Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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Hi guys!, if you like fly with the Boeing 737., I'm glad to say you that wj-virtual is for you. Our goal is to simulate Westjet flight operations as realistically as possible and are proud to offer a fun and relaxed environment for our members to enjoy the excitement of flight. Many developments and new modules will be in place in the future to get the VA active. Will also have many "Tour" and Event". FYI: We are also recruiting staff members. See our forum more details. Enjoy
Last reply by elfrost, -
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Deletion of thread
Last reply by InsitusGroupVice, -
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From the Pyramids to the Acropolis, we cross centuries of history through the Mediterranean Sea. Our History and cultures were marked by those two ancient worlds and still is today. Just think of the Papyrus and the Olympic games. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, May 19th, 2012 at 09h00edt (13h00z) for our May 2012 Fly-In where we will depart from Cairo (HECA), capital of Egypt, to Athens (LGAV), capital of Greece. Although not required, we highly recommend that you install the add-on sceneries in order to truly appreciate the beauty and the landmarks of both countries. This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what you…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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I am setting up a new Virtual Group and need some dedicated flight simmers to help me! TUI Virtual Group will give pilots the choice between 7 different airlines in 1 group, each with it's own pilot centre and management. ✈️ Initially, I need two members to join the team so that we can scope out a full plan and get working on the VG. ✈️ If you're interested and want to apply, you can do so here! LINK: ✈️ If you want more info, feel free to message me Best Regards Abe Allen - TUI Virtual Group CEO
Last reply by abeallen16, -
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VroomJet Virtual is the future of virtual online flying. We provide fast, convenient, and good value for money flight for the professional businessman and the holiday maker; putting the vroom into your flying! With our ever growing route network, modern fleet of aircraft and professional website you can take your virtual pilot career to a whole new level by choosing to fly with VroomJet Virtual. Interested? Well please standby because we are coming soon!
Last reply by CPC900, -
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Hey Guys, I've begun working on a new VA.... wel its one that I had the concept for a long time ago and never got round to doing.. but given that my background is largely in Military "Stuff" I thought id post here for volunteers or people who may be interested in getting involved. In particular I'm looking for people with repaint experience and experience of setting up effective flight schedules. The concept.. I dont want to reveal too much, but the basic concept is a VA that exclusively flys into and out of THE most challenging airfields around the world. Smaller Hubs but some really hazardous challenging flying in a range of fixed and rotary aircraft. If this is the…
Last reply by bunoire14, -
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Contact: Michael Schwartz E-mail: A farewell to phpvms For the last few months BMI Baby Virtual has been fairly quiet. This is due to the fact that we have been developing our new custom system. Since BMI Baby Virtual was created over a year ago we have utilized the phpvms system. Our corporate offices have decided that in order to enhance our operations and expand it is necessary for us to develop our own system where we will have the maximum customization possible. We would like to thank all persons involved in the product…
Last reply by tutmeister, -
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Today marks Malaysia Virtual Airlines 10th birthday. We have had our ups and downs, our fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds, we have hit some turbulance but have kept on flying. Regards Daniel Counahan CEO of MVA
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Flex Virtual Airlines For Sale Included in the sale are all the PMDG Liveries, smartCARS, and Website. Price for Domains And Website Alone: $35 Smartcars2 Acars Tracker & PMDG Liveries incl: $70 Please let me know if interested via email or message. Regards Rory Mulcahy
Last reply by jordanm1977, -
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The newly painted 767-300 has arrived in Amsterdam! See the screenshot below!!
Last reply by Jeff, -
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A new italian VA... for pilots that enjoy to fly with friends IVP VA ibnet service (see instructions at pilots forum at
Last reply by CVV001, -
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Hi there, We're a small group of friends aiming at funding a virtual airline based on realism and pleasure. We're almost all set and need some help to grown up and finish lining up the site. Feel free to give a hi ! Regards, Charles B.
Last reply by freshJet, -
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For the positions below if interested please send myself a private message here on the forums and i will give further details as well as information to get on board with us. Aircraft Repainter : Looking for someone that is dedicated as well as skilled with aircraft repainting. This member will be on our administration team for aircraft repaints and is available until further notice once filled i will be sure to mark it filled here on the forums. Social Media Manager: The Social Media Manager will be responsible for our instagram page as well as facebook for posting new content to keep us updated within the social community Best Regards, Vbegi…
Last reply by smokey68, -
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Good Afternoon, I have been working hard on getting my VA up and running, however I was wondering if people could give it a look over and check it for bugs etc... I've been through it and it seems pretty solid and I know there are a few issues I need to sort out like the front page and also the download area is not there but I am currently doing that. If you have any ideas or tips that would be great. My URL is: Thanks in advance Scott
Last reply by drury211, -
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Hi all, Silverjet-VA is in need of a livery designer to join our VA,
Last reply by flightsimcreator, -
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GreenJetGreenJet Virtual as now open, we are seeking staff and pilots @ The fleet dc-9-30s a320-232 b767-300 b717-200
Last reply by wheeler, -
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The Sun has risen in the north, and the warm weather is melting the ice and snow in Northern Canada. This warm weather has also melted the ice roads leading to the mines of Northern Canada. This means no more trucks and until next November, so until then, everything has to come and go by air. This month we are packing up the Canadian Xpress® Boeing 737-200F which is available to all pilots regardless of rank, but only for this challenge and heading north out of Edmonton (CYEG) for the gold mine at Lupin (CYWO). Once fully unloaded, you’ll jump over to Yellowknife (CYZF). There are no fuel facilities at Lupin, so you will need to plan your fuel wisely. You need to fly…
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Monarch Virtual now recruiting pilots and staff members, Any former Monarch pilots require a home you're very welcome back. We are not affiliated with Monarch In Any Form. Visit us today at Regards, The Monarch Team.
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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Hello all, If anyone is interested in a staff position with our recently new VA ( please email me at We have the following positions open (all descriptions can be emailed upon request): Vatsim Manager & Event Coordinator IVAO Manager & Event Coordinator Assistant Manager Financial Manager Pilot Activity Auditor Interview will be conducted on teamspeak. If you are reading this post we are STILL hiring. It will be deleted or edited once all positions are filled. Thanks.
Last reply by yorgosGK, -
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Good Evening Ladies and Gents Im going to be making an airline called British Atlantic, You may think that name is familiar, if you are then your right, its a mix between British Airways and Virgin Atlantic. Im hoping this airline will become a success but for that to happen I need you, Yes you, No dont look away..... I want to know what you want the airline to have (serious ideas only please ) and what we shouldent have. Im going to be also looking for a few staff, keep it small at the start, I would be grateful if someone could make a logo and liverys for the airline. Would prefer people with experience in the airline industry. I will also be looking for pilots to i…
Last reply by moonpeach, -
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Good Evening all... As I am preparing to open the doors of my new VA, I find that this is a community and not a solo act. So with this all in mind I am currently looking for Management to help run and promote this new exciting project with me. Whilst I am waiting for the finshing touches for the site, I decided that it would be a good idea to get the ball rolling with other things for the VA. So if you think you have something to offer or want a challenge then get incontact with me for more details... This is something that shouldn't not be missed!! Kind Regards Scott Drury
Last reply by Scott, -
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The newest Southwest Virtual to the VA community is arriving this 9th of July, 2016! FEATURES UPON LAUNCH: A fully functional website, running on phpVMS Our smartCARS and custom vSWACARS(Coming after launch) system. Up-to-date schedules of the real-world Southwest Airlines, and the Southwest fleets. Support for FS2004,FSX,FSX-SE, X-Plane 9 and 10 and P3D. Hubs at Hartsfield, Dallas/Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Orlando International Airport, and Chicago Midway. Our very own TeamSpeak server OUR STAFF Dikembe Williams - Chief Executive Officer Brandon Willcockson - Chief Operating Officer Matt Nichols - Operations Manager Ryan Badger - Hub Manager KATL Cod…
Last reply by SouthwestVirtual, -
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Japan Airlines Virtual 2020: Press Release. Monday, February 24th, 2020 Japan Airlines Virtual (JAL Virtual), would like to make the formal announcement that we will be releasing our new website tentatively called JALV2020 on Wednesday, March 4th, 2020. After 6 months of development, and testing, we are proud to bring you a complete reboot of JAL Virtual from the ground up using the latest modern standards of internet today. We are bringing to the forefront the most modern system of any VA anywhere. Right here, right now. 2020 is a big year not only for us but for Japan as a whole, this year the Tokyo Olympics is happening and as the flag carrie…
Last reply by Toyuko, -
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So what airline would people like to see based out the UK and i would like ideas and also people to come up with information and ideas with me then i can brain storm and then come up with the final airline i was thinking a jet2 as there isnt a decent looking one
Last reply by StartVM, -
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Have you Checked our new website?
Last reply by joeri, -
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Does anyone want to help me and be a founding partner for a new VA I am trying to start up...All Nippon Virtual Airways, the counterpart to ANA please let me know ASAP if you're interested. You will receive a leadership position.
Last reply by gpscaria, -
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Air Serbia Virtual is extremely proud and honored to announce that on the 23rd of April we celebrated our first year of existence! In these days when numerous VAs start-up and die out, we feel that this is a big accomplishment! During this period we have accomplished many things but we believe that this is only a start, to what will be a great adventure for all of us. Some of the things we are proud of: - Air Serbia is Serbia's leading virtual airline with over 150-250 monthly flights. - Air Serbia is a VATSIM partner and an Authorized Training Organization certified to give out P1 ratings. - Air Serbia is the first virtual airline to become a VATEUD partner. - Air…
Last reply by freshJet, -
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Hello everyone, my name is David and I am the Vice President of Java Air Virtual. Java Air is an FSX virtual airline that is mainly based in Indonesia, but we do focused mostly on Asia, Europe and North America. We have started our business since June 6, 2015 and we are looking forward for you to joining our airline. Java Air is one of the best virtual airlines in the world. Java Air is a Virtual Airlines with a long-standing commitment to aviation enthusiast. Through the contributions and support from member which came from various profession who have same hobby, we've continue to grown rapidly. With these successful record we'll continue our journey and we'll give a…
Last reply by abush635, -
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Anyone interested Pls join us, we need pilots and some staff, HUM manager, webesigners and so ... Best wishes Mr.Shiljo
Last reply by shiljo, -
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We operate with five hubs all around the world, which means that one should have the opportunity to fly whereever they want - whenever they want. Our opening date will be December 28th. However, we are open to pre-hire pilots and they may start flying NOW! Please check our website: and apply now! - Paid staff - Custom VVACARS - Custom site - Friendly personnel - Discounts on payware products just for being a pilot! - Giveaways to pilots who win our competitions (pilot of the month, screenshot contest, etc.) - MUCH MORE!
Last reply by Taran,