Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
Cheap TS3 Servers!!
by Guest- 0 replies
Hey Guys, Pacific Hosting just started hosting CHEAP TS3 servers. If you interested visit We add new packages daily! Check it out today! Thanks, Ryan Palmer
Hello phpVMS, I would like to take a few minutes to let everyone know about the new and improved FSPremier! A while back we were in operation and became very backed up with orders, our lead designer also started having RW problems that created even more backups in the system than before. After this, one of our staff members deleted all of the content and files from the FSPremier site and email center then began posting fraudulent topics on various forums bashing FSPremier (We are still in "battle" with them trying to get all of the wrong sorted out in court). Since then we have totally rebuilt ourselves and the way we operate. Two orders have been received and filled si…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 12 replies
Hi, We are in the process to renew and re-upload our Fleet and we need some help. We are talking about several aircrafts, anywhere from 12 to 25 at least and we are willing to contract a fixed price per repaint. Please contact me if interested at to further discuss timeframe and details. Thanks William M.
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
Need Custom ACARS
by Guest- 7 replies
Hey, Ryan Here... I am interested in a Custom ACARS application, sort of like USACARS From im willing to pay a bit of money for this and was just curious if it was possible. Thanks PM Me if you interested..
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 5 replies
Looking for someone to make some banners etc. for the site. if available contact me via email
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, Alright, first off, I know this is probably an impossible request but I figured I might give it a go. Second, I know nothing about coding in phpVMS or any other web coding type stuff, only bare basic HTML. So needless to say, I am in desprate need of somebody who knows how to work with phpVMS to help me with a few things. Now, I already have a template to use, so full website making is NOT needed. All I need is someone who can take said template and customize it to the needs of my airline. I have a logo and can make the majority of the graphics nessacary. Here is a basic rundown of what I need done: Change logo's and graphics/background to the graphics I p…
Last reply by AndrewOne77, -
- 1 reply
Looking for some one to make me a new skin southwest airlines kinda like not saying to copy or anything but I love the happy and let's go flying feel shoot me an email at thanks
Last reply by William, -
- 0 replies
Hello Everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a great offer! If you are looking to start a Virtual Airline, and need Web Hosting then this could be for you. WebHosting for many people is quite daunting and we can help to give you the support that you need. If you order our basic, standard or advanced hosting then we can also install and configure phpVMS for you as well, we can also assist with things such as installing templates, editing the code and helping you to succeed in running a Virtual Airline, Flying Group or Virtual Military! The most basic package that is hosted in a UK datacentre, is only £3.50 GBP. We are an english company but can al…
Last reply by WillMorgan0711, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I'm looking for liveries for A32F, A332, A343 and A346 (from Wilco) for a new virtual airline. Already have logos. Anyone interested in doing that work? Thanks. Tony
Last reply by jb123, -
- 0 replies
looking to have an Skymiles Moduler add on. It would work based on so many flights and how long the flights are. and thin after so many they would be able to buy things. off the site. any ideas to improve things and stuff let me know. Thanks
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 7 replies
Did vasolutions go under or what I need some work from there. But when I try going to there site its blank. Thanks
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys im the PResident of We are currently using kacars as an acars but were looking to change and buy a custom acars. We are willing to pay a reasonable amount for a custom acars that can have the following. -Php coding for websites. -Live tracking -Pilot Roster -Individual pilot logbooks for all crewmembers for the website(that shows rank, hours,last flight flown etc.) -Mission/Tour Module -Checkride capability -Fuel Planning -Flexible admin settings(able to change anything we want) We would prefer something that is compatable with Fsx, Fs2004, and possibly X-plane if possible. Our current website is My contact informati…
- 2 replies
I am looking for a developer familiar with the FlightAware data service ( ) and can integrate the flight schedules data into phpVMS.
Last reply by jeffking, -
- 0 replies
I'm still offering skinning services for phpVMS whether it be for a whole site layout or just a page. I have got a ready made skin for sale for GBP£45 ono that can be customised to your liking for a possible extra charge depending on how muhc you want it customised. It includes dropdown menus and an image rotator, PM me if you are interested in this skin. Any other skin enquiries can be made via PM. Jon
Last reply by Jon, -
- 16 replies
--I didn't know where to post this ad, because I have a server that doesn't have much stuff ran so this isn't technically paid services..-- I'll be giving away free 24/7 teamspeak servers to anyone who wants them, as long as its used for vatsim stuff. 5 servers will be up for grabs, anyone who wants one just reply and/or go to port 9987) You can pick the port and have the server adminship. Just leave a reply! (I have a non-profit license)
Last reply by Beastt, -
- 5 replies
I have looked through the listings here in the paid services for someone to build the visual design portion of a phpvms site for me and they all seem to be no longer online or offering services of this kind or fighting amongst themselves. The one that I found that still seems to be accepting work has it posted on their site to expect at least 48 hours for a response which does not appeal to me. Does anyone have any suggestions for designers that are familair with the phpvms system?
Last reply by jeffking, -
- 0 replies
We need a repainter that paint some aircrafts FSX FS9 and X-plane Please come pm me Thank you Brian (CEO)
Last reply by brianatc30, -
- 7 replies
Right guys and girls I have a mission for you all... The mission is for a custom module that allows me to send data from one website to another. Similar to that of VA Central but instead to another VA... Any takers?
Last reply by Strider, -
- 12 replies
Good Morning all I have tried to make myself I have not managed Repaints, unfortunately, this. With pleasure I is to be paid ready a little bit for it. We use currently the C206Stationair of Carenado for we a Livery need Of course(Naturally) also for a Freeware machine. The Paints are needed for Fs9 and FSX Maybe somebody is also found for us makes and would like to have nothing.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone! I am starting a VPS company that will offer budget and premium VPS. I was hoping to get some input from the phpVMS community about this. I've set up a poll for part of the information I'd like to gather. I'm planning to open servers for VPS hosting in the US and all around the world. Budget VPS 10GB Disk Space 256MB Memory 100GB Bandwidth 1 IP Address Starts from $4.99 Premium VPS 20GB Disk Space 256MB Memory 200GB Bandwidth 1 IP Address Starts from $14.99 These aren't the only VPS packages offered but they're the first package of each stage. Let me know what you think. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 3 replies
Hello phpVMS, Well for quite some time, I've been larking the phpVMS community along with several others. I've been doing personal/private development for several virtual airline(s), But I have decided to expand my services to the public. Essentially I understand that Virtual Airlines are 'non for profit', Therefore it's understandable to not charge much for a virtual airline service. So what I am offering is my service(s) towards to the phpVMS community and expanding areas. I have a list below of what I can do; Custom Module Development (PHP/MySQL) Custom Acars Applications Custom Website Design Premade Website Development Search Engine Optimization Integration S…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Looking for someone to reprint a Virtual Airline Fleet- paid Sent out emails to three reprainters and never received a response. This only entails reprinting the default FSX 208 and a freeware Beechcraft 1900C. A good job will guarantee repeat business. If possible also looking for someone to repaint Carenado A/C All services will be paid for. If anyone here has experience building or modifying FSX aircraft I would also pay for a VC improvement for the 1900C. Send an email to if you can help me out!
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
kACARS Customers
by Guest lorathon- 3 replies
I have finished a module for those customers that have the position reports upgrade installed on their custom kACARS. This module will create a kml (Google Earth) file that will display the flight path in Google Earth. If you wish to have a copy of it let me know. email me at The module is free. If you need me to install it for you, I will do this for free also. Thank you for your business. As always custom kACARS applications are available. New options coming soon.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
Ok, I cant bear with this anymore. all of these codes give me headachs! LOL. Here is the deal. I want a Completely custom Website. Colors, all of that Stuff. Money is not an option, and I am willing to pay up to $200 for this to be done! But here is the catch!: I would like this site to look like its a Custom ACARS system, but its not. Like, I dont want it to look like our site is with phpVMS, besides the "Powered by phpVMS" at the bottom. Nothing Againts phpVMS, but I just want it to look the best it can be . Someone please PM me with their portfolio or something. Thanks
Last reply by joeri, -
- 7 replies
Hello, My name is Austin and i am going to give you my testimonial of my experience with Jeff Kobus (The KACARS guy!) I had initially went with another ACARS developer which name i will not mention, Then i had switched back to Jeff as i felt his products were tons more reliable and a bit more user friendly. Jeff had provided a great experience to not only the customer but with the pilots too. He provided all of us a great system, fast and speedy support and most importantly great updates of the product in its development stages! Jeff is one of the best ACARS developers out there, i highly suggest you go with him because of his user friendly product, great support, beara…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
Now through March 15, 2012, FSPremier is offering 25% off on all packages and domains no matter what payment style you choose! With our plans starting at $5.00 a month, you are assured to get top notch hosting geared towards virtual airlines. Our hosting packages can be compared directly to many other "Standard" packages out there, and is cheaper too! Transfers from other hosting companies are quick and easy and can be completed in most cases over night. How does 10GB Disk Space, 100GB Bandwidth per month, Unlimited FTP accounts, Unlimited MySQL databases, Unlimited Sub-Domains, a 25% off code (FSP2012), all for only $5.00 a month sound? Head on over to www.fsp-hosting.…
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 11 replies
Hey Everyone! Jon
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 0 replies
Fellow Simmers, Virtual Airline Solutions is proud to announce the addition of custom created aircraft liveries for Flight Simulator 2004 and X. We offer repaints for low prices, and we can custom design anything you can imagine. Need a certain fleet repaint? Not a problem. For a single aircraft, designing a livery is our specialty. We can build it to your needs. Looking for an entire fleet to be repainted? We specialize in that as well. Our designs are of the highest quality for a low price. Send us an email: if you are interested.
Last reply by tylerj, -
- 1 reply
We are now accepting requests for modules/skins/acars. The prices are listed below: Modules - Start at $10.00 ( depending on complexity ) Skins - Start at $25.00 ( depending on complexity ) ACARS - $60.00 Base ( extra features are $10.00/per feature ) Take a look. at our past sites: Thank you! Orriginal post made by tylerj (just to get it open again without the other posts in there)
Last reply by tylerj, -
- 9 replies
I am currently looking for someone who can design nice looking logos at a nice price. Let me know if you are interested and I will send over the information on what I am looking for. Thanks Chad Donoghue
Last reply by simpilot,