Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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Dear all, as of summer 2011 i am releasing the BAe 146 VPA ( BAe 146 Virtual Pilots Association ) this is for all BAe 146 fans to join and log their flight through PHP VMS. The Bae VPA is more like a fan club where you can make new friends and be part of the ever growing dynamic friendly flying environment. We have already had also of interest about the BAe VPA which has shown there is a big target market for virtual 146 flyers. The BAe VPA is due to be open during the summer of 2011, please check out Facebook for more details. Staff positions are applicable so please do get in touch! Regards Harrison Hopwood Facebook Page:…
Last reply by Harryh, -
TropoSphere introduces TropoCharter
by Guest- 0 replies
A subdivision of our main airline TropoSphere has opened. This subdivision is TropoCharter. For those pilots favoring business aircraft and point-to-point charter flights TropoCharter is for you! We offer a range of business aircraft including the opportunity to fly those aircraft on our main route structure. Check out TropoSphere and TropoCharter at ! TropoSphere in brief: Based out of KJAX A wide range of destinations (US, Carib, Europe) Passenger, Cargo, and Business Charter Ops Half of the flights are less than 1.5 hours Ability to fly off network (VATSIM membership required though) Customized ACARS for MSFS xACARS compatibility…
- 7 replies
GLASGOW, SC - May 24th 2011 On 23rd May 2011, we signed a contract with Skylines for a single Boeing 757-200WL. The aircraft will be used on our seasonal summer route from Glasgow to Malta. The aircraft will be returned to Skylines in October this year. Visit Skylines --- ---
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 8 replies
[May 11, 2011] - Seattle, Washington - Legend Air Virtual Corporate Offices It brings me great pride to announce the release date for Legend Air's new beta site. During the afternoon/evening of May 26, 2011, Legend Air executives will be releasing the new site to the public as well as all of its features. The new site will bring the following to the new face of Legend Air: New, realistic, clean website layout customarily designed to perfection. New, clean, fleet v2.0 sporting the newest Legend Air baremetal livery that has only been seen in a few pictures. Legend Air's SkyAcademy to train pilots of any skill level as needed. SkyOne's standalone "IFS" application wi…
Last reply by hollinst, -
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In honor of celebrating the men and women who died for this country -- Virtual American Airlines will be joining a celebratory flight on VATSIM, Monday, May 30th, 2011 from 19z to 0300z, on Memorial Day 2011, it commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the military service, and on this day we will be showing our gratitude, by doing a flight to our Nations Capital (KDCA)from any departure point. Virtual American Airlines would like to invite everyone to join us on VATSIM starting around 1800z. I hope all of the Virtual Airlines can join us in celebrating this special moment. We hope to see you all there !
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
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Become A Pilot Now and Start flying with Air India Virtual! YouTube | Facebook | Twitter
Last reply by SkilledPilotA320, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, just came across this site so bear with us. We are an established V.A. we have been running for just over nine years, based around New Zealand and Australia. In the last few months we have also set up our own budget airline based in Gatwick. With all this we are looking to build on our allready established base, currently looking for more pilots that would like to fly around these areas. We have two weekly online flights, with our server using the same stuff Vatsim dose without all the rules. We are still doing PIREP'S the old way, but allways looking to bring in new things to help. We have a very full hanger of aircraft, with what we belive is to be the fir…
Last reply by wolfmanslack, -
- 3 replies
Good Evening all... As I am preparing to open the doors of my new VA, I find that this is a community and not a solo act. So with this all in mind I am currently looking for Management to help run and promote this new exciting project with me. Whilst I am waiting for the finshing touches for the site, I decided that it would be a good idea to get the ball rolling with other things for the VA. So if you think you have something to offer or want a challenge then get incontact with me for more details... This is something that shouldn't not be missed!! Kind Regards Scott Drury
Last reply by Scott, -
- 2 replies
To All VA Pilots, I would like to welcome all Pilots to oneworld virtual where I am striving to bring together an alliance of real carriers involved into Flight Simulator to not only provide a professional atmosphere but also a fun environment for all involved. I have taken my experience with multiple VA's and brought each of there best attributes into oneworld virtual. At this stage of the game we are currently working on the phpVMS template but I am hoping to be able to bring the website up within the next few days with limited functionality. A fully functional site is on the cards by the end of this month. We are located at and I would very …
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
1 Air Virtual Taking To The Skies
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello all My name is Josh Turrell im the CEO of the brand new 1 Air Virtual which will be opening in just a few days. We are looking for Mangement so if you are intrested contact me at The Pilot applictaions are Open. We offer a fantastic fleet of A318s,A320s and ERJ145s. As we progress thourgh the months and build up a few more pounds we will be looking in to buying a few more aircraft to add to our amazing collection. If you are intrested im becoming a pilot at 1 Air or would like to look round our site vist us at We are also planning on realsing a Brand new custom IFE (In-Flight Entertainment System) which will be implemented in to our a…
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
- 4 replies
ExecAir is actively seeking applications for staff vacancies as of today. You can find out more about the VA at the website: I will also be happy to answer any questions, either posted here or sent by email. We ask that all applicants are able to demonstrate that they have some relevant experience, and we are only accepting applications from people aged 18years and over. In addition, all those wishing, staff or pilot members, to join ExecAir will have to undertake an online exam, in which they will be asked 20 multiple choice questions on ExecAir, general avionic and flight simulator knowledge. It is essential that anyone applying reads the ExecAir Pil…
Last reply by stuartpb, -
- 5 replies
Some days later we noticed that this va has steal our award for Boeing 737 Type Rating . Unfortunately (for them) we also noticed that they have not upload this image on their server! They have take this link(='> )and use is to have the image online on their website. Yesterday this link was the image for the award but we change the image to another one. Check it . Kind Regards, Servetas George Greece Airways Virtual Vice Chief Executive Officer
Last reply by Cor, -
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City-Link Hello and welcome to City-Link , the UK's newest addition to the world of Virtual Airlines. Here at City-Link we offer routes that other virtual airlines can't offer. We fly around the UK to the biggest cities carrying passengers on our luxurious aircraft. We aim to offer the best service for Passengers and do our best to keep the price down. We hope all Pilots who join have a great time flying these short routes and flying the best aircraft we can offer. We hope you can join us today and have a great time at City-Link. Thank you! City-Link ~ Linking to UK together Fleet: Dornier 228 CRJ-700 737-300 Cessna Grand Caravan 208B Fokker 70 (more …
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone This VA is with my own custom name "BIRD VIRTUAL". We use XACARS,KACARS,FSACARS,FS Passengers & FS Flight Keeper to record your flights. We prefer all our New Pilots to use KACARS. Hubs OMDB CYYZ EGNX OMAA WMKK OPKC OPLA OTBD And new hubs are being added. Our Fleet ATR42 B737 B747 A380 B777 A321 Staff We highly need a FSAIRCRAFT repainter. Positions available Repaint M.D Members Manager Schedules Manager Fleet Manager PIREP Moderator Website: Regards CEO Bird Virtual
Last reply by joeri, -
New Thief on the block -
by Guest lorathon- 13 replies
Keep one hand on your hat and the other on your wallet. Jeff - His Site - Has stolen not only images from Phoenix Virtual Airways but also our schedules. I do not write this lightly. We are consulting with a lawyer and are planning legal action for infringement of our intellectual property. Evidence His Rank Images - Our Rank Images - Schedules His Flight BP1 - Our Flight BP1 - His Flight AC1 - Our Flight AC1 - I could go on and on......... look for yourself Not only this b…
Last reply by joeri, -
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Captains & Pilots, Virtual American Airlines would like to send a warm invite to our new site. Virtual American Airlines now taking applications for staff and pilots for a relaxed, professional, and educating experience. Were not going to boast about how good we are, nor how big we are. We are just inviting you to come and enjoy the flight experience that we offer. Virtual American Airlines offer its members a Team Speak3 server, a 24/7 FSX Dedicated Blade server for its members to fly online with fellow pilots, weekly and monthly scheduled events, Fleet downloads, Flight instruction to the new pilots and much much more. We know there are many (AA) Virtual …
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
Dragon Air Wales Virtual
by Guest- 0 replies
Welcome to the home of Dragon Air Wales Virtual . we are a VIRTUAL AIRLINE for users of FS2004 (FS9) or FSX. Simulating the operations of air wales, our philosophy is to ensure realism, as much as is possible within the confines of Flight Simulator. we have a strong online presence within both the va-Central and virtual skies online Air Traffic Control Services. We foster a strong sense of community through our forums and Group Flight events. please help us grow and join us
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Apply for Management Positions @ Air India Virtual? Click Here | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter |
Last reply by SkilledPilotA320, -
- 9 replies
Greetings, I was kinda upset that I didn't get to join the original Virtual Army. So, I decided to open a group, similar, but highly different. Features: Pirep - Automatic via IVAO or Vatsim Kacars, FSAcars, FSFK compatible Forums Knowledge Base documentation Wings/Division (Historic with updated airframes) Pilot Pay Ranks / Medals more to come.... I'd like to invite everyone interested. US Army Virtual Website
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 6 replies
Virtual United Airlines is proud to announce that we are open! Now accepting Pilot Applications at
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 11 replies
OK, I decided to create this because every VA forum I know is FULL of new VA owners constantly asking how to recruit pilots. I hope this guide helps, and also reduces, if not stops the number of people asking how to get pilots. 1. Have a Decent Name and Logo You should have taken a lot of thought on your airline's name. I know a lot that have really stupid names that I will not mention. Make sure you have a professional logo and it matches your airline's style. Don't have a low-quality image of a plane and then the name of your airline in a boring font. Consider getting someone to design one for you, however this may come with a small fee. 2. Make Press Releases Not …
Last reply by Ehrhardt, -
- 6 replies
Zip Virtual Airlines has just been officially opened. We are accepting members & starting flights! ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Zip Virtual Airlines is an international virtual airline that services many major cities within the United States & Canada. Our main hubs are located in: Toronto (Canada) Edmonton (Canada) Vancouver (Canada) Seattle (USA) Las Vegas (USA) Miami (USA) New York (USA) Our fleet consist of Boeing 737-800 series in 4 different colors. Furthermore, we are also looking for VA Pilots with extensive VA experience to fill management po…
Last reply by Alien595, -
Hi all we have started a new charter VA for Australia Check it out at We operate in the eastern states of Australia have a large livery. We are not a Heavy Metal VA. We operate with 50 to 4 seat aircraft. Do All sorts of charter Regular fly in fly out, crew changes for mining company's, Executive Charters, Small scale charters Holidays etc. We have added Medi-Vac flights to our charter list, these are medical retrieval flights from Australia to South East Asia, and other off shore destinations. They are flown in a variety of aircraft such as the Falcon F10 or 2000, the Beech Craft B350 and the Polatus PC12. There is a new one each week. …
Last reply by mark1million, -
Hello to everyone again, it's been a good while since I posted here. With my studies at uni, and work and family commitments, I haven't had much spare time to keep up to date here or to get any flight time in. Anyways, it's coming up to the summer hols, so I thought I would get cracking on a new project. I'm creating a new VA website, but I'm not actively seeking to grow it. It's more of a project for me, but I will be using the VA system to log my own flights etc. Again I chose phpVMS as the platform, as I love it! I also love the addons that SimPilot created, so it was a no brainer. I've just started the skinning of the stock install today for the VA website, I had no c…
Last reply by stuartpb, -
- 7 replies
Dear All why not join the new virtual airline virtual qatar airways. Start your VIRTUAL FLYING carrear with Virtual Qatar Airways now!. Schedules have been updated as well as our website has also been updated. So Join us now ! Regards
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by Fly Global Virtual, -
- 4 replies
Virtual United Airlines is now hiring staff for the Following positions: Web Tech (desperately need as I am having problems with getting phpvms running.) Chief Operations Officer VP of Human Resources VP of Scheduling VP of Fleet All other Positions will be hired after I have filled these. Please send me an e-mail at ceo at virtualunitedairlines dot com, the Position you are applying for and I will e-mail you back with a copy of the Operations guide, and if you have skype, my skype address.
Last reply by Steve Bartlett, -
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Last reply by wheeler, -
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Dutchess Air Virtual is now open for business ! We are a group of flight sim enthusiasts who love small airline Operations. We seek to emulate airline operations with flight simulation by immersing our pilots in a realistic environment based on the real airline operations. Our website provides valuable resources to make flying more realistic and enjoyable ! Currently seeking experience people for our management team. So if you want to help build a VA from the ground up based on small airlines operations then check us out.
Last reply by ssting34, -
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Skybus Current Fleet crj200,crj900,a319,757-300,767-300.The hubs are now Orlando,St.loius,and Los angeles.Our Focus city is John Wayne orange county.Skybus still flies into Canada,Mexico, and the Carribbean.Skybus will order the a318 "Babybus" in the near future. Our a319,757,and 767 fleet are all 180 minute ETOPS compliant,so we do have a319s leaving the coastal states for Hawaii. feel free to have a look around and join if you would like too. now accepting pilot and staff applications!!!!
Last reply by wheeler,