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623 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm in desperate need of some repaints. Willing to pay. I need: B738 NGX PMDG PMDG T7 200 Level D 767 Maybe an Aerosoft A320 and or 19? Regards PS: Skype: mylesgc Email: Or PM Me on here
Last reply by Curshad, -
Hey! Happy new Year!
by Guest- 1 reply
[Retracted] Thanks for all the interest!
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
We're working on two projects for two regions. I have logos and design mostly set for one project, and I have logos and an incomplete design for another project. I'd like a skillful painter to create these starting with the PMDG 737-800WL and the PMDG 777-300ER with other aircraft to follow. I will also be needing someone to help out with a skin in the near future.
Last reply by ncd200, -
- 5 replies
Hello All i am looking for a custom download module or a custome page is there annybody who is offering this or has it already?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Looking for a painter to start with the PMDG 777-300ER and PMDG 737-800WL. I already have a design, and logos. PM me with an offer and a link to some examples of paints you have done.
Last reply by Adelen, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I'm looking for somebody who could be create & design in new project of our website. Regards, Vahid
Last reply by Vahid, -
- 6 replies
To whom it may concern, Virtual ValuJet Airlines has returned with a new look! At this time, the website is the final component to re-launching. 70% of the website has been designed and integrated with PHPVMS. Requesting that a qualified developer complete the website and be available during operations in order to make necessary changes/updates. Required Knowledge: - Prior web development experience - HTML - CSS - Javascript - Flash The website can be found at Thank You, The Virtual ValuJet Team
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 5 replies
Hi. Sorry for my bad english! I want a module like a realschedule, the pilots must fly from their last destination and they can only jumpseat after X flights. I also want lock the airplanes in the last position aswell, so if a pilot want to take a 722 he must fly to where the airplane is atm. I also have some other ideas for the future, if we make a deal and your work is good we can keep making deals. PS: I can only send payments through paypal; Im using kACARS free for now, I already sent the e-mail to jeffrey abou the purchase; e-mail / - thanks
Last reply by Junior, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I currently have a lot of free time and this will be the case until the end of January. I am ready to take on some projects for a very competitive price. Unfortunley my website is down, possibly until the end of year, therfore I am providing my portfolio at the alternative site. My services vary... I offer services like installation, maintanence, module design & implementation, custom template design & implementation and many more. If it's not on the list, ask! I'm here to answer your questions. I also offer two ready to use modules. Dispatch module(20GBP) and phpVMS comments widget(10GBP) or 25GBP for a bundle. To get more info about them, contact me! …
Last reply by MaciejO, -
- 1 reply
I'm looking for somebody who could create my virtual airline a couple of liveries for Majestic Dash 8-Q400 & Aerosoft A318, A319, A320 & A321. Please PM me and we can negotiate about exact design & price.
Last reply by FScamp, -
- 3 replies
New routes! AA - American Airline with codeshare AB- Air Berlin AC- Air Canada AD- Azul AE- Madarin Airlines AF- Air France AH- Air Algerie AI- Air India AK- Asian Express AM- Aeromexico AR- Aerolineas Argentinas AS- Alaska Airlines AT- Royal Air Morroco AV- Avianca AY- Finnair AZ- Alitalia B6- Jet Blue B2- Belarusian Airlines B7- Uni Air B9- Iran Air BA- British Airways (updated and revised) BC- Sky Mark Airlines BE- FlyBe BG- Biman Bangladesh Airlines BK- Okay Airways BM- BMI regional BR- EVA Airways BT- Air Baltic CA- Air China CI- China Airlines CM- Copa Airlines CX- Cathay Pacific CY- Cyprus CZ- China Southern DE- Condor DL- Delta…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello, How much would people charge too build me a separate live dispatch system? Regards
Last reply by StartVM, -
FS-Products Announcement - New Option & Christmas Sale
by Guest lorathon- 7 replies
Newest Option Flight Mapping - This new option allows the pilot to watch his/her progress. It will display the route (based on the navdata table in phpVMS - this should be at least updated with the FREE FS-Products navdata table SQL) The map will also display the flown route of the aircraft. A pilot many then watch as the flown route moves along with the route. See screenshots below. Customizing As always, if you ever need anything special or anything that I currently do not offer, all you need to do is ask. I have now written over 150+ custom ACARS systems. Many of my long term customers have added many new and interesting features to their own custom system. I…
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Is there anyone that can help me with converting a psd Template to phpvms. Off course i am willing to pay for it. Kindly regards, Rick Winkelman
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I need an ACARS tracker for my VA, what ACARS trackers or people to buy custom ACARS from. I was going to use cACARS from Crazycreatives but it had a huge surge in clients so he is no longer offering it. Does anyone know of some complex ACARS trackers like Thanks in advance, Chris
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 4 replies
I'm pleased to announce the VRTS - Virtual Remote Training System: the most complete VA training system to date! The Virtual Remote Training System, or VRTS, is a complete training system built especially for virtual airlines. The VRTS runs separately from the main website, but is heavily linked to it. It uses the VA's user accounts and trainees won't even notice that the VRTS is a separate system. Currently the VRTS is compatible with the IPS CMS or phpVMS. The main feature of the VRTS is the VRTS Live system which allows trainers to track their trainee’s aircraft live via their browsers; they can see the position of the aircraft on a map, along with the posi…
Last reply by ChrisTaylor, -
- 2 replies
Ok Im looking for a repait for my aerosoft airbus a319 using this as the paint different and will pay extra for the added stuff lol I know its for the 737 but rather it for the airbus thanks I can send repaint kit if needed
Last reply by jusromaine, -
- 19 replies
Vdelta is looking to pay $10.00 a image and need three of them. We are looking for HD Delta aircraft around 3 different city's "has to be from any flight sim you choose. We will be semi choosy So please don't be upset if we say no. Thanks email me or pm me thanks Plz send a copy of your image and plz run transparent "copy" thru it thanks to add to it need to add award images mainly vatsim p1-p9 and more
Last reply by jusromaine, -
Hello All, I wanted to price up someone to do a Electronic Flight Bag for my va. At the moment, i'm only looking for prices! Regards, Myles
Last reply by jusromaine, -
- 2 replies
Hello everybody, We created a new Italian Virtual Airline, but need an help with coding the phpvms platform. We don't ask you to do it for free, but I hope you will not be very expensive We will insert a "donate" button so we expect to pay for these services. If you want to apply, please contact me via private message. Thanks for reading. Sincerely, Andrea
Last reply by PausNefzen, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi there, I have my API key from flightaware and i'm wondering if t can be possibe to have a search form using that for my Va. I mean, be able to search any real flights in the flightware database I know that I will need to pay per search or something like that. Or I could have a script using my API to download one time the actual flight scheduling and then, I 'll upate it in my admin panel . Thank you
Last reply by elfrost, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Haven't been on here in ages and not sure if this is the right place exactly... I'm in need of a custom ACARS by a developer with experience. I'm aiming for something that can be used without bugs interfering, in addition to it having a nice interface and good features/functionality. The catch is: We use a custom system very similar to PHPvms and if you're a good coder then it should be as easy to accomplish it. Don't criticize because I don't use it, there is nowhere else to find someone experienced to do it and I need it soon. Give me a price, I'll pay it, you make it, and we'll be done. (be reasonable, money doesn't grow on trees )
Last reply by Shepred, -
- 8 replies
Looking for someone to make a Pilot Centre a very good one and give me a price on it please our VA website is here look forward to answer
Last reply by Sava, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I am offering my Support to new people who want help setting up there VA's i have set up 4 Va's for people over the last few months as well as learning how to skin and do php code i will be offering this to the first 3 people who ask PM me for more information
Last reply by servetas, -
- 2 replies
Good evening, i'm Italian, and i want create a Virtual Airline. But i need a Web Designer, for create the site (via phpVMS). Do you know any web designer who makes websites to virtual airline? Thanks. Bye. Ciao a tutti, voglio creare un'aerolinea virtuale, ed ho bisogno di un web designer per sistemare la grafica, i temlplate e tutto, tramite phpVMS. Conoscete qualcuno che fa questo tipo di lavoro? Grazie ciao.
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 0 replies
I'm happy to announce a new phpVMS module: OnlineCheck for phpVMS This module uses the IPS (Integrated Pirep System) to keep the IVAO/VATSIM data feed up-to-date and then uses this data to determine if a flight is logged online or not. Features: - Detect if flights are flown on IVAO or VATSIM - Display network on live map - Display network in client field in pirep - Add comment to pirep stating that flight was flown online and on which network For just €40 it's yours and we will do the installation for you (if you want)! Please contact us via our website if you are interested.
Last reply by Jasper Bussemaker, -
- 4 replies
I need someone to install phpvms for me. if you can do this email me at
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I am more than happy to announce that we have launched two new major services. We have launched a DIY Flightaware Schedule data puller, and a DIY phpVMS deployment system. Both services are new to the community and not offered by any other groups. Below you can read about each service individually. DIY Flightaware Schedule data puller – This service has been in planning for a while and truly revolutionizes the way the community can retrieve schedules. Previously this service was offered through a manual solution and often was delayed and data could be rather old. Now you purchase as many unlock keys as you desire and pull the data yourself; when your feeling up…
- 3 replies
Greetings virtual airlines/virtual airline owners this is an advertisement to virtual airlines who realistically operate based on the operations of a real world counterpart. I'm thinking of doing a premium scheduling service to airlines who wish to operate real world schedules, registration, fleet, etc. that the real world airline uses. But before I can do that I need a virtual airline to test on. If you'd like to BETA test these schedules, feel free to inboX me or message me at No significant website data or admin access will be needed however your va must run via Phpvms.
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I'd like a price for paints to be done for the following. In silverjet colours google "silverjet" images for the paint. PMDG NGX PMDG 772 CS 772 Level d 767 CS 767 Airbus x I have done reprints with the NGX and the level d 767 so I may do those myself, dependant on prices.
Last reply by ltslack,