General Discussions
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- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hallo, as I can see, you are using laravel, composer, artisan as a framework for the new phpvms. It is also possible to install and use the phpvms system on shared hosting product. I assume the most VAs are using shared hosting because of the more affordable price and with this product you will not get a ssh access to the server. It is possible to install all necessary php frameworks without ssh login? Florian
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Add schedule with more than 1 aircraft type for the same flight and then the pilot can choose if he want to book the flight with i.e A320 ir A319 and display all registration of the aircraft avaible in the location airport. make a booking system where the aircraft and pilot stay in last position and he can book only if the pilot is in the same place with the aircraft (fs airlines system)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Update the deafult Jquery for scripts errors with new templates.
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
Autopirep would be fine!
Last reply by sac001, -
- 0 replies
Could I request that the system is coded to accept the lowest Pilot ID on registration, even if the ID was once in use but pilot has since left. Thanks
Last reply by shaun105, -
- 2 replies
When a comment is added to a PIREP. Have it display the flight number. So the pilot knows which flight the comment is regarding. Good option if the pilot flies more than one flight in a session.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
some virtual airlines join several real airlines together. Therefore it would be a nice feature to be able to manage more than one airline inside the system. This is only the possibility to add more than one airline in the system and add some planes to the different airlines (group the planes to different airlines). Not very difficult. airline a plane a plane b plane c airline b plane d plane e
Last reply by t_bergman, -
- 1 reply
Hello all New system should has a location feature like fsairlines system. A pilot or aircraft can not fly from another airport unless it's moved by a staff member or system itself. For example; A pilot safely arrived to EGLL airport with a Airbus A320-232 aircraft (reg. G-EZUA) System should keep those location values for both pilot and aircraft and does not let them depart from another airport. Unless pilot buy a transfer ticket with his own money or a staff member move them from admin panel. This can be done with a locations table, pirep_filed hook could trigger this event. Thank you
Last reply by mayconfdsm, -
- 5 replies
Is this going to be a standard thing built in to it?
Last reply by magicflyer, -
Without seeing how the new version might work, can we have an 'all days' check box for route availability?
Last reply by vcal, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I'm Honoresia from France, then excuse me for my wrong english. I'm a old CEO from a VA closed in 2014. For now, we would like to make a V2 of our project. Let me introduce some features that we used : - airclub flight : Pilots are paid after commercial flight (regular or not). They can progress with their account and their rank. Some pilots want to make only commercial lines, but others want to rent an aircraft after many commercial lines, to go in virtual hollidays, you see. They have money to spend in an airclub activity, and this features make more and more pilots... - live popularity : Each scheduled line have a popularity,…
Last reply by Honoresia, -
- 0 replies
Hi There, At this time you can set the rank a pilot has to be to fly an aircraft type. I would like to see his also added to the flight (Route). Some flights say YSSY Sydney Australia to KLAX LA could then be limited to a min rank. This could all so be used for dangerous airport routes. Thank you David Oz Flyer
Last reply by OzFlyer, -
- 4 replies
For example penalty the following: -Overspeed (-5%) -Exceded 250 kias below 10000 ft (-5%) -exhausted fuel supply (-25%) -landing at wrong airport (-30%) -landing lights on above 10000 ft (-5%) -landing lights off below 1000 ft (-5%) -overspeed taxi (-5%)
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 0 replies
A real booking system as Fsairlines has, where you can bid by aircraft type in a same schedule (for example In flight SKU103 I can bid with an A320 and a B767 and each other, including all registration of these aircraft if the aircraft Was in the same position that I'm... If the aircraft wasn't in the same Location as me I can't bid a flight with that aircraft). And the pilot can use the jumpseat ticket. And the last one a option to translate an aircraft to other location (Admin) and the translate could duration as a real flight.
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 0 replies
I know there there is an option in phpVMS 5.5 to make pilots Active, Inactive, Retired, or Banned. Is there a way to Hide Pilots? I know a lot of admins have rules where pilots have to fly their first flight in 7, 14, 30, etc... first flight, and they hate having those 0 flights on the Pilot Roster. And have 30, 60, and 90 for inactive. But since you already went through the process of approving them, maybe they could not make the 7 day rule and they return not too far in the distant future ready to fly often. Or maybe you have someone fly 30 flights in a month and not come back for 6 month's, you want their data, but not them on the Pilot Roster, unless they are flying e…
Last reply by in2tech, -
Can anyone tell me if the templates I have created for the 5.5 version will work in the new upcoming phpvms3? Is there also a release date set. I want to wait opening my va till we have moved over to this version? Also I can help testing the system on a clean and empty space. Kindly regards. Rick
Last reply by joeri, -
- 6 replies
We all can agree that HTTP is not secure and anytime you login your username and password is sent in clear text. There have been several people try to add SSL to PHPVMS but have had alots of issues. I'm not sure what can be done to make SSL easier to use in the next gen version of PHPVMS but I an for it. I would go SSL if I could.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
I'd like the ability to be able to delete things instead of just disabling them. Delete Pilots: I know you can delete pilots already but it also removes all their PIREPs. I'd like the ability to delete the pilot but an option to keep all their data. Delete Aircraft: It would be nice to be able to delete aircraft that are no longer in service. I know that PIREPs are tied to the aircraft but if there is a way to change the PIREPs to use a "dummy" entry so we can remove the aircraft. My hanger has over 100 disabled aircraft and I'd love to delete and keep it clean.
Last reply by simpilot,