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LuxuryCEO last won the day on May 8 2020

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    P3dv4, Real world Flying

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  1. hello guys we had a small error with our phpvms7 site though i dont know if it been pointed out or not yet but when one of my pilots went to book his return flight EGAA -> EGCC the schedules where gone ( don't know how ) we fixed the error by reuploading the flights.csv file overwriting the current flights we think this is a bug of some kind though we arnt completely sure what caused it just thought id post it on here to let you guys know about it anyways regards Michael
  2. thanks man sorry for getting at you and that take it easy Michael
  3. sorry if it feels like am jumping down your throat am just getting frustrated am reinstalling the whole site with the latest version of phpvms7 downloaded from the releases on discord ( Version 7.0.0-dev+220328.e2226b) hope that works am not giving up uve a nice theme btw best wishes Michael
  4. i dont know this is only happening with the theme from DisposableHero the phpvms default theme works ok 😕 iev attached the laravel log anyways i cant make heads or tails of it
  5. Check laravel logs for error details ive checked it cant make heads or tails of it soo ive uploaded it to google drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/15B_LlbR_364BW94Xy-wIQqSvv7eRaZFM/view?usp=sharing as for Asking for help with all required details am trying my best am new with phpvms7
  6. getting an 500 server error registration page only ( default theme works fine ) web address is >> https://crew.luxuryairways.co.uk/register Something went terribly wrong ! 500 | Server Error If you are a regular user, please inform website administrators What an administrator should do now; • Check laravel logs for error details • Enable APP_DEBUG and re-visit same page With more information in hand; • Either ask for help with all required details • Or try fixing it personally Sharing an image of this page for help will not work, never did phpVMS Docs | Getting Help
  7. hello Disposable am getting the fallowing error on the registration page of my site ( the rest of the theme works well btw ) Something went terribly wrong ! 500 | Server Error If you are a regular user, please inform website administrators What an administrator should do now; • Check laravel logs for error details • Enable APP_DEBUG and re-visit same page With more information in hand; • Either ask for help with all required details • Or try fixing it personally Sharing an image of this page for help will not work, never did phpVMS Docs | Getting Help can you help me the errors only appearing on your theme the default theme works fine regards Michael
  8. sorry for the spelling typo lol yh we got it working, sent my host a support ticket in which they were very quick at getting back to me they reinstalled the named PHP Extension and ive now got the site up and working we are slowly moving from phpvms5 to phpvms7 regards Michael
  9. hello all ive just tried to install phpvms 7 on our site buit it has come up saying that the INTEL PHP Exntention has Failed Does this mean that the Host am with hasnt got it enabled/Installed please help Regards Michael
  10. Hi ProAvia MySQL Version10.3.28-MariaDB-cll-lve what i got off my cpanel hosts updated mysql so we could use Moodle for our Academy Services this happened recently never heard of MariaDB until phpvms7 soo i dont know much about it its paid Hosting By HostPresto been with them for a few years now Michael
  11. Hello Guys Ive a big problem here i cant add schedules to my site if i do i get 2 errors one is There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Field 'route_details' doesn't have a default value << fixing that by adding NULL to the schedules database will result with this one >> There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Incorrect double value: '' for column luxuryai_phpvms.phpvms_schedules.payforflight at row 1 i also have the Aircraft market Mod on my site Can No Longer add Aircraft have tried adding the Airbus A220-300 to the Airbus Market 3 times the site said Aircraft added but when i checked it was a no show also we can book a flight and fly it with Smartcars but when we land and go to file the pirep guess what it fails to send or doesn't show up in admin for us to accept please help me here am at a dead end and i need this fixed asap if you need to ive attached pictures below Phpvms Version simpilot/php7.2 Theme is : Stislaskin if you require an admin account on the site please pm me asap regards Michael
  12. Hi carlos


    am just wondering if theres anyway to add the registeration of teh aircraft to your skins booking form as we have multi 737-800s etc  with diffresnt schedules   


    but we dont know what aircraft has what schedule on teh booking form     we have to go into the admin side to see what flight number is related to each aircraft 


    if u wish i can send you screenshots of what i mean

  13. hello all ive just uploaded the admin skin by @web541 from his github here >> https://libraries.io/github/web541/phpVMS-Admin-Panel-Skin ive the php version it works perfectly just a small but serious problem the pilots list and schedules list is missing ( see image ) really nice theme and would like to use it anyway i can get this fixed quickly i have backed up the original files from the admin page just incase things went pear shaped ive went back to the default admin page until this is fixed as i need the pilots and schecdule lists regards Michael
  14. the module on my site says theres a critical update with a yellow box 😕
  15. Hi guys I know phpvms 7 is still under development but something has been bugging me for a while now. When the time comes to port over to the new vms7 how are we going to import all of our aircraft schedules and pilots etc. I mean right now Luxury has over 800 schedules and around 75 aircraft etc il be there to christmas 2022 importing them over lol. That is without a database import or something like that. There's got to be something that can be done. The thing on the phpvms7 installer didn't work for me soo
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