Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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From the Pyramids to the Acropolis, we cross centuries of history through the Mediterranean Sea. Our History and cultures were marked by those two ancient worlds and still is today. Just think of the Papyrus and the Olympic games. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, May 19th, 2012 at 09h00edt (13h00z) for our May 2012 Fly-In where we will depart from Cairo (HECA), capital of Egypt, to Athens (LGAV), capital of Greece. Although not required, we highly recommend that you install the add-on sceneries in order to truly appreciate the beauty and the landmarks of both countries. This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what you…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 10 replies
Virgin America Virtual is Now open and accepting pilots and staff applications. To apply for a staff position you must be at least 16 years of age have a decent amount of experience in the field in which you apply visit take a look at the staff positions available and send me an email to I will respond as soon as possible thanks.
Last reply by Ariel, -
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This month, we are going to change things up a bit. We are giving you a departure airport and you get to pick your destination. Sounds easy enough right, so what’s the challenge? The Challenge is to fly as far away from the departure airport as possible and land within VFR fuel reserve of 15 minutes. Starting at The Pitt Meadows airport (CYPK) and you are required to load the Canadian Xpress® DeHavilland Dash 6-Q300 (DHC6) with a copilot, yourself, and 50% fuel and head north east in to the BC interior. The DeHavilland Dash 6-Q300 is not a pressurized aircraft. Portable oxygen is available; however you can only stay on portable oxygen for a maximum of 15 minutes for …
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 14 replies
Hey guys im the PResident of We are currently using kacars as an acars but were looking to change and buy a custom acars. We are willing to pay a reasonable amount for a custom acars that can have the following. -Php coding for websites. -Live tracking -Pilot Roster -Individual pilot logbooks for all crewmembers for the website(that shows rank, hours,last flight flown etc.) -Mission/Tour Module -Checkride capability -Fuel Planning -Flexible admin settings(able to change anything we want) We would prefer something that is compatable with Fsx, Fs2004, and possibly X-plane if possible. Our current website is My contact informati…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 7 replies
Coming soon! - The third VA in our Virgin Virtual Group; Virgin America Virtual. Need we say more?
Last reply by DAL3, -
- 1 reply
To celebrate the opening of Emprex Air we are inviting all pilots to come join us on Our Great Canadian Adventure..... We will be holding a three day event travelling all cross Canadian with different tasks to complete during the way. We will start the first leg at 18:00 hours on May 20th, leaving Canadian's Toronto airport heading West towards...... if you are instrested and would like to come and join us for a few hours of laughs then please let me know.. The details for connection will be posted on here one hour before the start. The first leg is prop aircraft only....
Last reply by tr1ck3tt, -
- 13 replies
-- NA --
Last reply by freshJet, -
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Emprex Air Virtual are due to launch towards the end of this month, and we are looking to hire some new staff. We are looking for : Vice CEO Route Directors for our Regional, Domestic, International, Cargo and Shuttle routes. if you are intrested please send me an email to just telling me which role you would like to apply for and also a little bit about yourself and why you would like to join the team at Emprex Air
Last reply by ThomasCookVA, -
- 22 replies
With pleasure I would like to say we have some exciting news. There is going to be a new VA in the community, Virgin America Virtual. Today we have received rights from Virgin to create this virtual airline. Within in the next two months is when we plan on opening this va to the public. Be sure to stay updated on the progress at as we will be posting updates on the progress. We hope to see you there when we open!
Last reply by twelka, -
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Visit JWA A new LCC based out of San Diego with an east-coast hub in Washington, DC. We operate 737s and CRJs across the U.S., plus serve vacation destinations in Hawaii, Mexico, and the Caribbean. We offer charter and executive flights as incentives, plus weekend 'free-flights' in GA aircraft. New to VA's? Our 'Career Mode' puts you on track to earning your wings and success in the air - advance from a student in your hometown to a senior airline captain! Jetwave :: Riding the Wave. Coast to Coast.
Last reply by Jetwave, -
Hi, Currently we are collection information from a wide range of sources with information of what they think about our Air UK Virtual. We would like you to give your opinons on what you think about the airline. Comments both good and bad are needed. Post your you opinions on: Website Images Layout Content of the website and anything more you can think off. No comment is too bad. Many thanks chris
Last reply by chris2, -
- 3 replies
Air Serbia Virtual is extremely proud and honored to announce that on the 23rd of April we celebrated our first year of existence! In these days when numerous VAs start-up and die out, we feel that this is a big accomplishment! During this period we have accomplished many things but we believe that this is only a start, to what will be a great adventure for all of us. Some of the things we are proud of: - Air Serbia is Serbia's leading virtual airline with over 150-250 monthly flights. - Air Serbia is a VATSIM partner and an Authorized Training Organization certified to give out P1 ratings. - Air Serbia is the first virtual airline to become a VATEUD partner. - Air…
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 2 replies
Thank you to all the PHPVMS staff and Star One Pilot for helping get OUR VA started and running smooth, and in 5 and half months time Star One Alliance VA has broke the 5,000 HOUR Flight time WITH OUR VA. We work hard and WE MADE IT... If you looking for a VA with active pilots and great staff please check us out at Teamspeak :
Last reply by brianatc30, -
- 4 replies
hi all, i introduce myself, i'm a italian man of 46 years old, and i like very much simulators. i have play for 2 years with FSX for many VA, but now i have choose to star my first one company. i'm not a web-master and a programmer, i have try to do my best with use the open web-space that they do all the job. i need someone for increase this nice VA, and other people to join us like pilots or staff. take a look here: and tell me what you think. i also look for a person that show me what to do with the kacars that i have download and i don't know where to put or how to setup. thank very much to you that you have read. Lucia…
Last reply by vanews, -
- 1 reply
Hello guys I have just made a small update to our Policy and Operations Manual and it made me think, what does your OM look like? Do you even have one? Here is mine: Please leave feedback and tell me what you think. Also, post tips for us, less experienced CEOs, what we should and shouldn't include etc. Leave links to your OMs. P.S I am aware that I have forgot to change the date below the version number, I will change that in the morning.
Last reply by Sava, -
Virtual Delta Airlines Launched!
by Guest- 12 replies
Today was a very special day for vDAL. Virtual Delta Airlines was launched today, Sunday, April 15th 2012. vDAL offers its own custom ACARS tracking system and many other unique things including a custom pilot center.vDAL Strives to mock and copy the real world operations of Delta Airlines. We offer (at this time) over 400 Flights a day and growing, also, with schedules updated monthly.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 4 replies
Alaska Airlines Virtual had began planning on February 10, 2012 and had began creating our website the following day. Here at Alaska Airlines Virtual we will never give anyone a check-ride or an exam to reach another rank in the airline. We feel that flight simulation is a hobby so there is no need for exams or tests. Our staff team is highly qualified and trained to be apart of the staff. All of the staff here have been running on simulators for atleast 2 years and some of us even more. We welcome everyone even if you just purchased the simulator to come and fly with us. We would love to have you fly with us and participate in Teamspeak and events. Why not sign up now? …
Last reply by freshJet, -
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"THE ONLY WAY TO FLY" = Star One Alliance VA Welcome! Here at Star One Alliance Virtual, (also known as Jet-Star, or JTS), we strive to recreate real world airline operations as close as possible. We achieve this by the strong backing of pilots and staff, and their enjoyment being here, which in turn makes our airline what it is today. Star One Alliance Virtual is based out of many hubs along with its focus cities. We have a large selection of routes: 11,100 and growing. Our fleet consists of most modern day Boeing and Airbus airliners, and many more. Some of our airlines consist of; South West, Delta, JetBlue, and Hawaiian, and we have cargo too, including FedEx, UPS, a…
Last reply by brianatc30, -
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Canadian Xpress® VFRiday is our weekly informal VFR event that takes place on the VATSIM network every Friday night at 21h00edt (01h00z) where we fly to different area each week. Whether you fly Direct, VOR to VOR or with your GPS, you will discover that flying VFR is a lot of fun and the scenery is spectacular. Sign up as a pilot with Canadian Xpress® today by visiting, choose your favorite Canadian Xpress® prop aircraft and join us on our TeamSpeak3 Server for a lot of fun!
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 1 reply
AALV Has had a great month so far with 50 hrs already logged with 22 flights. Off to a great start for the month! Coming to a total of 1053 Hrs!
Last reply by servetas, -
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AAvirtual has decided to start limiting registrations. We will now only allow up to 350 pilots to join our ranks. Upon registering you are given a random code which can be used to track your application. The staff and I were wondering what you guys think of something like this? Is it a bit to much or is it more or less reasonable in order for organization,etc.? is the website URL. Ada
Last reply by mark1million, -
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Last reply by Toyuko, -
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Emirates Virtual is one of the newest and most modern virtual airline open to date. Emirates Virtual recreates the real world operations of Emirates Airlines as close as possible using Microsoft Flight Simulator. Our main hub is Dubai International Airport (OMDB). You can fly flights on the VATSIM or IVAO network or offline as you wish to do so. We have a simple and easy to use ACARS system which is very user friendly and very easy to use in which pilots log their flights. Why not sign up and see one of the fastest growing airlines and the most exciting virtual airline the web can offer you. Join Us Now: Here are some of our features: - Send oth…
Last reply by andycool1993, -
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Tonight, April 08, 2012 marks a very big milestone for Legend Air. We have reached and surpassed the 500 flight/800 hour mark! Our pilots have been working very hard to get us to this point, and I am very proud of how the airline is coming along. We hope to pass the 1,000 hour mark here in the next couple of weeks and put a big dent in our mission for 1000 flights!
Last reply by hollinst, -
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March 27, 2012 - Sun Country Virtual Hits 300 Hours! We did it again and again! Another 100 hours of flight submited! As of April 08, 2012, Sun Country Virtual has hit over 300 hours of flight with 106 PIREPs filed! What a great acheviement! Let's keep aiming for 500 hours shall we? Target Date? Sure, let's hit 500 hours by May 31st, 2012! Get those hours and PIREPs in
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 1 reply
We present a new skin for the airline and open the door to new Spanish-speaking Pilots. I would like to thank all members of the forum with your comments have helped us to give this result Queremos presentar el nuevo skin de la aerolinea y abre las puertas a nuevos pilotos de habla hispana. Quisiera dar las gracias a todos los miembros del foro, que con sus comentarios nos han ayudado a darle este resultado.
Last reply by twelka3, -
- 7 replies
We are a virtual airline basing our operations on the national carrier of Ireland.We have been in service for seven years,and are well established within the flight simulator community.We fly using our partner networks IVAO and Vatsim.No flight logging client is required unless you wish to fly offline.It is all automatically handled for you.With our Teamspeak 3 server being operational,there is no limit to the help you can recieve if you need it.We are a friendly,and active virtual airline.We hold our own regular events,as well as participating in our partner network events as well.Our main aim is to make your flight simulator experience as real as you want it to be,and m…
Last reply by uladh, -
- 12 replies
Hello, I am starting a new airliner. Lufthansa Virtual I Am now trying to introduce all schedules. As in real life they are flown. - Flight numbers are really - Airplanes are really - Times are really Only i miss 1 thing. the real lufthansa live map. "see picture" Maybe can anyone help me with that? There are more than 10,000 schedules because I'm also doing all connection flights. (i have now more than 300 schedule. So a lot of work to do) soon more information. Michael Kraan
Last reply by michael Kraan, -
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Captains & Pilots, Virtual American Airlines would like to send a warm invite to our site. Virtual American Airlines now taking applications for staff and pilots for a relaxed, Adult , professional, and educating experience. We are not going to boast about how good we are, nor how big we are. We are just inviting you to come and enjoy the flight experience that we offer. Are you bored with your present Virtual Airline ? Are you doing the same old thing week after week ? Are you tired of the of your Va trying to copy the other fella ? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to make a change! Here at Virtual American Airlines we offer a profe…
Last reply by VAA100, -
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Emirates Virtual is one of the newest and most modern Virtual Airline open to date. Emirates Virtual recreates the real world operations of Emirates Airlines as close as possible using Microsoft Flight Simulator. Our main hub is Dubai International. Flights can be flown on the VATSIM & IVAO network or offline if wish to do so. We have a simple and easy to use acars system which is very user friendly, which pilots will use to log their flights. Why not sign up and see what one of the fastest growing and most exciting virtual airlines the web can offer you! Join Us Now - Here are some of our features: Emirates Airline feat…
Last reply by EmiratesVA,