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Everything posted by tutmeister

  1. What version of PHP and MySQL are you running? It looks like you're on the free Zetta Hosting account. Free hosts are not very good at hosting dynamic websites, so just a heads up that you might need to upgrade.
  2. By your location I am assuming you're talking about the US, as it varies by country and by type of usage. (military and civil do different things) http://100ll.com/ is the most-used website for aviation fuel that I know of, but airnav is also very useful: http://www.airnav.com/fuel/local.html You will be billed in gallons in the USA, although there are some (much) older fuel trucks that have the counter calibrated in pounds, but you will always see that converted to gallons for when you get billed in my experience.
  3. I've had that happen to me twice before when FSX crashed during a flight. I usually reload from my in-flight FSsave which is < 1 minute old, but on those two occasions I accidentally reloaded the flight on the ground. This resulted in the landing rate being 0 and the pitch rate being 0, which is what your PIREP is showing. So while not definitive proof of what's happening, you might ask your pilot if this sounds familiar.
  4. Looks good, thanks for sharing.
  5. tutmeister


    You'll find a bunch of good team players over at http://www.usecforce.com/, where I spent ten years on the roster. Incidentally, it is also the place Dean Hall, the Dayz developer, started out with ArmA. So a lot of people there, including myself, consider him a friend and you'll find they have lots of good information about playing it.
  6. I use http://www.colourlovers.com/ and enter the hex color into their search function like this: http://www.colourlovers.com/palettes/search?hex=33CCFF
  7. Looking good both of you. itrobb, I especially like the progress bar for "level up."
  8. Google "responsive web design" Good article on how to achieve it: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/bobleah/entry/code_example_of_responsive_web_design_using_css3_media_queries13?lang=en
  9. The clear property is only used to disallow floating elements on either the left, right, or both sides. What you need to do in this situation is target that unordered list, by its ID or Class, and set the left margin to something like 20px. If it doesn't have a class, you should give it one to avoid setting every unordered list's margin. By default, that list should reside in profile_main.tpl.
  10. tutmeister

    Airline Skin

    Good work, thanks for sharing!
  11. Adem, I took a look at your website and you're using a menu available from CodeCanyon (http://codecanyon.net/item/utopian-css3-dropdown-menus/148244). So any support for it can certainly be acquired from the author. Otherwise, if you post the code you're having problems with we can take a look. But I can't help much without seeing your code mate.
  12. I actually agree with Matt. Most new CEO's start VA's because they want their own "kingdom" with their own rules, so to speak. So they likely wouldn't want to fly for another airline, even eye-for-an-eye style as you say, unless it happened to operate under the same rules as their own airline--which is unlikely.
  13. Edit the post and add [sOLVED] to the topic title.
  14. Do you have the database details filled out correctly?
  15. Are you saying you only want registered members, who are logged in, to view that map? Or are you saying you want only flights from members who are logged in to be shown on the map? If it's the first, you just wrap an authentication layer around the code: <?php // The user is logged in, so show the map if(Auth::LoggedIn() == true) { ?> <?php $flights = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount(5); $string = ""; foreach($flights as $flight) { $string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+'; } ?> <img src="http://www.gcmap.com/map?P=<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=790x400&PM=permr:diamond7:green%2b%22%25I%22:white&PC=%fffff" /> <span>Maps generated by the <a href="http://www.gcmap.com/">Great Circle Mapper</a></span> <?php } //The user is not logged in so don't show anything else { // Do nothing } ?>
  16. If your computer isn't that great, you'll struggle to display real-looking fog in FSX with any addon that does a decent job. I have an i7-2600k, 16GB of RAM and a halfway decent videocard and mine slows to a crawl in really dense fog created by the latest REX weather engine. Having said that, even with all my payware, it wasn't until recently that a lot of little quirks got ironed out when I purchased a registered copy of Pete Downson's FSUIPC. With it, you can grade the haze layer so it looks more realistic (and also likely to use less graphics resources as there is less to display). I don't know if you can do it with the free version, but of course I'd try that first. http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html Here is how to set it up (even though the pics are from FS9, the FSUIPC interface remains the same): http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?198315-Realistic-horizon-in-FS9-using-the-power-of-FSUIPC
  17. Heliguy, you might just want to hand code it (HTML select box option groups), unless you really change hub options and airlines all that often within your VA? Server-side code is really meant to speed development time up, but any server-side work for this will only really be relevant to this one page. Therefore, it seems much easier to just do the require HTML hand coding and leave yourself a development note so you don't forget in the future. Example: <select> <optgroup label="Virgin Atlantic"> <option value="EGCC">Manchester Airport</option> <option value="EGLL">London Heathrow Airport</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Virgin America"> <option value="KSFO">San Francisco Airport</option> <option value="KLAS">Las Vegas Airport</option> </optgroup> </select> Edit: To say I agree with Cori. I'm tired of people coming in here and just bashing. Not even contributing. This is for development of PHPVMS, so if you don't need assistance and don't want to assist, bugger off.
  18. You should contact the developer of the skin, or look on the themeforest page for that author (http://themeforest.net/item/bromo-premium-responsive-business-html5-template/2543290). They will be able to help you better. From first looks, your custom.js contains the jQuery function that makes the navigation dropdown work, so of course it must be included for your navigation to function as expected. Why it might not work in conjunction with the live map is something your developer, or the theme author, may be able to answer better.
  19. aarbee, the reason you shouldn't create a very long image is because of the bandwidth it takes up. Both for the client, who will experience longer page loads; as well as the server-side, which will see more bandwidth eaten up. The method I used above is the most efficient way to create the illusion.
  20. It's pretty simple. Take the banner into photoshop or another image editor, and copy the very last 1 pixel to another file. Save it, upload it, then use the new image as the CSS background image for the header, with repeat-x set. Then create a child div and set the logo as the background to it, or just call it within it as a regular HTML image, your choice. Anyway, see here for the example: http://jsfiddle.net/tutmeister/X9xyQ/6/embedded/result/ You'll have to excuse the smaller logo, my photobucket account automatically resized it and I couldn't figure out how to make it not resize. The basic idea is that the background will repeat to infinity, thus creating the illusion of a never-ending logo.
  21. Thanks! Quick note though, it is Javascript not just Java; there is a difference as Java is an entirely different language.
  22. Your site seems to be offline right now, but I took your code and made a jsfiddle so you could see what I did to make it work: http://jsfiddle.net/tutmeister/j7V93/10/ Basically, you need a clearing div underneath the two div's that are floated left and right. I also solved the repeating background on your white header and a few other issues I saw. Let me know if you need anymore help with it.
  23. Good to see responsive templates breaking through; plus, looks great!
  24. You're welcome...
  25. I was just trying to help you by providing useful information that might save you from wasting your time. But anyway, to save you even more time you can find the single cookie that PHPVMS creates on Line 139 of Core/modules/Login/Login.php: # If they choose to be "remembered", then assign a cookie if($this->post->remember == 'on') { $cookie = "{$session_id}|{$pilotid}|{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}"; $res = setrawcookie(VMS_AUTH_COOKIE, $cookie, time() + Config::Get('SESSION_LOGIN_TIME'), '/'); } So your cookie name is VMS_AUTH_COOKIE and the length it is set for is decided by the site administrator through the local.config file.
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