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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel


    I'd still let your host know
  2. Thanks, can you add a bug to the tracker? thanks
  3. Changed Files: m core/app.config.php m core/classes/CodonCache.class.php m install/loader.inc.php cache default to off, code formatting View complete changes Download from here
  4. You said some admins aren't able to - are you able to? Are their permissions correct?
  5. Nope.. not as of yet..
  6. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php m admin/templates/pilots_details.tpl m core/common/SchedulesData.class.php m install/install.sql m install/loader.inc.php m install/update.sql weeks 1-4 for schedules, code formatting View complete changes Download from here
  7. Updated Tickets: [VMS-347] - List of Days Changed Files: m core/classes/Util.class.php fixed VMS-347, zend formatting View complete changes Download from here
  8. Nabeel


    Can you write bug reports, otherwise I can't really keep track
  9. I'm not sure what you mean by "doesn't work" - are there any errors? You'll have to be more specific
  10. You can just add more fields to the pirep_new.tpl in core/templates
  11. Hope you all have a great one, and an awesome new year! Thanks for making this a great year for phpVMS.
  12. Check the FAQ forum, there's a way to do it there
  13. If you can add it to the bug tracker, I will try to for the next version
  14. That first error, talk to your host...
  15. Try it with a small set of imports, maybe 5 schedules. See if that works. Does it just lock up? If you're using "phpvms" as the lookup server, try geonames
  16. Does it time out? What happens?
  17. deptime and arrtime are from the ACARS app. I have no indication of what timezone they are in, so you'll have to see how they send it, and adjust for that
  18. Yeah, 15 minutes is OK. You can set WGET or curl as a script to call yoursite.com/index.php/module/retrieve, where this will run this code: class Module extends CodonModule { public function retreive() { // your XML parsing code in here, $cws = new CodonWebService(); $xml = simplexml_load_string($cws->get ('URL to your XML')); // continue } } And you can do all your parsing, etc there as if it's a regular ACARS module
  19. Add a bug into the tracker
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