idea how it works in the php-code, no idea about his work with this system. Can anyone tell how he, for instance, arranged works, where do the data to calculate, as computed data for any aircraft. I hope the issue is clear. Thank you.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 8 replies
I'm planning to create a Website hosting which in the next few months. Is it hard to run a webhosting. Like i'm providing a 24/7 support, Web Hosting, Resellers, Decatied Servers. Is it hard to run this big hostings? Like if i start out small and i have 10 clients and i have 50 new ones and i create new servers. Which i'm not going to try to cramp the servers. I'm going to keep it the best. Not overloaded or cramped in.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 8 replies
Anyone here ever attempted to use the time tables from Ultimate traffic for their airline? My test site is a mirror of a real world airline who has since been taken over by another airline. I used Ultimate traffic to generate time tables for all of their flights as of 2003. Now that particular airline only had a very small number of aircraft and a very large schedule system. I am trying to figure out how in the hell they could possibly pull off that many flights per day using 12 of one type of aircraft and 9 of another type. I know some of the routes were out sourced. The time tables I got were figured without any partner airlines though. Was just curious if anyone ha…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 8 replies
Hello, can I add pilots manually? I have some problems with my database, so new users can't register new accounts so I tried to add pilots in the backend but there was no option! Regards, Sascha
Last reply by Sascha (DCS299), -
- 8 replies
I cannot access the SB forums, so I'll do it here. I was recently forced to do a system restore last Saturday and have since been getting FS9 back up to scratch. I've had FS9 for years and had lots of tweaks, but that's all gone. FS9 itself survived as well as Addon Scenery, Aircraft etc, but I had FS problems, so I had to make a new FS9.cfg. So, first of all, I got SB4 again, which I previously used for months without any problems. My first problem was when I tried to connect, there were no server lists. That was fixed by a reinstall. Now, I can connect, but I can see no aircraft. I have searched the SB forums but can't find a working solution. I do not have Norton or …
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 8 replies
I am in some need of help! I can't find anything good to go on the tail of my paint. Anyone have ideas?? Desperate Also! If you don't like my paint, tell me why please! And if you have a suggestion of any kind.. let me know
Last reply by -Nick Tyson-, -
- 8 replies
Should i put an index.html in the site so it would say.. Enter this virtual airline or not? I have recently found a couple sites with them and i would like to know your opinion? Thanks, Edmundk
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 8 replies
Hello, I am looking for some rank images. Maybe I could get an image of a four bar rank or all of the bars (1-4). This is the link that I used for my First Officer rank. If one of you fellow simpilots have an image like that, please post it. Sorry if this was a bit vague.
Last reply by OA01, -
- 8 replies
If anyone knows let in the comments.. Another curiosity. What was the first Virtual Airline to use phpVMS??
Last reply by OA01, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, Are there any plans to create tutorials for the tutorials page on the website? If not, I would be more than willing to start a video tutorial series for phpVMS! I wouldn't mind help from others if you so would want to!
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 8 replies
I am curious to see what the web designers in the community think about frameworks for web design. I have worked with Bootstrap and the functionality is great, but do you also find many sites have a similar feel when they incorporate bootstrap fully? Do you find it is actually easier to start with your own code? Cheers!
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 7 replies
Okay, I've had this question, but never thought on asking it. Is there a way to not have a schedule database be attached to PIREPS? (or is it absolutely necessary?)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
New site!!
by RogerB- 7 replies
Love the new site!!!! dude!!
Last reply by Wayne, -
Clearing up the minor things...
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi, I have installed PHPvms now, and created an airline, etc. I have a few minor things though: 1. This shows at the top of each page: 2. The 'view my badge' function comes up as an error. Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
Courtesy of Ohloh phpVMS Code Analysis A summary: 48,000+ lines of code (all written by me, except for the libraries) 11 person years @ 55k/year = project cost of $627,611 if you hired someone to write it 73% of the code is in PHP, the rest a jumble of Javascript, HTML, CSS 700+ code commits Thought it was some cool stats. Of course, it's mute without this community. Thanks everyone! More to come
Last reply by infidel, -
- 7 replies
Okay this is going mostly to Nabeel but also to all the others, providing this project with new addons.. Id like to thank everybody for what they did and for what will come.. When i started my virtual airline Pan American Airways, i had to decide what to use. It took me some days to figure out, that there arent lot of such systems. Finally i had the choice between vabase and phpvms. Now I was one of those guys who thought that payware is always better and so i bought vabase. This was a big mistake because they dont have a good support and everything has to be customized and it would take weeks to get it even running in a decent way. Then i tried out phpvms which was t…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 7 replies
Before I kick it out the door... Review the list: Any last minute FIXES, no time for new things Thanks!!!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
like if i have 100 pilots in my roaster, what is the best free hosting that will keep the bandwith up and running.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
I just wanted to swing by and say hello to all and see how things were going? I am about 4 or 5 beta versions behind now as time slips by me. I have been finding myself in the hospital and doctors offices now when not at work. Makes it kind of hard to work on a website or even fly for that matter. I do find an hour a week to brew up a new batch of home brew beer though. I hope to get back into the swing of things soon and I hope everyone here is doing well. Have a great day/night Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Has Anyone Truly Thanked Nabeel and the Moderator Crew for phpVMS and Addon Modules?
by Guest N402KC- 7 replies
Well if you have not Thanked them for their hard work and such Great Software and Addons, Then I think We all should. Coming from my words, I want to really Thank Nabeel for all the hard work he has put into phpVMS making it the #1 Virtual Airline Management System on the web, AND MAKING IT FREE! Understand that if it wasnt for you, A Good fortune of VA's that are on the web right now, Would not be their. I also want to thank the wrest of the crew, and Everyone who has spent a good measure of time creating modules and addons for phpVMS. You guys are doing a fantastic job, Keep up the great work, And thanks for doing all of it.
- 7 replies
I need to get a good c++ beginner book so if anyone has some suggestions it would be appreciated. Thanks
Last reply by Paul, -
- 7 replies
Hello, i dont know if this is the right forum and sorry my english, i will try to explain my idea. My idea is to share the tickets to other VAs. Let's say my last location is LPPT and i go to schedules to bid but no aircraft or no schedule avaliable at LPPT(in my VA). So the page(schedules)will show a list of tickets, not only from my VA but from other va's too (let's take easyjet va and someva) for example. That ticket list will show flights(in iframe or something), from my va, easyjet va and someva (and all others who share), i see the prices list and the most cheap ticket i purchase (someva). The money is taked from me (pilot) to that va (someva), and when that a…
Last reply by BastiDE,