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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You can code a module, and use a post-registration hook to change any details: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=28 Also, using the API, and not directly editing the database, will make sure there are no integrity issues: http://docs.phpvms.net/api/
  2. The flighttime column isn't used internally anymore, only the flighttime_stamp. As long as the flighttime_stamp column is correct. I haven't removed that column yet, but I will be for the next version. But as of the previous version, it's not used anymore. From the PIREPs it always comes as HH:MM:SS I believe. There's only a reformatting of a time if it's been typed in. Times are *not* stored as decimal as you indicated. It's always in HH:MM:SS format. If you're seeing decimal formatted time anywhere, then that's a bug. I'm not sure where else you got decimal time notation from. It's in HH:MM:SS format to allow MySQL to do any time summations, and I don't have to handle that. It comes from ACARS as HH:MM:SS format as well. During editing, if it's reverting to decimal format, then that's a bug.
  3. You're supposed to copy the template to your skin's folder, and edit it there. The engine looks for a template in the skin's folder first, before going to /core/templates. That way, templates can be kept from skin to skin. In a release, I list all of the modified templates, so they can be checked for changes
  4. The link doesn't have to be a singular chart, it can be to a page which contains all the charts. Separate airlines are just for schedules for now. They're not separated in financials, yet. There's no restrictions. As for the difference, it's explained here: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=14
  5. I believe there is a charts URL when editing the airport
  6. If you look in the pilots_list.tpl, you can see the code used there, you can use the same code, just use the proper variable for the pilot's ID
  7. Daily backups are good. Was there a MySQL upgrade? Could be the .frm files for those databases were corrupted.
  8. Nabeel

    Route Map

    I believe that is a config option
  9. Make sure they are not marked as inactive
  10. Yes, you can do that https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/blob/master/core/templates/schedule_boarding_pass.tpl#L65 That PHP there where it gets the date, you can do: <?php if($schedule->depicao == 'KLAS') { echo chr(rand(65, 68)); // Gate letter between A and C echo rand(10, 22); // Random gate letter between 10 and 22 } elseif($schedule->depicao == 'KJFK') { echo chr(rand(66, 70)); // Gate letter between B and E echo rand(110, 120); // Random gate letter between 110 to 120 }
  11. Are you using a full admin user, or a user you added? If the latter, I would check that user's permissions as well
  12. Nabeel


    I'm planning on (yet another) overhaul. I guess if stuff is entered properly it will work properly. I can see a lot of VAs just pumping stuff up.
  13. Disable the rank from being set via hours
  14. I would target your CSS more specifically (like from parent div down to the class/p)
  15. You can also try setting the lookup server (in app.config.php) from "geonames" to "phpvms".
  16. Updated Tickets: [VMS-339] - Cannot change default pilot's group [VMS-338] - SITE_NAME: You have been marked as retired [VMS-338] - SITE_NAME: You have been marked as retired Changed Files: m admin/templates/settings_mainform.tpl m core/codon.config.php m core/common/SettingsData.class.php m core/lang/en.lang.php VMS-339 VMS-338 VMS-338 #close fixed View complete changes Download from here
  17. Changed Files: m core/common/RegistrationData.class.php m install/loader.inc.php default pilot group fix on registration View complete changes Download from here
  18. You need to contact your host about that error, which is:
  19. The beta has an import/export, but I wouldn't run that unless you're comfortable
  20. You can move the database. Any settings are stored in core/local.config.ph If an airport is not present in an import, it attempts to look it up and add it, but that's iffy, depends on the host. The export is the standard import file, so usually I say to export, then change your schedules, and reimport
  21. All times are handled as decimals internally IIRC. Times can get messy :\
  22. It's not designed to handle those altitude adjustments. However, if you can send me 4/5 examples of altitude adjustments, etc, I can handle that in the route code (add to the bug tracker in my sig)
  23. Thanks, it's available on github: https://github.com/nshahzad It can easily be forked, and with push/pull requests, it's easy to merge code in. There are other's who are writing addons (see the addons forum), and people do send in patches for bugs. But my "real-life" is pretty busy these days (I am a software engineer), I don't get much time. I do have some things on the board, including an overhaul of the financial core which I'm planning (albeit, slowly). But anyway, the code is on github, anyone is welcome to change and add, and send me a pull request.
  24. Yep, a timezone mismatch, when the client is off from the server.
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