Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
Could someone please tell me how I could create a route map for my website.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Need Ideas
by UAVCEO- 5 replies
Other than UAV (which is having issues at this time) I am thinking of a new Virtual Airline to create, which will start up this summer. It will be fictional, and there is my problem. I was wondering if you have any ideas for a name or scheme or something. Here are some plans I am thinking of: US Based Main hub in Minneapolis or Midwest location Other hubs TBD I want it to kind of be a laid-back, leisure airline. (Like Ted was) Any thoughts/ideas to jolt my mind would be appreciated.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
- 5 replies
is it possible to add a flash intro to phpvms system. i have one that i want to add but don't know if it is possible. also where do i have to add it?
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 5 replies
Check this out guys, I think you will like!!! Nabeel isn't done with it yet but this is a great feature!! ;D Click on the pilot brief link.
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 5 replies
As the title suggests, phpVMS is what I am looking for, but I was wondering whether there was any chance of VATSIM being included in phpVMS in the near future. I've noticed that vaBase does have it already integrated but after looking around they seem like a very dodgy company and the code is supposedly bad. Cheers, Max.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
I've added some Google ads up, gonna give it a run and see if people actually do click on it. Add phpVMS to your adblock exceptions
Last reply by Leiserson, -
by Guest chikolol- 5 replies
Hello mates, i write to you today to announce my duty into battle the 17 of November. For my first tour in IRAQ. I have always followed up on this project and will do when i get back in 2011 maybe it will be so much more advanced. I want to thank simpilot for his great effort in providing us with all this useful modules that many of you are already using! Thank him! he deserves it. Well guys i wish all of you the best, on your virtual airlines and good bye from Miami. PVT. Carlos Almonte Alpha Company
Last reply by simpilot, -
hi guys, Been away for a few days and come back to a couple new builds. I read that there was some login issues and session management. Was going to upgrade today if this has all been resolved. Is it officially safe to upgrade now? ;D
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Hello everyone, First I must say thank you Nabeel for great software. As the title states, I'm moving our VA to PHPVMS from VAFS but before I start the project I have a couple questions. 1. Currently in VAFS my pilots have already earned some v$. Would there be a way I could manually add that money to their account? 2. I'm assuming hours can be transferred as well? 2. I'm mainly waiting for v2 to be released because it has the features we need. It is OK to start working on skinnings, routes, etc on the beta version? I'm mean will it transfer over OK when v2 comes out? Thanks!
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 5 replies
Hi Nabeel or anyone that knows. I have a ton of data that needs to be brought over from VAFS. I've got everything in Excel so I will be able to format it as needed. I have over 200 aircraft, 500 airports, and 3400 routes. I really don't want to do this manually if at all possible. I did find the route csv template and I'm working on that but I'd like to know if there would be a faster way to import the aircraft and airports? Perhaps in one quick swoop. Maybe somehow through the DB? Thanks, Keith
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 5 replies
I have 2 questions about the phpVMS API and about using it with VB applications. First of all is it possible to use the API to view things like previous pireps, schedules, etc but also submit PIREPs via it (plus adding comments) and view/alter the pilot profile. Also is there ways to also use admin functions and control everything which you can via the admin panel. The reason is I am considering making an application client for my virtual airline so the pilot changes everything in the app, instead of online. Its mainly going to be made for experience as I am planning on making another application, but this will be a little practise and I am mainly doing this because ther…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Who Wants To Know How To Code An ACARS!
by Guest N402KC- 5 replies
I've got a couple Pm's and quite a few messages in forum reply's asking how to code acars. Just out of curiosity, Who wants to know how. I just want to know. If their are a few of you who do I will. Just reply saying yes and what you wanna know how to code and i will try to include it in the tutorial. FYI, I wont be able to type fast at all, I just got home from Leawood Surgical Center where I got my broken hand fixed with a couple screws. Let me know
Last reply by coryb12, -
- 5 replies
I have FSFK working very nicely, locally. The ACARS gauge is cool. I have my va-template in the correct directory, but need to know what I must do next to get it to work with phpVMS. I've looked at the other threads on fsfk, but haven't quite figured it out. Sorry, I'm having another dumb day.
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
SimUAL Closing
by Guest N402KC- 5 replies
Hi Guys, As of today, I am having to close Because of my incident, I haven't been able to work on the site very fast, And my staff team could not understand that, So they said they are going to kick me out. So i denied that and they are starting up their own SimUAL, Any know I own the content and the site. So they said they can steal all the content and site the any know i'm the creator. But from this incident I am closing it and putting more of my time towards other va's and assisting them in their development. is the site my former staff are starting, I don't recommend you join them, But if anyone needs help. Ill have more time fo…
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 5 replies
I'm about to start some full on development (perhaps even for phpVMS) with another PHP Framework. Does anybody have a favourite? I don't have much experience with PHP frameworks, the only framework I've ever used is Rails for Ruby. Thanks guys.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Which Version Of PHP Should I Learn
by Guest N402KC- 5 replies
Now that I've got all my .NET Programming Language covered and Mastered, Im ready to start learning PHP. Tomorrow Im going to Microcenter and picking up some books. Which type of programming should I learn? OOP, Standard? Let me know.
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 5 replies
I really wonder how did Nabeel started the phpVMS project? It looks like he did a hard work on that project and i am really liking it!
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Windows 7?
by Kyle- 5 replies
Hey, i got a question. I want to install windows 7 in my vista machine but i made a Partition for windows 7 so i can keep my vista. But the question is, will there be problems that is conflicting windows vista to windows 7. becasue that i made a partition. Also can i chose manually which windows i want to run? Anything else i need to know about it.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 5 replies
I'm using live fuel prices and all I can say is "ouch". As of the time of this posting my VA has 79 flights recorded with over $3,000,000.00 spent in fuel! Thank goodness I have plenty of "virtual passengers" flying with us or I'd go bankrupt. Sorry, just had to post this little bit of silliness. Keith
Last reply by AFVA | Mitchell, -
- 5 replies
Hey, I want your thoughts on which Flight Sim you like to use! It's public!
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, I'm trying to use install creator to install our planes.. It says you can use the registry to find the fs9 location on the pilots PC? I was wondering if anyone could help me out it isn't working for me.
Last reply by wrenchca, -
- 5 replies
- 2.4k views What im working on.... More info soon...
Last reply by AUZ, -
- 5 replies
Not working? I just get taken to a blank page. I'm logged in on Twitter and everything...
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 5 replies
I am using SMF 2.0 RC3. I am having problems displaying the recent topics. Here is what I have done. Before the head I have <?php require("./forums/SSI.php"); ?> Where I want to display it I have <!--#include virtual="./forums/SSI.php?ssi_function=recentTopics" --> also tried <?php ssi_recentTopics(); ?> All attempts have an error. Fatal error: Call to undefined function ssi_recenttopics() in /home/flyakaco/public_html/lib/skins/_SKIN/frontpage_main.tpl on line 33 Any help would be appreciated!
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, any ideas on how to get a type rating system. So that pilots can only fly a 737 for example if they have passed necessary tests. Nout
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, To run FSX, i am thinking about this system... what do you think?? -CPU: Intel Core i7 950 3.06ghz 4.8GT/sec QuadCore -Optical: LG Dual Layer DVD burner 22x GH22NS -Nvidia GF GTX460-1Gb -550W 2cm in LCpower -HDD: SATAII 1TB (1000Gb) SEAGATE 7200rpm -MEmory: Micron Elixir 6gb DDR3 1333Mhz Tripple channel -Mobo: Asus P6T-SE Intel X58 Extreme Chipset -Gbit Lan / 2x PS2 / 6x USB 2.0 / 1394 IEEE firewire / 6x sata intern / -2x USB2.0 front met audio (hoofdtelefoon & microfoon) front / 1x E- sata express extern -7.1 Digital Sound (6x audio)/ Spdif / Digital in-out - 6x Sata 300, Raid
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, A question which I am sure has been asked and answered but here goes..... How do all you fellow VA owners attract pilots My VA angelair currently has 9 pilots which I would like to increase of course. where do you go to advertise? are VA's in alliance with each other which helps? or is my website not up to scratch if not what do I need to change to make it more attractive? thanks Scott
Last reply by Angel Air, -
- 5 replies
I started advertising for positions with my VA last week, and I've had a steady trickle of applications for those positions so far. One thing I've noticed from most of these applicants is that they seem to be more after the staff jobs, purely because of the status of staff jobs, and aren't really interested in helping running a VA. Some even seem to be not interested in taking advantage of the flights and everything else that the VA offers. It's a shame really, because the positions available offer up the chance for those who take them to have a real say in how the VA develops. I would have jumped at that chance when I started getting into VA flying. I've now stated that …
Last reply by Capt. Ho747, -
- 5 replies
Hello All, I just noticed that I do not have a local.config.php file. I'm not sure what happen to it. I have a app.config.php and a codon.config.php file but no local.config.php file. Not sure what to do. Thanks
Last reply by David Stokes Douglas, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, I am looking for some help producing a promo vid, I have got fraps installed and have a little mess around with it but as far as editing and actually making something that looks semi proffessional I am not that great. So I guess this is a call to anyone with experience with this sort of stuff. Scott