326 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Is it possible to assign awards manually and if so, where?
Last reply by VIELMA16, -
- 2 replies
How can I add some downloads to the download page? I looked in the Admin Panel but don't see how to do it. Thanks. Jimmy
Last reply by Jimmy_S, -
- 4 replies
PHP Version: 7.4.21 phpVMS Version: 7.0.0-dev+210620.cde6fb MariaDB Version: 10.3.29 Whenever a pirep is submitted it throws out this error: "Trying to get property 'name' of non-object {"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Trying to get property 'name' of non-object at /phpvms/app/Services/PirepService.php:577)" and I'm not to sure how to go about fixing it so any help would be great Thanks. also included an image of where the error is occurring if that helps Edit: Also some further information regarding this, When the pirep is summited it still goes through to the admin panel for viewing/approvin…
Last reply by Vetrro, -
- 6 replies
I have created some Tours, and I don't know how to give a medal to a pilot who finished all the routes of the tour. The medal can be given manually
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 0 replies
When I am logged in, if I press the pilots menu, it shows the information of all the pilots and the IMAGE of the range, the load of this route: /public/assets/img/ranks/4.png If I select any pilot, it shows me the information, but it does not load the image of the Range. You want to load the image from this path: /profile/public/assets/img/ranks/6.png How to do so that the image is always loaded from: /public/assets/img/ranks/4.png
Last reply by jftejeiro, -
- 1 reply
During the installation I get the following error message. Where is the error? Best regards Andreas
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
I was attempting to edit my env.php file to set up my mail hosts and I screwed up the file. And like an IDIOT i didn't make a backup of it before I edited it. Yes indeed, I am kicking myself. Anyway, how can I get it back? If I erase it will it be rebuilt, or will I have to do a re-install? Thanks john croft
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Where do you change the site name ? Looked in the settings and searched the database to no avail. What file needs to be edited as it's set to default phpvms Thanks
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Like we could do with phpVMS 5.5.2 and call the stats into a HTML document by calling in the config for phpVMS. Is there a way this can be done with VMS7 ? If so please could someone point out what would need to be called Thanks
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 5 replies
OK, first thing is I can't seem to access the demo site to try to reproduce the issue there. My site runs php ver 7.3.28. Not sure what version of mySQL, and not sure how to find out. I use a paid hosting service (Siteground). My phpvms version is 7.0.0-dev+210521.d3ec0f. When I attempt to add a flight I get 2 part error. The first states "APP_DEBUG is set to true while APP_ENV is not local". This is in red. I searched how to turn off the DEBUG, and all I could find was how to turn it on by editing config.php under the app directory. I do not have that file under the app directory. Where can I find that file if it is indeed what I need to edit t…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I'm trying to require a field for all of my members to put in a vatsim CID. When I select show on registration and require it doesn't show up on registration, nor does it come up for logged in accounts. Not really sure where to start.
Last reply by ToastTheFourth, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi guys, I have a problem installing. After following all the steps in the DOC, I installed phphVMS7 on my own machine (localhost). After installation, I typed https: // localhost / phpvms / public / and a screen with the <Head on to the installer> button appears. However, when I click on this button, instead of going to the installation screen, the system redirects me to PhpMyAdmin. Would anyone know what the problem is? I am using XAMPP with PHP v7.4.18
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
With the latest update, phpvms7-dev210511, the web page does not start. The browser is blank error 500. I copy and paste the previous version and overwrite the files. I had to go back to the previous version, with a backup that I have.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
CSV Flights
by CSJCB- 6 replies
Hello everyone My CSV Fleet file doesn't download and I do not know why, as the other ones works great. Initially I was thinking about the size of it, right now has almost 7k lines. When I press Export to CSV the sytem start working but soon after I've got a completely white browser page, only visible the url like this https://www.mysite/admin/flights/export Any tip on how can I solve this or an alternative to do it because for a 13k flights introducing one by one its a huge task, I'm using for CSV files a free program called CSV Buddy. Appreciate any suggestion or solution Thank You
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
HELLO, can you tell me how I have to do to add an icon that accesses My Bids, under the photo
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
How can I change the logos for images in PNG. logo.svg - logo_blue_bg.svg etc ..
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hello. A pilot started a flight with an airplane with registration XXX from point A to another Point B and started the flight at 1pm. Later another pilot took the same plane that was at point A towards point C at 4pm. Now the second pilot arrived at point C at 7:34 pm and the first pilot arrived at 7:39 pm. Reviewing the PIREP I see that finally the plane was at point B which was where the last report was made and then each pilot was the first at point B and the second at Point C. My question is if there is any way to avoid that when a flight starts on an airplane it is not possible to carry out another flight on the same plane and prevent the above from happening? …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 4 replies
I have a problem. When two pilots want to fly the same flight, the system only allows the first pilot to book, the second cannot. In Setting that option is disabled, and you should not have problems
Last reply by jftejeiro, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I have recently subscribed to an Ionos cloud server and have plesk to run as webhosting. I have set up a domain and a sundomain in which to run phpvms7. I get the following error attached. Any ideas where I could be going wrong. Many thanks in advance, Gary
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
- 3 replies
Tengo un serio problema. Ayer instalé phpvms7.0.0 dev 201223. Desde la instalación, los BOTS se están registrando como pilotos. ¿Hay alguna manera de parar esto? Anoche borré dos, esta mañana ya había dos más
Last reply by jftejeiro, -
- 5 replies
How to put a download to show on the download page. In the admin panel, I don't see any menu to put them
Last reply by Sander283483, -
- 1 reply
As you do for the pilot payment. Do you set a fixed price to pay the pilot? Do you set a price to pay the pilot, different in each flight route? Do you pay by rank? In the rates, the payment to the pilot is not managed, but what the company spends on fuel passage etc ... What is the best way. I have four flights and I did not enter any euro as a pilot
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 5 replies
I don't know what I do wrong... I have a Linux Ubuntu Server with Plesk. I've added the the Domain in Plesk and I can upload files into "/var/www/vhosts/". I want to have a front page and phpvms on the url: "". So I created in "/var/www/vhosts/" the folder "crew". In this folder I extracted phpvms 7 beta 4. I installed it a little bit different than in the manual because it was the only way to get it work. 1. I created the folder "phpvms". 2. In "/var/www/vhosts/" I downloaded the file and extracted it. On "…
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
- 4 replies
I have an error in the admin panel: The cron has not run in more than 12 hours; make sure it's setup and check logs at storage / logs / cron.log. What I don't know is what instruction I have to execute in the cpanel of my hosting public_html / cron / cron.php ??? - It doesn't work public_html / cron / artisan ??? - It doesn't work public_html/artisan schedule:run ??? - It doesn't work public_html/crontab -e ??? - timeout: failed to run command âpublic_html/crontabâ: No such file or directory etc... I have installed phpvms7 in the root of public_html What instruction do I have to put ??? Thanks
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone! Is it possible to install phpvms on a shared hosting environment (channel) using PHP 7.3? I currently installed the from the install guide. I’ve tried to follow along from other people having trouble but half of the files seem to be missing? local.config for example. I have a running site on Cpanel but things like the airport list is not functioning when I try and sign up a user. (i'm guessing that need to be added to a database, but I don't have the files needed to add it. What format do the airports need to be in? for the acars system to know what airport it …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Is it possible to see the ACARS pireps from all pilots. I can only assemble the link from the admin area and watch the pireps from other pilots. Thanks and greetings from Germany Thomas
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I'm trying to upgrade my VA to phpVMS 7's beta... I'm having an issue after dragging the files into my subdomain and whenever I open it it gives me HTTP ERROR 500. I looked at a form and it said to remove .htaccess from the directory and no luck with that. From there I wasn't able to fix it. I'm willing to give any info that helps
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 4 replies
version 7.0.0-beta.4 So there are many of these but here is one example. I added a route KSFO - PHOG and PHOG - KSFO, all information put in correctly but when I go to the map for the route it has the flight going over the north pole and around asia which makes no sense. Also with a route KSFO - KSEA it doesn't even go to KSEA it shows the destination on the map as somewhere in Mongolia which makes no sense either. The locations of the airports are right so really not sure...I am trying to launch my VO soon so if anyone knows that'd be great!
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Good evening, I have an issue. I downloaded the latest build of phpVMS on my Linux server. When I go to the URL, it starts the install process. I set the MySQL credentials, the connection test is successful. However when I click for the next step, it reloads the same page. Neither the database.php nor the database itself are impacted. Any clue? Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hi Lads I have setup my flights and my aircraft, I've added fares and expenses, but when I file a manual pirep, my finances page is empty. No debits or credits. All my expenses are directed to "Flight", Pilot pay is going up. I can see in the phpmyadmin in the journal entry that things are being credit / debited but the page won't show it. Is there something else I need to do? Also having an issue with new users registsering. They can't select Home airport as there is nothing in the selection box, although I have over 50 created
Last reply by DisposableHero,