General Discussions
165 topics in this forum
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Hello. A simple question please, is it safe to delete an airline in the admin/and and edit airlines? In the case I want to remove Pan American Thank you, FSV1142 Kenny.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 9 replies
When you create ranks, there is an option for "image link". Does anyone know the correct format to put here. I have looked through other files and tried to follow the url format for that image. I created a "ranks" folder inside phpvms/public/assets which I have several .png files. I have tried different combos of linking the image like (../ranks/ /phpvms/public/assets/ranks/ ) and many others with no luck. Will this new system accept png? Are the images for this suppose to show up in the profile page of pilot or somewhere else? Thank you for any help!
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 2 replies
Hey folks, does someone know how to add an aircraft to the system or to the subfleet? I created an A320 & A350 subfleet but theres no option to add an aircraft. If i add one manually to the database they aren't shown in the PIREP aircraft field. phpvms version: 7.0.0-beta.4 Greetings, Emex
Last reply by Emex, -
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Hi All, Can tell me please which is the last beta version 7.0. Thanks Luis
Last reply by lorlandi, -
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With the older Phpvms software it is rather easy for a hacker to bypass the normal registration checks and backend register with the VA but submitting the registration form directly. I've had to resort to brute force banning from the .htaccess file. For Phpvms 7 will there be better security with registration? Particularly I would request ip address logging and multiple methods to ban like you would with a forum. It would be nice as on option, to be able to check ip addresses with a know blacklist site to prevent users from registering from known bad email or ip addresses. I use Cleantalk with my forums and it has done a great job of controller th…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 5 replies
I been spending my time on upload the stupid phpvms 7 it’s really a cancer took me 2-4 years trying figure out to work after manage to install its give me 404 error and I decided to delete the whole file and give up please stop making life so difficult make it simple like php5 installation gosh
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 3 replies
Couple of us over at BluSquare worked on this... we figured some people could use it since I have seen questions about it. Not all the airports and mostly US. Something for people to start with. Modify the sections as needed for fuel price and such. Updated 6/14
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but I went to edit the .css file it was a single file and hard to follow for this newbie. I wanted to share a site that would clean it up and make it a multi line and more understandable for the less knowledgable. Just wanted to share.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 4 replies
Hi guys I know phpvms 7 is still under development but something has been bugging me for a while now. When the time comes to port over to the new vms7 how are we going to import all of our aircraft schedules and pilots etc. I mean right now Luxury has over 800 schedules and around 75 aircraft etc il be there to christmas 2022 importing them over lol. That is without a database import or something like that. There's got to be something that can be done. The thing on the phpvms7 installer didn't work for me soo
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 40 replies
Is there a demo on the new version that I can view and explore before upgrading? Thanks Adam
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
- 9 replies
I try running the installer and I get this error: "SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'u122878635_users.users' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `users` order by `created_at` desc limit 4)" I assume it's because theres not specific database in the u122878635_users But then I try to go make one but it need how many columns I want and such.
Last reply by ToastTheFourth, -
- 7 replies
Hi @Nabeel I am trying to install phpvms locally, however, the tutorial at: or on internet searches, are still very vague yet, I can't move forward. Could you please create a step-by-step for a local installation, or even on a shared VPS. For us beginners, the jump from 5.5.x to 7 is very difficult. thankful
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
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- 16 replies
I posted this in the older phpVMS thread. It would be sweet if we can connect flights using the same flight number. For example, Sun Country does a flight to PANC but stops as KSEA and continues on under the same number.... or did. I have not looked lately. The fatal TWA Flight 800 was a trip to Rome leaving new york but had a layover in between and carrying on to Rome under the 800 flight number. The way it is now, we have to screw schedules completely up and make up random numbers. I know it is possible to do. I ahve a VAM site setup and running and it works there fine. hoping we can do the same here.
Last reply by PikoSim, -
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would it be possible to migrate my data from vam to phpvms? or would you have to start all over again?
Last reply by BlindPilot, -
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guys what on earth is with the v7 login screen with the SVG files I never even heard of SVG in all my years of coding websites and images took one look at them in an online SVG editor and Viewer didn't touch anything btw I got lost I was like omg what is this its like this safe I couldn't crack give myself a sore head 🤕🤕🤕🤕
Last reply by BlindPilot, -
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Hi Guys Ive Just tried as a expiment to add the airports from phpvms5.5 to phpvms 7 via CSV and when I did the ones on phpvms7 have disappeared just saying as it will be a real pain in th back side to re add all the airports and schedules again on the final release lol also just wondering on how can I move the live map to Europe as we are currently based in the UK and most of our ops are around Europe regards Michael
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 5 replies
I'm very apprehensive about eventually moving from 5.5.2 to v7. Although after playing with the demo version I'm really enjoying the new features. I did have a concern however. At least in the current state, I don't see many cargo/freight specific options as most everything looks to more for a passenger airline. How would we set the fares for freighters? Would we have a single fare class for general freight to the max payload of the aircraft? I don't know if this would have any advantages, but I guess we could set multiple fare categories for main deck cargo and belly cargo for dedicated freighter aircraft. Any thoughts or guidance about cargo only VA's running phpvms v7?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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hi guys just a quick message to say that phpvms7 looks away more better than the older versions Nabeel has done an awesome job soo far and am really looking farward to the final release ** just wondering is there a way to change the location of the live map from the admin center without going into the files on the server would be easyer also what about logging in with your callsign instead of your email address think most pilots would find that irritating ** how do I setup a cron job on the site and how can I send emails out to pilots if needed keep up the good work Nabeel
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 3 replies
Is it possible to run multiple airlines within phpvms ie 4 airlines differant routes and aircraft and differant flight no for those airlines.
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
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Best version for Acars System to start with ? Free or paid
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Just out of curiosity. Is smartACARS suported for V7 on phpvms. If it what ACARS systems are? Alex.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 5 replies
Should I start from phpVMS 7 or phpVMS 2 i use phpVMS 7 it doesn’t allowed me do much can the owner contact me about future work
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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- 5 replies
First of all I have to say PHPVMS 7 is such a huge leap forward, I cant help but be excited. Coming from 5.5 this is a huge breath of fresh air. Seems like many features previously requiring heavy mods are now native to phpvms, which is great. One thing that appears to be missing is the ability to limit Route types to a certain rank. My airline is one of many which operates in such fashion, rather than limit aircraft to a certain rank, we limit the distance the pilots can fly. Would this be a desirable feature to be implemented in phpvms?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 6 replies
Hi, im looking for a host to run a few separate instances of phpvms + Wordpress websites. my requirements: 4 Crew Centers 2 live phpvms 5.5.x 1 live phpvms 7 1 beta testing phpvms 7 currently all these are individually hosted, we would like to share a hosting solution. can anyone recommend a good host that will work with phpvms? Most have long contracts so I don’t want to make the wrong choice
Last reply by Haru, -
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Hey everyone So, I am trying to install Phpvms 7 and following the directions is confusing me. It says I need to install composer "git clone cd phpvms composer install " I dont know what this is and where to put it. Any help would be appreciate it. Thank you.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 6 replies
So I have been a member of a virtual airline that has been around since the tail end of 2000. I have been talking with them about a new website. The issues is, they have 1 main airline, 4 Divisions, and then hubs. How we are setup now in phpVMS we can create separate airlines and all kinds of hubs or an airline with as many hubs as we wish. So I am embarassed to say that as long as I have been with phpVMS (all but since day 1) I can not for the life of me figure out how to accomplish this task accordingly. I need 1 main airline. Under that main airline I need 4 divisions such as the Americas, Eupoean, Asian, then something such as over closer to Japan and dow…
Last reply by reed0427, -
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- 19 replies
Hello. Is there any news about stable version of phpVMS 7 release date?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Many are trying phpvms7 but there is no ACAR that works perfect. Without that we can try little. smartAcars is not configured until phpvms7 is final kACARS does not work APVacars V2 does not work either. The version of phpvms7 has in its demo "" a module in ADDONS called VMSAcarars that the versions of DOWNLOADS do not have. I don't want to say that the work done by everyone is bad. Unlike. I think the work is excellent. I guess I want to see the end. Forgive if I look anxious. Thank you all for your work.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hello! I develop ACARS for phpVMS 7 with Visual C# WPF, and I have some problem by collect X-API-KEY. I was try to use Laravel Passport(aka oAuth module), But phpVMS API's are linked with X-API-KEY so It's very difficult to migration with phpVMS 7. Now I try to use Webbrowser for login, and parse html source for collect X-API-KEY. If you login with ID and password in phpVMS 7, You can see your X-API-KEY in html source, So I decide to make with this source. but Webpage's UI is different with ACARS program's UI, and I have many problem for design our UI when I get API-KEY with this solution. I want to solve this problem, How can …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I make a flight, reported the PIREP but the flight does not appear, the flight hours. In view of having "3" flights, I have "O" flights. Total hours "0" No flight Pilots
Last reply by Nabeel,