Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1237 topics in this forum
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My name is Michael Poole I am CEO of Star Systems, I ah e created a virtual Airline based off British Airline West Atlantic. My business idea is to be able to create as close to life like simulation for pilots from being able to use a fully updated CMS system that allows only 1 pilot to fly a certain flight once that flights has been flown the aircraft and pilot will have to do the return leg otherwise they would be stranded like in real life. The administration side of things is where it will be close to real as possible, so CEO or Operations will be able to purchase, lease or sell aircraft to gain money for there airline to be able to maintain full fiancial …
Last reply by Michael2015, -
Phoenix Virtual Airways
by Guest lorathon- 12 replies
We feel that we've created a truly unique virtual airline that exemplifies exactly what a VA should be; a laid back enviroment where each pilot can choose how they serve their hobby. We strive to maintain a VA that is free from drama and politics that seem to permiate the flight sim community. Our primary goal is for our members to enjoy flying and have some fun, period. We want our members to be comfortable, no matter what their experience level is. In the coming weeks and months, we will be rolling out various programs to help train the inexperienced and challange the most experienced virtual aviator. It is our intention to offer something for everyone! Our custom…
Last reply by hitanshthakur, -
I am finally getting around to working on my personal VA after several months of putting it off. I would like to participate with vaCentral but I see that there's a fine if you don't have expenses setup. Unfortunately I really don't have any idea what I should be doing for expenses. Could anyone give me some ideas on how to handle this?
Last reply by Michael2015, -
- 3 replies
All info:
Last reply by atulumello, -
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Flex Virtual is now open for pilots. We have the following positions open, should one interested you please email us we look forward to hearing from you. The Chief Operations DirectorChief Flight Instructor, Experience essential PR, Social Media and Comms Director (Flight simulation knowledge an advantage)Schedule OfficerEvents Officer Training Officers Please send an email to if you are interested,
Last reply by Matthieu, -
- 0 replies
Hello All, Unfortunately due to circumstances outside of my control, I must step down as CEO at Fly Monarch Virtual, if you are interested in this position please reply to here or email Kindest Regards, Rory Mulcahy, CEO Fly Monarch Virtual, The Virtual Monarch Group.
Last reply by RoryMul, -
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We're looking for new volunteers to join our small staff team to help develop the organisation. We are looking for web developers to build systems in PHP and SQL, we are currently working on open sourcing all of our services to make it easier to track changes to developments. We have a number of projects that we need to be completed, ranging from skinning phpVMS to creating a custom mentoring system. As part of our team you'll help to contribute to the rapid expansion of a new community and training academy within the flight simulation community. If you're interested in joining, please submit the application form at Multi…
Last reply by HCStrike, -
- 2 replies
Flex Virtual Airlines are looking at filling the following positions as soon as possible. Are you wanting to start your virtual Airline Carer? Are you looking for a new role? Are you looking for something different? Well here at Flex we need you. If you might be interested in any of these roles please email us. Chief Operations Director, Experience essential Chief Flight Instructor, Experience essential PR, Social Media and Comms Director (Flight simulation knowledge an advantage) Schedule Officer Events Officer …
Last reply by Matthieu, -
- 0 replies
Hello, HeartOne Airlines is a virtual airline that is planned to be released in early April... We need a web designer (Staff) That will be consistant with the airline in building and updating our site. We currently cannot offer any form of payment so we ask that someone who would like to be important to a lot of people and help us be the best to come and Join us! We will provide you your own custom email... Personal Lounge (Discord) etc etc... We can guarantee that somewhere down the line we will be paying our developers to represent how hard they have worked for this airline! Thank You HeartOne Airlines CEO
Last reply by HeartOneVirtual, -
- 4 replies
SAS Virtual Group 2 for sale! ----------------------------------------------------- 495 pilots! Minimum of 4 pirep a day, normally 10+ a day. Comes with 1216 input routes Full time smartCARS - no pay Multiple modules worth £20-£40 and more £250 - open to negotiation ----------------------------------------------------- Virtual Monarch for sale! ----------------------------------------------------- 393 pilots! Minimum of 1 pirep a day, normally 4 a day. Comes with 1549 input routes Full time smartCARS 2 - no pay Multiple modules worth £20-£40 and more …
Last reply by Morgan, -
- 1 reply
Flex Virtual Airlines For Sale Included in the sale are all the PMDG Liveries, smartCARS, and Website. Price for Domains And Website Alone: $35 Smartcars2 Acars Tracker & PMDG Liveries incl: $70 Please let me know if interested via email or message. Regards Rory Mulcahy
Last reply by jordanm1977, -
- 3 replies
Hello guys my name is Mason and im the CEO of Jet2 Virtual, Our VA is brand new and is fresh out the packet. We are looking for staff members to join Any thing without a name could be yours. If you feel you have what it takes please leave a message down below. YOU NEED TO BE ACTIVE. Thanks, Mason
Last reply by Madcreepez, -
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Hey guys, Im the CEO of Jet2Virtual and i am coming to you guys as we need staff at this moment in time. Our website is We have a few positions open at the minute and im willing to give anyone a chance as long as they are responsible. if you are interested then please send me and email at i would love hearing from all of you. even if you dont want to be staff you can always sign up and use our awesome custom bots and custom ACARS Discord - Thanks - Mason(CEO)
Last reply by Madcreepez, -
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Good Evening, I Michael Poole CEO of vWest Atlantic welcome all pilots to have a look at this wonderfull new VA we are going to be simulating all operations from West Atalantic using a different sub fleet instead of the fleet due to limits in FSX and P3D, All staff positions are open within the Airline for more information feel free to visit us at
Last reply by Michael2015, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, urgently required aircraft livery repainter. fleet there to be done. cash waiting!!! APPLY NOW!!
Last reply by VectoringDesigns, -
- 0 replies
We are pleased to announce that Virtual Silver Airways is open for business. Offering schedules from Florida to Bahamas, Cuba, and beyond. We will be looking to fill staff positions as soon as possible. Please feel free to drop by, as you are always welcome. A special Thank you to 209 studios for their templates and support. Thank you.
Last reply by TVA703, -
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Hello, I am looking to hire the following members of staff, vceo, flight director, hub director and a few other positions. If your interested email
Last reply by VectoringDesigns, -
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VAs do Brasil S/A Somos uma aliança de vas que operam no brasil, virtual airlines reais e virtuais. Nosso foco é em uma aliança entre amigos para uma simulação de qualidade seguindo o realismo ou por hobby. Nosso foco é dar a opção aos membros, fazer com que eles tenham o lado sério da aviação e também o lado da brincadeira em um voo VFR. Atualmente estamos com mais de 400 membros que não são obrigados a cumprir metas, com isso temos maiores resultados. Aqui damos a livre escolha e oportunidade aos membros. Nossa aliança possui mais de 30 companhias aéreas, todas operantes no brasil na vida real e também temos companhias aéreas fictícias…
Last reply by VAsdoBrasil, -
- 4 replies
I am looking for someone experienced in phpVMS as I am only a virtual pilot willing to fly there. To me - after nearly 2000 hrs flying online - the Himalaya region is the most challenging and beautiful to fly. I think there is more people like me to for flying in DHC-6, Do-228 VFR. The VA would be imitating local airliners to have 16 destinations (VNKT,VNPK, VNLK....). Cheers
Last reply by marpilot, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, I was was wondering if anyone would be able to help with a new Livery for my va. We have 737-600/700/800 Majestic Dash 8 Q400 77L 77W 744 and also 789. Pm me if you can Cheers
Last reply by VectoringDesigns, -
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Hello Everybody. My Name is Tristan Ken and I am the Vice CEO of Hermes Airlines Group Virtual. Hermes Airlines Group Virtual founded in 12.10.2017 based in south korea (VATSIM KOREA DIVISION) is a full service virtual airline made for flight sim enthusiast,and now are still in making and development currently we have 3 staffs and in need of staffs to help our airline,we are now recruiting international staffs with the following positions: Secretary to the CEO : assistant to the CEO for daily operations. Marketing Team:Responsible for promoting the airline. Webmaster: They are the ones who manage our airline website and ACARS system. Project …
Last reply by TristanKen, -
- 3 replies
hello; I am looking for airline for sale are there to help in this matter Thank you
Last reply by Matthieu, -
- 2 replies
For the positions below if interested please send myself a private message here on the forums and i will give further details as well as information to get on board with us. Aircraft Repainter : Looking for someone that is dedicated as well as skilled with aircraft repainting. This member will be on our administration team for aircraft repaints and is available until further notice once filled i will be sure to mark it filled here on the forums. Social Media Manager: The Social Media Manager will be responsible for our instagram page as well as facebook for posting new content to keep us updated within the social community Best Regards, Vbegi…
Last reply by smokey68, -
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I need a webmaster that can put in sometime to setup a new phpVMS VA. Please email me at Thanks
Last reply by Idahosnoman, -
- 3 replies
Disney Air has partnered with FS-Products to release a very customized ACARS system (Disney Air Operations) for all Disney Air Pilots. Come and see what Disney Air has to offer! Images:
- 1 reply
Hello all, Just gonna upload the new POH here. Tell me what you guys think. Thanks, Anthony Edwards SkyWings Virtual Airlines
Last reply by atulumello, -
- 9 replies
We will be closing, but I will still be involved with phpvms, and I am looking to fly for another Airline, would love some invites, its been real and thank you so much, I will still be around lol. Jungle Jimbo
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys, I wanting to get more involved with a Va. I'm not sure If I make my own or buy a already going Va. Would you be able to help me with some pros and cons, whats the average cost of setting one up or whats the average cost of buying one already going. Many Thanks
Last reply by marpilot, -
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Last reply by st852, -
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With pleasure I announce the continental Virtual Airlines, we simulate the operations of the CIA with international and national routes of Brazil. Come and be part of this team:
Last reply by Ernani1968,