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7149 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Howdy! So I was actually going through the Forums... Went through some posts discussing about SSL Certificates for phpVMS. You don't actually need any Module to force SSL. Just need to edit some lines of Codes So I'll tell you how to use phpVMS 5.5.x with SSL so that your Login Data is Secured. Please NOTE I have divided this Tutorial into two Parts, One for New Installers and another for the who are already using phpVMS. FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE INSTALLING PHPVMS FOR THE FIRST TIME 1) Install SSL on Domain (First Things First) 2) Install phpVMS in root, subfolder (You can even make it a Subdomain Like 3) Trig…
Last reply by Yash, -
- 72 replies
Hi all, This has gone through a couple of rounds of testing, and seems to be working. The instructions are here: Make sure to make the changes in the skin that you're currently using. Luckily, changes aren't too bad or complicated.
Last reply by YusufBudi, -
- 0 replies
Thanks to @DisposableHero Github master file has been changed to accommodate IPv6 IP addresses. New installs after the date/time of this post will be set up for IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses. Previous installs can update to allow IPv6 addresses by running the SQL queries below. Both are needed. 25 chars will not be enough to store v6 addresses. It should be at least 45 chars to avoid errors. So during install, setting ip related column length as varchar(45) may solve future issues with new members using ipv6. Also for current users of your release, running simple sql queries may help to sol…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 84 replies
EDIT - Only use if your hosting does not support PHP 8.1 or higher. If your host supports PHP 8.1 or higher, use phpVMS v7. Present users of phpVMS v2/v5 should use the legacy import feature of phpVMS v7. New VAs should install phpVMS v7. After much time and effort fixing errors, I now have phpVMS 5.5.2 working successfully on PHP 7.2. My live site has been running this for over 3 months. The installation program has now been updated to be able to install under PHP 7.2 as well. After much testing, including by several members here, I decided to release this version to the community. Here's a link to the program at github:…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 34 replies
Hi guys... PHP 5.x series has been deprecated as we all know, and with cPanel now dropping support as of Jan 2018, that is going to put a lot into a bind. So I've been working on bringing up that compatibility level. First step is making sure that everything is backwards compatible, so it would be great if people can test and report back issues. I recommend creating a duplicate of your site, and applying updates. I'm trying to make as few changes as possible for now to make diffs easier. The branch is here: It'll be easier to just keep updates and notes to this thread here. Thanks!
Last reply by carzzpeter, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Some sites are not working because of doing on PHP 5.4+. There are some changes that need to be made, luckily pretty simple. If you haven't modified anything, look at: The php70 branch (default, download here: is updated to support PHP 7+ If you're on the 5.x version, you should be fine. action.php Find ~Line 46: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT); core/local.config.php Find (~L139): Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 41 replies
These instructions should work Note: Make sure to make the changes in the skin you're currently using.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
To upgrade the system I need to upload all the files that are for download at the site phpvms or just need for the install? Can someone help me step by step how to upgrade the system? Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm installing on my web phpVMS, after making the settings, I get the error: Fatal error: Class 'CodonRewrite' not found in / home / mundoo / public_html / phpvms / core / modules / Routemap / RouteMap.php on line 8 and does not leave the control panel Thanks
Last reply by polirom, -
- 1 reply
One of my partner VAs is having troubles with their phpVMS installation, and we have no clue what it is... here is what is seen in every page with copy/pasted material... Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/vol8/! This is Wilson Adams, Chairman of the Nova Virtual Airline Alliance, of which AeroCalifornia USA is a member. I am pleased to inform you that the following routes from our codeshare partners, as well as NVAA flights have been added, and all of AeroCal USA's routes have been added to our vast routes database at www.novaallianc…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
When a pilot is selected from "all pilots" depending on the number of preps it can take over a minute for the graphics to show if the pilot has over 1000 flights. There is a issue regardless of number of flights, still very slow. we have verified this on 2 different servers, both paid. We have this running on AWS w/1cpu & 1Gb memory. Also have turned off "check for updates". Anything new since last posts in 2014
Last reply by servetas, -
- 0 replies
-fixed- Sorry everyone for wasting your time here!
Last reply by Jordan - simB6, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone know of a link to the current, v7 .csv structures? Or does anyone know what they are? I am trying to migrate to phpvms from VAM and need to import all the airport data and all my routes and I can't find the expected structure that it is looking for anywhere. Ideally I would like to find them for adding pilots and planes as well, but I REALLY need to find out for the airports and routes, as my VAM site is going to be useless probably within a couple of weeks.. Thanks in advance. john croft
Last reply by ProAvia, -
.htaccess file included it phpVMS
by Guest- 3 replies
Hey, So i was thinking and i thought that it might make alot of sense and decrease ALOT of theft if phpVMS included a .htaccess file. Just a thought.. AND: Sorry about posting this here, thought about were to post it for like 10 mins :-P lol
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 0 replies
Hello Guys, I can't find my .htaccess file and when i try to access a website page on my website it prompts me with the error "No input file specified."Is there a way to get the .htaccess file? Thanks and I have read the other topics but none of them seem to show the fix. Regards, Carl
Last reply by Carlton, -
- 0 replies
Hello Guys! My .htaccess file seems to be not on my website and when I try to access a page on my website it says "No input file specified." I have read all of the posts about the .htaccess file but none seem to show the answer. Please Help! Regards, Carl
Last reply by Carlton, -
- 31 replies
Hi guys, I've been trying to get this to work now for a while, so I thought that someone here may be able to help me. I'm trying to make the URL rewrite work so that I can remove index.php from phpVMS. I've already been trying myself so the URL Rewrite function in phpVMS is already set to true, I really would like to be able to remove the index.php so if anyone has done this before and can help me it would be much appreciated. Regards Jamie
Last reply by mahir, -
- 4 replies
I continue to receive an Unhandled exception error every few seconds saying some process cannot access the receive.xml file, see screen shot below. Screenshot Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
- 6 replies
Can you protect a .php file, so when an admin logs in they can acess the php file.. This code does not work for .php <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { Debug::showCritical('Please login first'); die(); } if(!PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { Debug::showCritical('Unauthorized access'); die(); } ?> I Really need this, and i cannot make the php file intoa .tpl If this is possible please let me know
Last reply by Jason, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone! I accidentally deleted the download database. I would like, please, can you share with me the file (.sql) to create the download database again. Thank you.
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 7 replies
Good day. On our Flight Scheduels, the Add to Bid button doesnt work. When clicked, after about 10 seconds it sends the user to a white page and the bid doesnt count. How do I fix this?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hello again, We are trying to setup phpVMS on our new website. Our phpVMS will work at But the thing is i am getting an error like: Warning: opendir(/var/www/vhosts/ [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Ive noticted that it says /var/www/vhosts/ but my domain is So i did some search and problem caused by "core/codon.config.php" line 46 it says define('SITE_ROOT', str_replace('core', '', dirname(__FILE__))); so it's replaceing "core" word and it's causing the not loading modules. when i change it to: define('SITE_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); then path i…
Last reply by IsUp, -
- 2 replies
Simple question (hopefully); can someone explain to me the purpose of the 'online' field in the 'acarsdata' table? Thanks in advance. Tim Walters
Last reply by algaeholics, -
'Passenger' ticket price
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello, well so far 5 days into phpvms, awesome backbone, just skinning and setting up all the different things, I've ran into a little ******.. right now my company is losing money because each passenger is paying "0.00" pounds. Example: FLIGHT DETAILS Gross Revenue: (184 load / £ 0.00 per unit £ 0.00 Fuel Cost: (2133.24 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit) This may be a complete newb question, but how do I change this 0 value to something else? like 70 pounds. I've looked in local.config.php, FinanceData.class.php (I thought I was onto something in that file, but php beats me.) and of course the tpl that it's outputting to.. so how can I change the price of a unit? Thank…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
'Website Under Construcion' page? [SOLVED]
by Guest itrobb- 2 replies
Hi again, How can I create a 'Coming Soon' or 'Under Construction' page for my website? I am currently in maintenance mode in my local.config.php, but I want a little more than just a message. I want a large background image (which I have already made) that says 'Coming Soon' etc, then I'll make a form field for visitors to be notified of changes, but I can handle that bit. Would I do it on my index.php and make a redirect to it from my base URL?
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi again, I'm skinning my page and learning something new about it everyday. I guess I got promoted from "noob" to "a little less noob" I noticed a string "" on the left-top corner of the page background. It's present even on the default skin, so I guess I made mistake somewhere in "core" folder. Can anyone have an idea where should I look for it? That's the page: Thanks in advance.
Last reply by servetas, -
- 7 replies
Im trying to add an airport to the list but after i add the airport it dosent appear
Last reply by Conor, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, Long time no speak since Ive had to reinstall the OS, as well as being health- impeared for a bit! I have a question, used the search, but no cigar. In My Airline, I have over 40 pilots. It is very hard to go through and mark each of them inactive, etc. Is there any Code Snippets, that any of yall' know of, that can help me get these pilots not only marks them inactive, (as shown in the local.config) that can automatically remove them from the Pilot roster, if they do not complete a Preset number of flights in a preset number of days?
Last reply by Dyl962, -
- 19 replies
phpvms PHP: 7.2 Skin: blue ice v2 P7 mysql 5.6, md 10.2 Can someone help me please? I have been trying to figure out why I can't add aircrafts. I get the error message "cannot add aircraft". How do I turn on error reporting? I have searched the forum but can't find what I am looking for. Thank You.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 6 replies
Hi I've recently had to change from the Zumeweb theme because when people try to register they get an error saying. "Could not open socket" Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? MiniJ
Last reply by JakeSCloud,