Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Hello PHPVMS developers. I'm interested in a custom module that will display various information about my hubs. Some information would be Total Pilots, Total Flights, A hub roster, Airport information, maps etc. I'm open to any suggestions on this and will be willing to pay for this module. Thanks for your time. Keith
Last reply by MAT, -
- 1 reply
Out of Date
Last reply by Thurnher, -
- 2 replies
Im looking for someone with experience with phpVMS and also innstall system on website server..Im willing pay for this service ! Please contact me at for more information
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
You know what guys you are right in some respects, I thought that paid service was a forum just for that, not to jump on the band wagon to the defence of Nabeel. I have now taken it down due to the apparent "lack of respect" shown. Apologies to Nabeel and to anyone else this may of offended, however I am sure I have seen other companies offering something nearer the same within this forum. Anyway their you go, it was a meer alternative that's all. Point to note I didn't get asked to take it down off admin.
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 1 reply
Hello Everyone! I am a website designer/coder and was wondering if there is anyone out there that is in need of a website. We can offer special services such as as Login System, Email System, and much more. Email me at with any of your questions/requests and I will email back within 72 hours with answer or quote. If you would like to see some of my work once again please email me. Thanks Email:
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 7 replies
i was wondering if there were anybody out that that knows the system like the back of there hand and could help me out with a mod of the system...basicly what i want to do is use it for anther game.....i am starting up a virtual Trucking Company and would like to try and convert this from being used for FS to being used for my Trucking Company..if anybody wants to have a go at it please post here or get in touch with me in a pm or msn and yahoo...thanks
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 8 replies
Hello everyone.I would like to inform you for a new web hosting company.This comapny give to her customers the opportunity witch want to host their virtual airlines site with this plan: This plan have got this benefits: Disk Space: 5GB Data transfer: 25GB Sub Domains: 15 Databases: 15 FTP Accounts: Unlimited Email Accounts: Unlimited Teamspeak for 20 slots. with 10 EUR per month. *All the payments are from paypal. For any information about the website and any other please send me a pm.
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
So, we had a friend make a skin and layout for us, then he decided he didn't want anything to do with us. We then updated the phpVMS and it messed it up horribly. I would like to get a new site made from scratch pretty much. If anyone can help us, please PM me or email me. I am willing to pay. Thanks
Last reply by CaribSky, -
- 4 replies
I am looking for someone to design me a skin for my virtual airline Designer/Website Requirements - Previous Experience - Must design in at least PHPVMS compatibility - Easy Interaction/Functionality - Web Browser Friendly - Quick Developer, Easy to work with, Very easy to Contact Anyone Interested In developing for us MUST accept Paypal for payment. Please email, PM me, or add me on msn, skype or yahoo which are all on my profile page. Regards
Last reply by david thompson, -
- 8 replies
Just wondering if any one can make me a skin for phpvms. I am willing to pay. If any one is interested you can contact me at or pm me on the forum. Thanks Icebox
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
Hello All, We are needing assistance with our website. We already have our layout (psd) web design, but we just need for someone to help slice and dice our site. We will be using phpvms for the system. Please email me Thanks
Last reply by Tim Williams, -
- 1 reply
I would like to have this feature for my VA: Every pilot to be able to fly only from where aircrafts are located, but without any other limitation. For example, the VA could have 3 aircrafts in 3 different airports. Pilot can choose where to fly from, among these airports only. He can decide where to fly (charter) as he likes. Then, the aircraft is located at the last destination, and any pilot can use it only from there. Pilots not to be able to bid a flight or send pirep unless there is an aircraft located at their departure airport. This way the fleet is more organized and there is a way for the airline to have a realistic fleet movement (like fsairlines work) Is it…
Last reply by Jeff, -
ACARS Development (Now Available)
by Guest N402KC- 25 replies
This is vaporware. Be weary of doing any business or deals with this guy. He's been banned for ripping off users - Nabeel Hi Guys, After doing alot of thinking, I am going to offer both a paid and free version of my acars. There will be a major difference between the free and paid ones. Listed below are some features; ----FREE ACARS---- - Standard Acars - FS9/FSX Support - Branded - Bug Free - Fast and FPS Friendly - FREE - phpVMS Compatible ----PAID ACARS---- - Custom Looks and Feel - All Flight Simulator Support - None Branded - Bug Free (With 24/7 Support) - Extremely Fast (FPS Friendly) - Ability To Customize your own features - 2 Week turnover time …
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 0 replies
Hello Virtual Flying Community!, my new employer has allowed me to make a special deal! We are currently allowing a VA simple easy starter package! The package comes with a Teamspeak 3 Server for 15 slots, and a Webplan that includes 4 GB Space, 8 GB Bandwidth, 10 Databases, 20 Emails, WHM/cPanel Control Panel, 24/7 Customer Support, E-mail Addresses, MySQL Databases, 14 day money back guarantee, Integrated ticketing system. We can provide support on the PHPvms if needed. Our current price for this package is $8 per month. What we can do that is very special is link your Teamspeak to your website and make it appear as to make it r…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 6 replies
To anyone interested. I am currently looking for a website for my airline, of course using phpvms is part of it, but to anyone experienced in webdesign, if you could lend a hand that would be appreciated! The link below is the site template, but i've hit a dead end and need help completing it. Thank You, Jeremy B CEO Cirrus Air
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 2 replies
PIVA is looking for someone to assist with start up operation. This person will set up our server and install phpvms and assist on getting PIVA off the ground. If you are interested, please contact us at Thanks
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 1 reply
Hi Clever program designers. I Am seeking a developer who can design an ACARS system to run on a non fsx/msfs based Flight Simulator. Flightgear Flightgear is a FREE OPEN SOURCE sim running on a GPL licence so everything is available, It is xml based and has at least ten multiplayer servers worldwide. I could afford to pay only upto $50 if someone would be willing to give up thier time to assist. Alex
- 4 replies
Hello, I can make install packages for your VA like aircrafts, whatever you need for FREE! Since phpVMS is a open source software which that's why i want to help out here! If you need anything to be installed package, just PM me here and i will get back to you soon!
Last reply by Kyle, -
HI I need modules for pilots transfer (jump seat) and aircraft transfer . I have 20-30 lines for ticket price and pilot transfer , but i don't know how to use it with PHPvms . can anybody write codes and modules for pilot transfer and aircraft transfer?
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 13 replies
Ok so here is what im trying to achieve. I want a events booking calendar, Insert in to existing vms database defined table. Admin section, To be able to create, edit or delete content / event To be able to create an event with time restrictions(ie, event bookings open from 15:00 to 22:00) Pilot section, To be able to book a time slot and edit their slot Overview page of bookings Seems simple but i just don't have the knowledge in php to design this hence why im posting in paid services, please contact me if you think you can design what im after and we can talk cash Thanks,
Last reply by selwynorren, -
ACARS customized Systems
by Guest lorathon- 2 replies
As some of you know I have an ACARS system that is available for free from my site. I also offer customizing services and these screenshots can also be seen at my site. If you are interested please visit my site for more information and also contact information. Thanks for your interest, Jeff FS-Products
Be Civil! No Flaming! THIS IS NOT THE VENUE TO HANDLE DISPUTES! Post the services you offer, with some demos, a site, something! Adhere to the phpVMS license! By default, add-ons are covered under this license: http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-sa/3.0/ You can sell addons you've created, but do not sell add-ons which are not wholly yours, or you've gotten community input on. That's in bad taste, and is not good! You can however charge to setup an install, and customize. If add-ons are included in that 'customization', ask the addon author first and get their permission for being able to include their customization in your service. Remember the add-on's are covered …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Looking to Pay Someone for Design
by Guest N402KC- 8 replies
Thats Right Folks, Since im busy with ACARS and Doing Schedules for my VA, I am in need of a Professional Template. Designer/Website Requirements; - Previous Experience - Web Design Degree (Not Required But a Plus) - Must design in at least Web 2.0 Standards - Easy Interaction/Functionality - Web Browser Friendly - Valid HTML, xHTML, DHTML, and CSS (Depending on how you code); - Very Slick Images - Quick Developer, Easy to work with, Very easy to Contact Anyone Interested In developing for us MUST accept Paypal for payment. Please PM Me with your Portfolio or Website's Developed, Price Charging, and Estimated Developing Time. Blue Skies …
Last reply by Kieran,