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623 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hi guys i have a fully functional website but what it is i need a website designer to make me a flightboad who have arrival and departures and also if the flight is ontime or delayed?
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi guys, Is there someone provide services for creating a custom pilot dashboards for my VA Thanks. Regards,
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 8 replies
Hey there everybody I'm currently trying to be focusing on the main foundation of my virtual airline which is the website. I am currently seeking someone who will either 1-Design our website or 2-Join my Web Development team for my virtual airline. The kind of template I'm looking for is something abit like in terms of content and we would also be paying for -Custom ACARS -Team Speak Set up. We'll be dealing with domain payment and also we would prefer if our custom ACARS wen't with a departure board like the one at the bottom of this website The price range I'm looking at is betwee…
- 11 replies
Hey guys, I am looking for a talented person that can create a customized skin for my VA, AirTran Virtual Airlines. I am now free to any messages and emails unlike last time when I was very inactive. I am searching for a great offer on a customized skin! Website: Thanks for your time, - Alex
Last reply by AlexS, -
- 2 replies
Hello Who should I conact if I want to get custom booking system and Acars? Thanks
Last reply by Strider, -
- 2 replies
I'm looking for somebody to create me some paints for my virtual airline. I have the livery design already done for some other aircraft, thus you would only need to replicate the existing design on other models. I'm looking for paints for all of the following models, all of them for FSX: PMDG 737-700W PMDG 737-800W Aerosoft A320 Extended Leonardo Maddog Flight 1/Coolsky DC-9 Captain Sim 767-200 Captain Sim 727-200 Captain Sim 707 Majestic Dash 8-Q400 Black Box A330-200 & A330-300 I would be willing to pay about 35 dollars / livery, of course we can negotiate about this. Please contact me eiher through PM or to my email LivingFS(at)
Last reply by ukmil, -
- 2 replies
Hello. I am usually the one offering services, but this time I am requesting some help in the area where I am not so proficient. Anyhow, I am looking for the following repaints. Digital Aviation Fokker 100 LevelD 767-300ER iFly 737NG Flight 1 ATR 72 PMDG MD 11 All aircraft should be painted for both FS9 and FSX. From what I understand, it is just a matter of exporting it in a different way from PhotoShop. You will be provided with an NGX paintkit already in our colors, the logos and colors to use. Your job is to recreate the livery from the NGX paintkit on the mentioned addons. You don't have to make a new design, just repaint the one we have. I am looking for a…
Last reply by reachva, -
- 0 replies
Hi, For InterVA, Inter Virtual Airlines (, we are lookig up repainter for Wilco 737 EVO / FSX and 50N 737. I'm waiting to hear you guys. Thank you.
Last reply by InterVA, -
- 2 replies
Webdesigner wanted for my Virtual Airline, KLM-v. Paid, but at a reasonable price. PM me for more info's...
- 0 replies
- 1.9k views With PHPVMS installed... there is some one who would for us to do the shik? Please include the price in your message. Thanks
Last reply by fcolirf, -
- 6 replies
I'm currently starting a virtual airline and is looking for a webdesigner for my upcoming fictionally based virtual airline which will be released in June of 2014. We have already decided the name which will be Golden wings airways. Now we are currently looking for a web designer who is good with css and phpvms. This webdesigner will be paid at a reasonable price. If you're up for the job just email me at or just leave a comment below and I'll get back to you.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 0 replies
Hi everybody my name is Mctair Grant and I am starting a virtual airline which is expected to be released in June 10th 2014. We are looking for a livery designer who can design aircraft and logo's for any of the listed simulators Flight gear FSX and some other simulators We're also looking for a negotiable price. If you feel that you are up to the challenge free to email me at for more information. You must be able to design atleast 3the following types Chrome Pearl Stripes Dynamic writing Hy dimension imagery
Last reply by Dalvin121, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I am looking for someone to design a layout design for my soon-to-be Virtual Airline website. It will be Alaska Virtual Airlines, and will need somewhat of a classy design, please research the real world airline for inspiration and make it look like it could be a real world airline website. I do not need a coder, just a design and coulour scheme for the layout of my site. I would also need a drop down menu design included. You may be brought on as a staff member of our virtual airline to design other items such as aCARS, signatures, logos, etc. depending upon how well you do. Shoot me a number at and we can see if we can work somethi…
Last reply by Tkelley96, -
- 3 replies
Hello I am currently looking for a graphics designer for a simple project. They will need to make awards images/banners and come up with a neat award idea for each image at the same time. I would need 25-50 awards done with the option for more. The payment will be negotiated between client (myself) and the graphics designer. An example of what i am looking for would be like this: I could very well do this myself, but i am very busy with work now, so my time is limited. Thank You
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I would like to have a new logo for my airliner.only I have no idea how and what.I been busy with photoshop, but always came to the desired result. I hope someone wants to make a logo for me. of course I pay for!
Last reply by bteixeira, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 1 reply
Good day! Please contact me if anyone is available to build a VA site. Cheers!
Last reply by Sava, -
- 1 reply
Mile High Hosted Shared Hosting | VPS | VPN | Shared Exchange | Dedicated Servers Our Website: **50% off offer!!** Right now when you use the coupon code : UHFMW0YM2TIS34IA you will get 50% off any of our shared hosting plans for the life of your account! Locations offered: Chicago, IL Dallas, TX Montréal, CA Starter Hosting - 2.95 per Month : Order here! 5GB RAID Storage 25GB Bandwidth cPanel Softaculous Business Hosting - 4.95 per Month : Order here! 10GB RAID Storage 50GB Bandwidth cPanel Softaculous Preimium Hosting - 6.95 per Month : Order here! 15GB RAID Storage 75GB Bandwidth cPanel Softaculous Ultimate Hosting - 9…
Last reply by Sammy, -
- 18 replies
Hi there, I'd like to offer the phpVMS community my humble web development services and fleet painting. I decided to do this, to raise some cash into the hosting and possible development of my own airline. I can offer the community mainly skinning services, from A to Z with some basic PHP and MySQL developments. Therefore, my prices are relatively cheap. Process PM me or Skype (through PM haha) with the order details (what you'd like to see on the site, any examples). The pricing is discussed individually, depending on what you're requirements are. I do not stop with the web development of the website until you are entirely satisfied with it. Once you order a website w…
Last reply by HighFlyerPL185, -
- 0 replies
Hi Friend ... I am setting up a Virtual Airline, I need someone to skin the website for me as paid service, I want it done perfect and beautiful, no time wasters. My Email if intrested, thanks.
Last reply by Muhammad, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys, because some of you had asked about my modules i have decided to share some of the modules that i have created for hellenic airways as payware. Currently the following Modules are released: Company Routes Search Vacancies Administration Executive Flights Division I'll release a few more modules within the next day when i get the chance to have the Hellenic Airways styling removed from the templates and to change some functions to make it work on standard phpVMS installations. Besides that i'm still offering phpVMS skinning at You can get the stuff at Crazycreatives. Please understand that all modules are payware as i originally h…
Last reply by biokemisten, -
- 8 replies
PhpVMS members we have a deal for you today, over the past week we introduced our "only a penny" promo but now we have a special just for PhpVMS users! What Mile High Hosting is giving you today is the first five members to sign up for any hosting plan using promo code: PHPVMS get the first 3 months of cPanel hosting for FREE! Our Server Specifications: 16GB RAM 1TB HDD Intel i5 Processor - 4 Cores cPanel If the promo gets completely gets used up we might extend another five, if all you can always try us for a penny! Using promo code: ONEPENNY We Hope you try us out and we look forward to being your host! If you have a question please open a support ticket through …
Last reply by Sammy, -
- 4 replies
I'm pleased to announce the VRTS - Virtual Remote Training System: the most complete VA training system to date! The Virtual Remote Training System, or VRTS, is a complete training system built especially for virtual airlines. The VRTS runs separately from the main website, but is heavily linked to it. It uses the VA's user accounts and trainees won't even notice that the VRTS is a separate system. Currently the VRTS is compatible with the IPS CMS or phpVMS. The main feature of the VRTS is the VRTS Live system which allows trainers to track their trainee’s aircraft live via their browsers; they can see the position of the aircraft on a map, along with the posi…
Last reply by ChrisTaylor, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I am trying to see if someone can help me out with a new SKIN for the VA and help me out with the website and get it looking better. If you call me on skype or teamspeak we can talk about prices skype name : ksmq-nj teamspeak IP Address : thank you Brian (CEO)
Last reply by brianatc30, -
New News Module - FSP News
by Guest lorathon- 1 reply
FS-Products is announcing a new module that is available for purchase. A News Module that has commenting ability and also rating ability. This module comes with a user friendly settings page that allows customization without having to change the code. If you don't want ratings than you can shut it off. If you don't want comments, shut it off. No template changing necessary. More information available at
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, My name is Amer Lawand and i'm the Chief Executive Officer for Qatar Virtual Airways. I recently purchased web hosting but now in order to import phpvms onto my website, I want a custom made template the duplicates or something that looks relative to the actual Qatar Airways website. I also really liked Air Malaysia Virtual's website template ( I want it to look professional and modern. Additionally I don't want something pricey. Please be reasonable. Thanks.
Last reply by servetas, -
- 11 replies
Hello all. I re opened FsPaintShop this week. I will be ready to take orders very soon. Check out the new site here.
Last reply by Dalvin121, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I am looking for someone who knows PHP to create a script for me. My VA uses an online server, away from PHPVMS, which is FSD based. I need an online map creating in PHP that reads the flat text file created by the server, and plots the aircraft posiitions etc on a map. Anyone?
Last reply by josh90, -
- 0 replies
Hello, After developing Taba which is an airport in Egypt, I've decided to offer a service for scenery creation. This means ground plans based on the real airports (Gates, runways, taxiways, buildings - all in the correct places) unfortunately this doesn't include custom modeled building as what you would expect in a Aerosoft packages but it does include the correct placement of building that are included in the FSX SDK. However I can correctly place all of the airports facilitation into the correct locations including buses, terminals buildings such as fire stations and even static A/C. The work will be Attribution 3.0 Unported so you can distribute and change it. Obv…
Last reply by avdesigns,