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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. That link doesn't work.
  2. I think just having the form modified with that hidden field is better, it's a bit more professional IMO than having a giant notice, I think that's a bit tacky?
  3. The algorithm was changed to make it more fair and even-handed. Now PIREPs count the most instead of all the other factors
  4. Where is this? On vaCentral or in your phpVMS install?
  5. Are there any Javascript errors? Check the error console on Firefox
  6. The slashes don't matter. Contact your host, the issue is theirs
  7. Sounds good. I believe Outlook is the best email app that's available. Didn't 2007 have conversations? I tried it out - I'm too bonded with Gmail/Google Apps. Though I could get the Outlook Connector for Google Apps, I'm just on too many machines to really move everything. I am hoping they're going up upgrade us from Outlook 2003 at work.
  8. You can also use Office Online. But it makes sense not to be able to mix 32/64 bit versions, even if they are different editions. I'm sure they all use common dependencies. So wait, did you get Outlook working in 32 bit eventually?
  9. Did you uninstall the 32 bit? I only use IMAP, but I will check about those connectors, they may have been inadvertently installed, thanks
  10. I had the same problem on my laptop about the pre-release version garbage. I just started to using Google Apps instead. Funny thing is, I never installed the pre-release version. And funny you post this since I am acquiring a copy of 2010 to see if it's any good. Not that I use it, the only thing which might be remotely valuable to me is Outlook
  11. Hmm that's strange, it should work sitting in local.config. Well, just make sure you add it back in after an update
  12. Can you try a different image? Maybe there's something wrong with the image
  13. Did you insert the code properly? If you did it will show up as "vaCentral Settings"
  14. Sorry, I meant to actually run it, in your browser, www.yoursite.com/install/checkdb.php
  15. Hey, Can you paste the /install/checkdb.php script here?
  16. It will after some time, but you do an initial export - in Site & Settings -> vaCentral - > Send PIREPS and send vaInfo
  17. You can probably do that working within the same system, it's called aircraft, but just call them whatever you want and that might do it? You can modify the front-end templates to reflect this as well
  18. Nabeel


    Look in addons, I think there might have been something similar, but I don't remember
  19. Actually I changed my mind. This would make it a bit more fair, but also help you find what you're looking for
  20. They don't integrate, but you can skin them both to look the same. That would be the best option
  21. You can also use number_format
  22. It's probably your host's fault. If you do a search, almost everyone has some problem with free host. You can keep trying to reupload, but there's almost always some problems with free hosts
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