326 topics in this forum
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singap08@ams-node4 [~]# cd public_html singap08@ams-node4 [~/public_html]# cd phpvms singap08@ams-node4 [~/public_html/phpvms]# git clone . Cloning into '.'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Encountered the above error while following the below instructions. Please advise and/or rectify asap, thank you. Additionally there is a second set of instructions that are completely different So which one do I follow?
Last reply by nicky9499, -
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Is there a way to install phpVMS 7 on localhost (XAMPP)? Or is it not possible? I'm trying to install it several times, but it never works. The page that says "phpVMS not installed" ( loads normally, however when I press the "Head on to the installer>" button, it redirects me to the XAMPP dashboard (localhost/dashboard - and not to the installation page. In the structure files looks like this (😞 htdocs/ ├── phpvms And in the phpVMS index.php it looks like this (😞 $path_to_phpvms_folder = __DIR__.'/../phpvms'; phpVMS version: …
Last reply by CarlosEduardo2409, -
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Hey all, I'm here today to request help because i've a little problem with the FARES when i assigned to an aircraft ; The fares is good create (Photo 1 & 2) The fares is good asociate with the A320 subfleet (Photo 3) When we make an PIREP and choose the aircraft the fares not show up (Photo 4) Then when a pilot make a flight they are no money gain for the Company If anyone know about this, can you help me please ? Thanks in advance, Baptiste DESMET
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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I had installed the latest version of PHPVMS 7.0 And I had it working. In order to start with a different page, I had copied the Theme default to a new name and uploaded that. I hade not changed the theme.json. I go into the admin part and select the new theme name. And on that moment I get a Server error 500 I did find this part in the logs: [2024-04-17 00:02:21] production.ERROR: Theme default already exists {"exception":"[object] (Igaster\\LaravelTheme\\Exceptions\\themeAlreadyExists(code: 1): Theme default already exists at /home/name/domains/ And I concluded that I have…
Last reply by aarbee, -
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Hello, can someone tell me how the correct configuration is so that pilot flights can appear in the VA from IVAO/VATSIM? I think I have everything configured correctly, in Disposable Basic I have the following configuration Also, in the following file, I have the following configuration in the widget it is like this @widget('DBasic::WhazzUp', ['network' => 'IVAO', 'field_name' => 'IVAO ID', 'refresh' => 300]) But still, he continues without working I think the same callsign that I am using in IVAO/VATSIM, I should also use it in the VA, but the pilots do not appear Can someone he…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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I don't know what is going on here, but this just started it's something to do with the live map This is just on the dashboard
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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I’ve cloned the last version yesterday night, installed it and all seems to work properly 2 things: 1) when i login or i navigate to the pilot dashboard, it hangs for 30 seconds and then gives me a timeout error in guzzy http class (or how its name is, i don’t have logs now) in curlhttp adapter and doesn’t load the page at all. 2) when i navigate the site with my phone or iPad the navigation menu button in the titlebar doesn’t work. anyway great job with this project!!! P.S.: My setup is nginx 1.4, php 7.2.5, mariadb 10.3, redis 3.2, latest versions of composer and apcu, all on Windows 10 pro 64 bit (but i had the same issues in apache 2.4 without redi…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Alright not exactly sure how to word this but I am trying to use the existing code from the nav.blade.php file for my template. For instance I want to of course show some menu item's to Guest and when they login more appear, just like we do in the original version. I have some of it figured out but I am mot really sure what this code is referring too: @foreach($moduleSvc->getFrontendLinks($logged_in=false) as &$link) <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link" href="{{ url($link['url']) }}"> <i class="{{ $link['icon'] }}"></i> <p>{{ $link['title'] }}</p> </…
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 8 replies
Hello. Is there someone out here who can help me with my website for I'm no webmaster, but I know some php/html/css. But I can't figure out the structure of phpvms and laravel for theming and adding pages. I am looking for someone who can talk me through things with screen-sharing or something like that, to teach me the basics. You can PM me or invite me on discord: "Johan - PHJBW#0784" Thanks
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Hi ! Can someone help me to install the phpvms 7.0. So I've download the, beta.tar file on github. I've drop all the files in my Shared Hosting FTP. Then i've the first page with the green button. And when i press the button i've an 500 Internal Error... What I'm supposed to do ? Can you help me ? @Nabeel Cordially Baptiste SUTTER
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 8 replies
After unzipping files and trying to access site to install, I am getting the following error (screenshot below) Not a free host and running php 7.3 Any direction would be helpful. Thank you all for your time. I was able to obtain these logs from host. [Mon Jun 01 12:04:23.336119 2020] [:error] [pid 660262:tid 140165602744064] [client] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'openssl' (tried: /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/openssl (/opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/openssl: cannot open shared object file: No such file or …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi, Just want to test PhpVms v7 beta on a subdomain (with vmsAcars enabled), downloaded latest version (beta4 from github) created a new database and assigned my dbuser to it with all rights ... Uploaded the file to server, unzipped and head on to the installing phase. All checks are ok (php extensions and requirements), put in my new database and user info, db test is ok too but then I get the below error during install ; #sql: "alter table `v7_airlines` drop index `airlines_iata_unique`" #bindings: [] #message: "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1091 Can't DROP INDEX `airlines_iata_unique`; check that it exists (…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hi guys, I have a problem installing. After following all the steps in the DOC, I installed phphVMS7 on my own machine (localhost). After installation, I typed https: // localhost / phpvms / public / and a screen with the <Head on to the installer> button appears. However, when I click on this button, instead of going to the installation screen, the system redirects me to PhpMyAdmin. Would anyone know what the problem is? I am using XAMPP with PHP v7.4.18
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 8 replies
First of all, I want to apologize because English is not my native language, so it is possible that I did not understand some of the solutions that already exists. We have been using the phpvms classic for a long time and we want to upgrade to the newer phpvms 7. My knowledge of php and hosting setup is as basic. I downloaded the dev version of the site from github, created a database with all the privileges, set the php version in cpanel to version 7, later I tried other newer versions php but I can't manage to start the installation. I tried to adjust VHost and still without success, I know I'm definitely missing something but I don't know what. We have li…
Last reply by IvanSt, -
- 8 replies
Hello: Sorry my English is terrible, that's why I'll use google trans... 1.- Download this version from discord... — 08/30/2022 Version 7.0.0-dev+220830.f30a3b is available, download: zip | tar 2.- Carry out the installation according to the manual... Option 2: Copying the public directory /home/youruser phpvms < Create this folder and upload phpvms into it public_ftp public_html < Upload the files from phpvms/public into I did this like this since my cpanel only allows me to create subdirectories in Public_html. 3.- In my cpanel I told my domain to work with php 8.0+, when …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hello, When I add a new page in the "add New", where does phpvms 7 store the page?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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- 7 replies
Hello developers, first of all thank you for your hard work and releasing the phpVMS 7. Unfortunately, after a successful install the page show like this to me. What did I do wrong?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
Hello, when I try to add a new flight, no matter what I do, I get an error saying "Whooops someting went wrong". I have tried several times. I have not gotten any other error or hint as to what is causing it.
Last reply by bbuske, -
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Hi guys when I 1st installed phpvms 7 as a test site I was able to access the admin now I cant I get the fallowing image when I go to the admin side after I login never seen it before ( see link below ) Phpvms7 Admin error after login
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
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Hi everyone! I just saw the latest version has been pushed but the updater seems to be broken: GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException cURL error 3: (see So I have already started building a custom design etc on Beta 3, previously I created a fresh install and transferred everything over from another VM but the database import took forever. Is there anyway to update the version without having to delete all the current files and/or having to change any data? I was thinking of manually importing the GitHub file and then running the installer but I don't know if my custom skin and existing DB …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi, I am trying to create a new database to later create a new module. Reading the documentation I must use "php artisan module: make-migration create_sample_table ModuleName" but when executing this instruction I get "In DatabaseServiceProvider.php line 88: Class 'Faker \ Factory' not found" This appears on to create a module or to create a database. Can hel me about this please. Many Thanks
Last reply by lorlandi, -
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G'day gents, The past couple of weeks I have had multiple pilots report that they are receiving "500, server error" pages when trying to access phpvms v7. I have checked multiple times with my web host and they are absolutely positive nobody is being blocked. They have even tried to explicitly whitelist the IPv4 addresses of the users facing this problem, to no avail. A workaround we have found is for these users to request a new IP address from their ISP or another connection (eg. mobile data or VPN). However these options are not always available or possible for everyone. Those that cannot change their IP address cannot access…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Solved it was a Database conflict whit my home server and hosting Hy, my sincere apologies for my “bad English” I recently noticed when i want to add, for example an flight or an airplane that when i want to fill in the location it’s searching whiteout showing any results see image. yes i have a list of locations in the database and everything was working fine until now and I can’t figure out why it doesn’t work anymore. and i use the latest dev version. php version 8.1 Mysql version 4.9.7
Last reply by DanFlutter, -
- 7 replies
Hi everyone! I am new to phpVMS and website creation, so please excuse me, but this is completely stumping me. I have added EGLL and KIAD in the airports section, but when I try to create new flights, I cannot find these airports in the dropdowns. I already checked that my .env APP_URL is correct for the mySQL databse, but I'm not sure what else could be causing this. Does anyone have any ideas? Your help is much appreciated.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hello everyone, I'm using the latest version of PHPVMS 7, however I haven't found a way to find or even solve the Recaptcha problem, some tutorials talk about some folders, like CORE, local.config.php, but I didn't find these folders, remembering that I'm not using any skin, I'm simply using the default one! Thank you if you can help me!
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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For a friend I did install PHPVMS 7.0.0-dev+221130.ced201. Where the files are not in the public_html folder but on a PHPVMS folder on the same hight has public_html. See the attachment. Back then when I did do the installation, it seemed to us, that all should be put in a separate directory. I read the update documents, and it went well for another va, So I know a tiny bit. But I would like to have some advice on where to put the files now? Thanks ahead, RobB
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I've been trying to install the version of phpVMS on the github for a while now. I've finally got the first page to show up (where it says phpVMS not installed). When I click "Head on to the installer", I get a 404 Not Found Error. I have php 7.1 with all the requirements, mySQL, nginx/1.10.3, and I'm running on Debian Jessie. Any ideas? Been stuck with this for a while. EDIT: Just checked the nginx error.log. It says something about not being able to find "/var/www/phpvms/public/install/index.php". I checked the github to see if it was a problem cloning the files, but it doesn't have a folder named install in the public directory either. …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Hello, is there any way yet, to use XACARS or ACARS with the software? It is great and it seems to work more flawless, than the classic version does. However, without support for ACARS there is no way to switch to it yet. Cheers
Last reply by bbuske, -
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Hi, I updated phpvms7 from github, but now I can't bill/unbill flights, server log say: What chmod permission type I need and that files? My .htaccess: # Use php7.2 AddHandler application/x-httpd-php72 .php # Disable index view Options -Indexes RewriteEngine On # Handle Authorization Header RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*) RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1] # Deny all these files/folders RedirectMatch 403 ^/.git/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/.travis/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/app/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/bootstrap/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/config/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/modules/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/node_modules/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 …
Last reply by ARV187, -
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Hello, I am using shared hosting [ionos] and trying to install phpvms7. I downloaded the tar from github and uploaded to ftp public folder. when I go to my domain I get PHPvms not installed, head to install. I click on head to install but I get Internal Server Error. I am using php version 7.2 and here is my .htaccess file ( it is the same on root and public_html folder )
Last reply by Nabeel,