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285 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Who do i contact regarding my vacentral account? I cant log in to it.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, what is the difference between the black number and the number in green in brackets? Mattia
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 0 replies
I've changed my email address on my va central account and can no longer login, please help!!
Last reply by mattsmith, -
- 7 replies
I get this error after that phpvms are back. FAILED exporting PIREP #13305 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #(nº of 115 pireps not sent) - No response from API server Any idea? Thanks!
Last reply by Channex001, -
- 0 replies
I would like to remove this on the front page of my site if someone would help me out Thanks. <div id="sidebar"> <h3>Recent Reports</h3>
Last reply by FiveStar001, -
- 0 replies
Hi guy's could some one tell me how I can remove this at the bottom after adding this code to the <DIV> <?php echo $page_content;?> content I seem to get this at the bottom now how can I remove it or link to a page not this page. I have this code in another DIV at the top of the page Reports and New Pilots . Thanks Tom Sherratt FIVE STAR 001 CEO Site: This is my first time I made this Template from Photoshop and Dreamweaver so any tips would be great Thanks.
Last reply by FiveStar001, -
- 6 replies
Hi All!, I was wondering whether anyone had any tips on how to improve VA finances, we use the Live Fuel Price and try to use the real world ticket price in $ as i believe this is the currency the system runs on. Any input is appreciated
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 1 reply
hello, its been almost a week im trying to reset my password for vacentral, i do receve the weekly report but when ever i try resetting my password i never the password reset email. please assist.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, For quite some time i've shouting to some help at the forum. Here the problem: In my VA, when I'm flying the livemap it works nicelly, but if I go to vacentral livemap it dont apears anything, does anyone had the same problem? But the pireps they are sent and show. Help please. Bruno
Last reply by bteixeira, -
- 5 replies
Hello guys, in past months our flight was regularly shown in va central live map, but from about 10 days it doesn't work. What can be happened?
Last reply by bteixeira, -
- 1 reply
Hi, some users of our va mailed me, that they 'googled' their names and found plenty of results from VA Central and they are quite unhappy with this. Is there an option to hide the surename in VA Central or to sent just the first name? In our VA guests are not allowed to see the pilot list, it's part of the protection of data privacy. thx
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 2 replies
Hi. I made a post yesterday but there was a mistake. When I click EDIT and make the changes, it says "TypeError: Can not read property "getText" of undefined" Help - thanks. Tim
Last reply by tmurphy31a, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, I along with many other pilots and staff at my VA have been wondering how the points system works. Do they change depending on how well you do the flight or the length/time etc? If anyone could tell me that would be great as many people know the more points you have the more people will see you to join. We have been doing many short hops to get points but wif it is better to do hours we would like to do them. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance Oli
Last reply by OT1999, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
ok this is two questions 1. i am looking for a flight board addon that tell users and visitors what flights are online 2. My VA flys on ivao and i was wondering if i could have my site do automatic pireps from ivao servers
Last reply by bward624, -
- 1 reply
va central not getting stats from my website . can any one help me with this please ? i was all working on my old server but i moved to a new one and had to start using phpvms dev
Last reply by bteixeira, -
- 3 replies
could someone tell me how this is possible? Pilots: 11 PIREPS: 301 Flights: 260 Hours: 0.00 yeah like that makes scence ​I would appreciate it if somebody could give me an help on this problem
Last reply by sparky, -
- 3 replies
I am getting an error when trying to go to the homepage now. No changes were made prior to this error, anyone seen this before? "Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in /home4/usvafus/public_html/vaf/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 436" And this is the code on line 436: public static function saveAvatar($code, $pilotid, $_FILES) again no changes were made prior to this error.. it just happen over night.. weird.
Last reply by Topgun, -
- 7 replies
Hi Guys, I'm not sure I'm the only one, but I've had intermittent issues with vacentral in the past few weeks, and its sometimes affecting my site, so I'm not a happy chappy! On my homepage I have the vacentral rank and score displayed, but it often happens that the vacentral site can't be reached and I get a barrage of errors on the homepage. Also, sometimes filing pireps is very slow. I don't know for certain if this is due to the site sending the pirep to vacentral or due to some other issue? But often the slow loading of homepage and the pirep issue go together! So far, this could all be down to my provider ie the server on which my site is hosted not being fast…
Last reply by mischka, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hello, I registered last week and I installed the API key; but I'm not even post any PIREP I always get this error: FAILED exporting PIREP # 240 - No response from API server SOLVED
Last reply by Caporrella, -
- 2 replies
Notice: The template file "/home/httpd/vhosts/" doesn't exist in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 231
Last reply by cam3r0ngt, -
- 5 replies
Somehow the Diagram showing the average pireps isn't working on our profile at vaCentral. Is there something we're doing wrong or is it an issue with vaCentral? Thanks in advance. Lauritz
Last reply by skylineVirtual, -
At the end of September our VA was hacked and we had to start over. We reregistered our VA and slowly started climbing the numbers again. 2 days ago we were at #195 with around "82" points but now today I see we are back at #225 with "0" points. What happened? Scott
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 0 replies
hello, how to add a aircraft listing please. i find nothing about this in the forum. i already add my airport because i found a list, but for the aircrafts ? thank you all
Last reply by chiropra, -
- 0 replies
I read this in Va central tips & tricks: Enter proper flight times in your schedules How work this? we must set the departure & arrive time in admin panel (edit schedule), or is enough with flight time? If a pilot takes more time than specified or less remove points in va central? How win points? Regards!
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello All guys, My virtual airline unfortunately is not developed by PHPvms , its developed by another framework (jBussemaker Web Development and IPS ) It was not a problem for me , i saw this documentation ( , and it was really helpful. I managed to connect to the website's API and send the XMLs that contains the data. Problem is , since then , my score is always 51 ( even that the virtual airline is active ) , many pilots fly every day. I am sure something is wrong. bec. yesterday score is always 0 . I send my va data one time every day ( contains my number of pilots , no o…
Last reply by ahmed30, -
- 1 reply
Hi All how do I know if I'm using real fuel prices in phpvms so I get the correct charges when my pirep is updated to VaCentral ?
Last reply by OA01, -
- 5 replies
how do i add vacentral to my website, will it work with a free website
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I would like to know how I can solve the problem for this error when i send de Flight plan "No Log File For that company/pilot". Here is the stages which I make on fsacars : --select company --aircraft on departure airport -- Flight Plan --START LOG --Start Flight dump When my flight is finished : --stop log --send log (checked my VA ID-pilot number) --I received an error message as "No log file for that company/pilot" Thank You !
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible that when we change frequency on FSX the frequency becomes moldy in mumble? Thank you
Last reply by massilia68, -
- 2 replies
hello everybody im quite new to phpvms i have it up and running with 2 logged flights. i have a quick question though is there a way i can limit a pilots location for example "jon fly's from ksan to klax in a crj700 with the tail sign NCRJ7" is there a way i can make it so he can not leave klax unless he fly's to another airport in the aircraft he got there in or like buy a ticket to a new airport. i am more interested in the aircraft location stays at destination airport than the pilot location because i want my pilots to have the ability to fly where ever they want.
Last reply by PlumbBum,