326 topics in this forum
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I have tried iPage, but its not compatible with the platform phpVMS is based on, at least that's how they explained it.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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While in the database setup screen, I have put all the information required. When I click "test database" I am getting error in a red banner reading "Failed! Could not find driver" If I try to skip testing and try to proceed, it just cyclels back around to database setup. Only information I could find was related to PDO, but nothing with phpsvms. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Last reply by Cloudpanda, -
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Hello everyone, I have searched the forums with no luck on an error that is presenting on APVcars V2. I have attached a screenshot of this error. It occurs after bidding on a flight, and trying to populate the Pilot Bids in acars. Here is the error. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Just a question, i want to add "Airport Expenses" per flight, here in argentina are called like Airport Taxes, is a fixed amount per flight according the type of airport we are using (CAT I/ II / III ,, etc) the problem is that the system aplies to the flight alll the AIRPORTS listed in System. Does not aplies the expense to the particular pirep flight for the destination/departing airport. maybe i`m missing something
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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When I try to view other created pilot profiles, I am getting the following error (attached). I can view my own profile just fine. php 7.3 and vms7 B-4 Anyone else seeing this?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hey guys! I wanted to pick your brains about possibly getting the pireps to display based on the pilots hubs. I'd like to have it so you can go to a hub and see the pireps its filled. I am unsure how to do this the clean way! I know I can perform the following @if ($pirep->user->home_airport->icao == 'KCLT') In doing it this way I lose any pagination features as it's just filtering through already gathered data. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi all, Having got things up and running we wanted to set up the roles so people could access certain area's without having full access to the admin area. I set up a series of roles for flights and airport and other area's, I then added them to various users, however those users do not get access to those area's. The only way is to give them admin panel access. Which means they have access to all the admin area which we do not want. I have tested this on a new user and unless I give them admin accesss they cannot edit anything. What am I doing wrong. I have checked Github but there is nothing in there. Using …
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
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Hi all i.m looking for the function that users can change the avatar to the own. But i can see it. Not in the userprofilepage and in admin panel. is that right? Thanks for answer and help
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi All, I am setting up phpVMS on a Lightsail LAMP instance, following the installation guide I have managed to download, setup a Vhosts, opted to 'Copy to the Public Directory', and created the database. After this I restarted Apache. An initial test results in ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED if I try access? Virtual Hosts is in /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/vhosts (phpvms-vhosts.conf) phpVMS files in public have been successfully copied to /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs I have not yet configured a domian name (if this makes a difference)? phpVMS version - 7.0.0 PHP version - 7.4.7 MySQL - 8.0.20 AWS Lightsail LAMP inst…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hey there! I have a few questions regarding the stisla skin! - How can I edit what is written/on the dashboard? - How can I edit the sidebar titles? - How can I make the Flights appear in a table format instead of cards? - How can I add a Multiplier Calculator on the PIREP Page? PHP 7.4, MYSQL, version 7.0.0-beta.4
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
There is a problem with massively assigning two or more planes to many routes. If you have 500 routes created and you create two sub-fleets, assigning each route, one by one, the two sub-fleets is a never-ending task. If you add a single sub-fleet, when exporting the CSV file, the aircraft appears added in the subfleets column. If you add two sub-fleets, and re-export the csv file, the second sub-fleet appears added in the column fares. I understand that the fares column cannot contain a subfleet. In other words: If in a CSV file exported from Routes, you put a sub-fleet in the subfleets column and the other sub-fleet in the fares column, when you import th…
Last reply by LesJar, -
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Tengo un serio problema. Ayer instalé phpvms7.0.0 dev 201223. Desde la instalación, los BOTS se están registrando como pilotos. ¿Hay alguna manera de parar esto? Anoche borré dos, esta mañana ya había dos más
Last reply by jftejeiro, -
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Hi all, I have recently subscribed to an Ionos cloud server and have plesk to run as webhosting. I have set up a domain and a sundomain in which to run phpvms7. I get the following error attached. Any ideas where I could be going wrong. Many thanks in advance, Gary
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
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I was attempting to edit my env.php file to set up my mail hosts and I screwed up the file. And like an IDIOT i didn't make a backup of it before I edited it. Yes indeed, I am kicking myself. Anyway, how can I get it back? If I erase it will it be rebuilt, or will I have to do a re-install? Thanks john croft
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Like we could do with phpVMS 5.5.2 and call the stats into a HTML document by calling in the config for phpVMS. Is there a way this can be done with VMS7 ? If so please could someone point out what would need to be called Thanks
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Trying to upload a .zip file for an aircraft from the bottom of the subfleet page but it keeps timing out. Any thoughts? I've tried uploading the file with FTP but it won't recognise the URL either. Also, it won't save the operating costs.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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I would like to make sure that when a driver registers in Phpvms, he can put his assigned CS by the VA . For the moment I am obliged to modify the CS with each inscription of a new pilot example AEL022 becomes 002 automatically, I set up on the home page a box CS for this purpose, if there is means to make I am taker :😉
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hello, I would like to ask a technical question to implement the current flights on the live board of our website. I don't know if this is possible with phpvms or via acars. Pour pouvoir peut-être me donner une indication sur ce que je veux dire je vous ajoute le lien vers notre VA . Merci pour vos réponses par avance .
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Dear friends: Can someone help me? I currently have 1900 routes imported in phpvms7... but the panel only indicates that there are 258 routes. I have imported a csv file a lot of times, not getting the 1900 routes to appear...however, in the panel it does show 13 tables with 20 routes each. attached image. My installation Version 7.0.0-dev+220129.8a94d8 Server xampp localhost. Skin Disposable Basic Pack3. Apache/2.4.51 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1l PHP/7.3.33 Thanks in advance
Last reply by Jose, -
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I'm having this issue when installing phpvms 7, could someone please help me, thanks
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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G'day gents, I'm running 7.0.0-dev+220225.9d368e and Disposable. Disclaimer that they both need to and will be updated urgently so if this issue can only be solved as such then kindly advise and disregard this thread. Basically as the screenshots show, I have a slight (SIA/SQ) that is showing up incorrectly as SVAG. Because our VA runs multiple subsidiaries (eg. SIA/TGW), we place all pilots under the shell airline "SVAG" but there are no actual flights listed under this. However, one particular flight has caught my attention multiple times recently showing the latter prefix. Is there any way to correct this? It's very minor and on…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Good morning everyone I tried to load a timetable I created in csv of 1200 routes, but after a few seconds the "500 server error" screen comes out and I only load 40 routes. can you help me? Thank you NB: to generate the file I tried with Excel and OpenOffice but no results
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hello, I come to see you because I am the deputy director and webamster of a virtual airline and I am looking for how to do stats on the new phpvms 7 version I want to calculate the number of pilots in the company have the total distance traveled by all the pilots Have the total flight hours of the company etc.... Thank you in advance for your help Cordially
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hi, To recreate the cost of crew salary We are adding up their hourly wages and putting them in this box "Cost Per Hour" as there is no other box in the system to do an hourly calculation. When the pirep is sent instead of hourly cost it says "block time cost" so it was a bit difficult to relate that both were the same. You could change the word in the resulting pirep. Or better yet, do this: Adding the possibility of create a expense for time. Any solution? Thanks!!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hi! I'm fiddling around with a test installation of phpVMS 7 and already really like it. There is one thing I didn't find information about, no idea if this even is possible to achieve in a simple way. It would be nice to have all active pilots from phpVMS in a group/role on our discord server. The reason: I'd like to restrict access to the ACARS reporting messages to active pilots only without having to edit that group/role all the time. Did I miss something really obvious (which I absolutely consider being possible)? Thanks in advance and thank you for sharing your phantastic work! Cheers Yoshi
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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im trying to add files to my subfleet by .zip but everytime i do this im getting a 503 error code, what am i doing wrong? i fill out everything including url and select the zip file from my computer and click save and about 2 mins it goes to the 503 error. any help would help out greatly
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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hi, when i try to send my fpl to ivao using the link file atc-> Ivao , open this link with nxginx 405 not alowed error using Disposable basic and Disposable Special Add on
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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In which files can I change the colors for the - weather WX, - icons (dashboard) - buttons dashboard - error massages I use the Disposable Theme and Disposable Basic. Thank you very much for your help And thats to this wonderful system. Greez Ben
Last reply by bb2901, -
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I have set the default ground handling fee to zero, as I use the Dispo Special version with Expenses. Unfortunately, they both still show up on the Pirep Finance page, but the default is just blank. Is there a way to not have the default version show up?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hey all, my phpvms (latest Dev version on PHP 8.2)) has stopped emailing when I create a NEWS ITEM. It sent out the first one, but not since on the next 2 I wrote up. Email still going out when people register. Is there a log to review? Is the a way to mass email members beside news items? -Nacman
Last reply by ProAvia,