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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Weird, from the testing we were doing the field was being populated. I hadn't included any of your display code on the client side though, so that could be an addon
  2. Can you show me a screenshot? I thought it was autoscaling?
  3. It's in the individual acars connector files in core/modules/acars
  4. I had converted all the maps to the v3 version until I saw there were problems with polylines and it didn't have full support of all the v2 features. I will update it, once I get the time to
  5. If you do a search, this has come up before. I will search it tomorrow too
  6. Nabeel


    You don't have to do anything for FSACARS integration, just follow these directions: http://docs.phpvms.net/using_fsacars#using_fsacars
  7. Try it with all caps, you're doing: "Vatsim ID" Which won't match "VATSIM ID".
  8. So it should say the 4.43? That's an error on my template:; http://bugs.phpvms.net/browser/trunk/core/templates/pilots_list.tpl#L48 Line 48: It's: <td><?php echo Util::AddTime($pilot->totalhours, $pilot->transferhours); ?></td> Make it: <td><?php echo $pilot->totalhours; ?></td>
  9. Wait, Dave, the landing rate is pulled out by ACARS into the landing rate column already (I included that as a default). Or did you already account for that?
  10. No, there's no restriction on flights they can fly. Just pick it out of the schedule, out of any airline, and fly it. Any restrictions would be upto the individual admin/airline to work out as policy, and accept/reject PIREPS in accordance to that. On registration they can chose which airline they belong to, but it has little effect other than aesthetics really. I guess you can think of it the pilot belonging to a "parent company" with all the airlines you setup as divisions under that company. The separate airlines are just another means of organization
  11. There's some more settings in app.config for sigs which were added
  12. Very cool. My former boss brews alot
  13. I think this will convince you to use FSFK: http://dev.phpvms.net/index.php/pireps/view/89 Each part of the log sent also has its own template which you can customize
  14. Oh, you're trying to visit it. It won't work that way. It's using the even listener, so it will automatically run when someone registers
  15. Above CodonEvent::addListener('ForumRegister'); Add: parent::__construct();
  16. Yup, the auto-retire is new for > 90 days no login or PIREP. That can be adjusted or disabled, of course
  17. Then create schedules which are all C flights for that airline code. You can also then indicate your aircraft in the registration put a C at the end to denote cargo only. Then your pilots can fly either 'division'
  18. You don't need that second SELECT * FROM aircraft that a.* in the query will return all the aircraft data
  19. Contact your host. When they say you have 10gigs of space, you really only have a gig maybe, if you're lucky. But contact them, their server is overloaded. I remember my godaddy site was advertised at 100 gigs - the server had a 15gig drive
  20. Enabled DEBUG_LOG and access your homepage, see if there are any error sin /core/logs/log.txt
  21. And make sure both airports have been added with coordinates in the admin panel
  22. Hey, been a while. Well there's this: http://docs.phpvms.net/2.0_upgrade_guide And the all-important changelog: http://www.phpvms.net/changelog.htm
  23. You'll have to edit that html page manually in core/pages/chat.htm (that's what i tmight be called). Then in that file just follow the instructions simple chat gives you to integrate the page (it might be some PHP code)
  24. You want just the active/inactive pilots? Or reading from a group? Active pilots: <?php // Parameters to search by, p.column_name => value $params = array( 'p.retired' => 0 ); $pilots = PilotData::findPilots($params); If you want by group: $pilots = PilotGroups::getUsersInGroup('Group Name');
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