326 topics in this forum
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Hello. I am new with phpVMS. When I'm trying to set it up, I can't set up Database Config because I'm getting an error Failed! SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused
Last reply by FlippR, -
Hi there. I got a random fatal error from Lavarel: "Call to a member function toArray() on array (View: /home/estafeta/phpvms/resources/views/layouts/default/flash/message.blade.php)" I don't recall messing with any important files so I'm not sure if this is a bug or something I broke. Assistance would be much appreciated
Last reply by HSOrion, -
Hello everyone first congratulations to those who developed this software, let's get to the point i just installed this management system on my aruba web apszio, but i have a problem with the initial configuration, everything works but when i enter the administration i always get this message "There was a problem running the cron; make sure it's setup and check logs at storage / logs / cron.log. See the docs ". Now my domain allows me to create only Scheduled tasks which can go at minimum intervals of 30 minutes and ask me which file of the domain should load in that interval. Could you please show me how to solve? I looked at the Guide but honestly I don't know w…
Last reply by ecpcs, -
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A few days ago finally a have installed Version 7, but in the last two days several register were made by address auto generated, for example " .ru " Is a installation problem or some missing step for my side. Thanks for help
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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How I can import Airports in my phpVMS 7.0? .csv data in the internet didn't work. Is there an alternative other than entering each airport individually?
Last reply by polirom, -
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I am trying to install PHPVMS v7 on my local MAMP PRO system. 7.0.0-beta.4 [1] I created the database in Mysql OK [2] i went to MAMP folder and htdocs and created my folder for PHPVMS i.e. Flightiva [3] i pointed the browser to http://localhost:8701/flightiva/ and saw the message that PHPVMS is not installed head to the installer Right on point 3 the PHPVMS logo is missing from the header [4] I clicked the head on to the installer [5] get error message Not Found The requested URL /flightiva/install was not found on this server. Is there a problem in using MAMP PRO with PHPVMS I am running…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi, I want to change my thumb and the main colour. Can anyone help me? <- change the thumb/logo <- change the colour (standard theme)
Last reply by Quitz, -
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Hi, I have phpVMS set to email me with system notices which is just fine, however my VA CEO is also getting emails for every pirep submitted as well as me. His email is only entered in his user profile. Is this because I made him an administrator also ? Is there a way to stop him being emailed. regards Doug
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
- 1 follower
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Hello, I have been trying to get an install using Docker to work but unsuccessfully. I go through the below directions: php composer.phar install yarn install docker-compose build docker-compose up For composer, however, I downloaded the latest version of composer 1. When I complete this process and view phpvms.test I can get all the way to the database setup. Despite the docker info saying the username and password is phpvms I get an error from the install saying that "Failed! SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused." The mySQL container gives the an error saying, "2020-12-30T03:55:33.375745Z 167 [Note] Access denied for user ''@'phpvms_app_1.phpvms_default…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
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Hi, I wanted to check if this is a bug before I even try going to the Github page. I have found that in some places you cannot delete an entry that you have saved and now want to remove it. I have two examples. Example 1 1) Edit a User allocating a role for example Flight Editor (Created in Roles) and save. He has access to flights 2) Now go back into the same user and press the little x to delete that role and save. 3) Go back into the User again you will find the he still has flight editor and access. Note this is the only entry in that field so it is not allowing you to return it to the previous empty st…
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
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Hi, I can easily create AWARDS but I can't find how to give them, do you have a solution? Awards list : Regards. -- PHPvms 7 MySQL Stisla theme
Last reply by Quitz, -
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Hi Lads I have setup my flights and my aircraft, I've added fares and expenses, but when I file a manual pirep, my finances page is empty. No debits or credits. All my expenses are directed to "Flight", Pilot pay is going up. I can see in the phpmyadmin in the journal entry that things are being credit / debited but the page won't show it. Is there something else I need to do? Also having an issue with new users registsering. They can't select Home airport as there is nothing in the selection box, although I have over 50 created
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hi, I have a new problem... Planes disconnected from the tracker (VMS ACARS), remain displayed on the LIVEMAP, this does not happen all the time, do you have a solution? Screen : Regards.
Last reply by Quitz, -
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With the latest update, phpvms7-dev210511, the web page does not start. The browser is blank error 500. I copy and paste the previous version and overwrite the files. I had to go back to the previous version, with a backup that I have.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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HELLO, can you tell me how I have to do to add an icon that accesses My Bids, under the photo
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hello, I'm trying to require a field for all of my members to put in a vatsim CID. When I select show on registration and require it doesn't show up on registration, nor does it come up for logged in accounts. Not really sure where to start.
Last reply by ToastTheFourth, -
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How can I add some downloads to the download page? I looked in the Admin Panel but don't see how to do it. Thanks. Jimmy
Last reply by Jimmy_S, -
- 1 follower
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Hello, I have a little problem with the deleted old expenses that remain in the drop-down menu. I have created an expense in the Listener file, but the Lavarel log tells me that it does not Cannot declare class App\Listeners\LandingRate_ChargePilot, because the name is already in use {"userId":6,"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\ErrorHandler\\Error\\FatalError(code: 0): Cannot declare class App\\Listeners\\LandingRate_ChargePilot, because the name is already in use at /home/jacquesm/phpvms/app/Listeners/ExpenseListener.php:0). Is there a file to modify somewhere ? or to delete ? Sorry but the site does not take my screen shot
Last reply by Skytraveler, -
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Hello all, Could anyone explain, at a dummies guide level, how I can go about adding an image to the landing page about the navbar and tell me how to change the default blue in the navbar and icons to a different colour? Thanks!
Last reply by KnightAviation, -
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Which folder to images need to be uploaded to so that they can be used in the "add page" section. I can get a default svg file to display but nothing else seems to work. I've tried uploading the image to public/assets/img/image.png - all i get is the "well this is embarrassing" message when I try to put the address into the browser. I've used the same address protocol as displayed by opening "logo_blue_bg" in its own tab as that displays fine, but nothing I've uploaded will display.
Last reply by KnightAviation, -
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Hi folks, I have been into the phpvms docs and tried to download the latest stable version but when I click the link, it just opens then immediately closes the page. I have been onto the github page but can't find where to download the zipped files. The page I land at says "don't download the beta". I'm not usually this stupid but can anyone provide a link, or guidance as to where to find the installation files. Thanks Andy
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hi guys, I'm running phpVMS v7.0.0-dev and DH's theme (don't know where to check which version). On all the frontend pages, some flights have appended information in their flight designation. Usually multi-leg flights or those that are part of a tour. Is there any way to hide these?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hi to all I tried to change the colors of the Style.css file from blue to red but nothing changes. Which file should I change to change the color to the navigation bar? Thank you
Last reply by tecni97, -
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hello all ive just tried to install phpvms 7 on our site buit it has come up saying that the INTEL PHP Exntention has Failed Does this mean that the Host am with hasnt got it enabled/Installed please help Regards Michael
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
- 1 follower
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I would like to add a contact file to our site based on phpvms and the DisposableHero addons. But only with a CSS button for the link. My question is I have a html css file, what would be the most logical place to add it to the site or should it create a wiget or a blade in the theme. Thanks to you
Last reply by Jbaltazar67, -
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Hi, i can't choose aircraft type under "Aircraft Information" when I doing a manual pirep. I have trieds it also in Admin, but it's the same. All other fields is ok.
Last reply by FredoFrance, -
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good morning, I'm trying to install the dev version of phpvms, but I can't open the phpvms setup. sorry for my English. kindly, is there anyone who can help me?
Last reply by kekko89sr, -
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hi, i receive error 500 on reset password page after setting up email on env.php using aws ses, this is the env file : MAIL_MAILER=postmark AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='mykey' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='mykey' AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1 in the log file i find this : [2022-12-30 13:09:30] production.ERROR: Class "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Bridge\Postmark\Transport\PostmarkTransportFactory" not found {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Class \"Symfony\\Component\\Mailer\\Bridge\\Postmark\\Transport\\PostmarkTransportFactory\" not found at /home/lg2975luca/phpvms/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Mail/MailManager.php:299) [stacktrac…
Last reply by lg2975luca, -
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Hello! I'm setting up phpVMS 7 for my virtual airline and I'm also editting some templates. I need the flight search results to show the days which each flight is operated. Is there any piece of code to do so? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Imanol, -
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Currently using Disposable Basic Pack v3.4.x on phpVMS v7 dev (latest as of 2 July 2023). After installing smartCARS3 I began testing all the connections. I can currently connect to our databases and make use of our databases with no problems. I can equally bit on flights and file PIREPS. That said, the only area I am detecting a fault is on the website's live flight map. It does not show the active flight. I can see it on VATSIM, and on the smartCARS map, but not on the website. I checked the settings page to see if I was missing a setting with no joy. I checked the TFDi forums and noted that smartCARS3 now natively supports phpVMS7. I would appreciate any gu…
Last reply by RedKingOne,