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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Write to an XML file which is then uploaded via POST. Otherwise, your clients and server need access to the same socket
  2. They've come up before. There is a suggestions thread. I do look into them. But no guarantees. There is a github repository for the project, so if you have any patches to help out, I'm willing to integrate them into the mainline (as I have in the past, and just did with the latest beta as well, simpilot also has numerous changes integrated into the main trunk). I do not get as much time as I have in the past to work with phpVMS
  3. You'd have to check with your host, I think you're on fivedev so the timezone is set to GMT I believe, though it can be changed in script.
  4. a/b - phpVMS doesn't use any timezones. It's all done as whatever timezone you chose and remain consistent. For instance, if you want to list all times as local to that airport, you can do that. If you want to list everything in GMT, you can do that as well. As long as you remain consistent. Flight durations also vary depending on aircraft, and maybe your airline policy is duration is gate to gate, not runway to runway. c - You can change in the config to not use a currency (since it is just a display), and you can make a note that the currencies listed are local d - this has come up before, if I get time to implement them, I will. But that is also why the CSV import exists, so you can do that a bit more easily
  5. a ) To cancel, just click outside of the popup b ) it should be blank... there's no default values c ) close out the dialog and load it again, that sometimes happens when it's reaching out to another server. i believe it was a browser issue
  6. The first account is creates is an admin account. Only admin users have access to the /admin area. Are you installing the latest beta or the latest release version? The beta - I know there are a few issues. How is PHP installed? As a CGI? In the phpvms_groupmembers table, does your user have an entry in there? How about cookies? PM me a link to your site, let me see what I can find
  7. Simpilot posted one above
  8. Disabled for security reasons? That's the strangest thing I've seen. You have to contact you host about that, seems like they'll be incompatible with phpVMS, if they're blocking things as mundane as sscanf()
  9. What's the date and time for MySQL?
  10. Yep, I would check these things first
  11. The editor is an HTML editor, you can click the 'source' button and it will have the source view where you can the HTML
  12. The only difference is in finances. Charter flights count 100% of the passengers. Pax flights, take a %age of the maximum number of passengers, since flights aren't always full
  13. You can read from a socket, I'd google search it, but not sure if this is the best way?
  14. Sorry, it's showing the route on the ACARS map
  15. Have you modified your core_nav? You have to use absolute links, not relative links
  16. There was a problem with the zip/tar, so please re-download
  17. For that one? Nope. If you make a different change (add some text somewhere), does that show up?
  18. Changed Files: m core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php m install/hashlist m install/loader.inc.php m install/structure.xml m lib/js/acarsmap.js Jeff's ACARS fix, installer fixes View complete changes Download from here
  19. Is the field title Vatsim_IDor Vatsim ID? Are you using that same value you use in the other template?
  20. It's mostly based on number of flights now
  21. Sorry about that guys, there was a bug in an update. I had sent an email out about it afterwards. My apologies!
  22. Nabeel


    Use the Firefox extension 'Firebug' to figure out which styles you need to change
  23. I believe it's in the template itself
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