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Everything posted by ProAvia

  1. ProAvia

    Pilot Bids

    Without using the Tour Center, look at a single schedule and bid that one schedule only. Does the bid show now?
  2. Some specific times should show in the log file. No idea if you can pull from the log, capture the data and display on the site. Also, specifc times for different flight phases should display below the acars map while the pilot is in that flight phase.
  3. What ACARS program do you use? Most of the info should be available in the log of the ACARS program. Chances are you aren't going to see any start time for pre-flight, but starting taxi, takeoff, etc should be available.
  4. And with that, this topic is now closed.
  5. And with that, this topic is now also closed.
  6. If your subdomain for phpVMS v7 is called "sitio.aerovirtual.com.ar" You need to first create a subdomain called "sitio.aerovirtual.com.ar" through your hosting panel and point that subdomain to /public_html/phpvms/public Then copy all the phpVMS v7 files to /public_html/phpvms
  7. Chances are that someone replace some/all of the default admin files with an update admin skin. Probably the only way to change it is by replacing those files with the default files - after the site is fully backed up.
  8. That will allow changing the user side skin, not the admin skin.
  9. Blue Ice is your skin for the user side of the sight. What PHP version are you running. Who changed the default admin skin to the present one? They should know how to revert to default.
  10. Don't get me wrong - this is a nice skin.... but.... Did you code this from scratch or did you take bits and pieces of others works and combine them into this skin?
  11. Yes - it is nice. But I am still awaiting an answer to this too.
  12. Maybe revert to the default admin skin and try again? What version of phpVMS? What version of PHP? What version of MySQL or MariaDB?
  13. Google is your friend.... Google - learn laravel Here is one possible place: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/laravel/index.htm
  14. Nope - not kidding in the least. If you are going to be using phpVMS v7, you will have to learn at least some Laravel at some point. No time like the present. After phpVMS v7 is released, there may be several skin options available.
  15. I see you are using kACARSII - which is payware. We can't discuss payware products here (which aren't developed by the phpVMS developer). The developer of kACARSII is no longer developing the program and his site is shut down. Have you asked others at your VA if they are experiencing the same issues? I use kACARSII, and I remember one of my pilots having this issue - but it was related to his screen reader. If you contact me via PM, we can discuss further.
  16. If you know Laravel you can probably adapt it for phpVMS 7
  17. Do you have a working demo site set up that interested members can look at?
  18. Link to your site doesn't work for me.
  19. Looks nice - but what base template did you use for inspiration?
  20. What base template did you use to create your skin?
  21. What base template did you use to create your skin?
  22. If possible, set that sub-domain to use PHP 7.2 or 7.3 Follow the docs here to install correctly on a sub-domain: http://docs.phpvms.net/ You will go to the v7 site via http://<full_sub-domain_name>/public
  23. "I open a new free account at 000webhost (following a tutorial at Youtube - phpVMS Tutorials | Web Hosting)" Free hosting is your first issue. Create a sub domain and database on your paid host and upload it there. Use the latest development build here: http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-7.0.0-dev.tar.gz
  24. It almost looks like it isn't pulling the css. What directory is phpVMS installed in? Is it /public_html/crewcenter/ ? What directory is crewcenter installed in? Is it /public_html/crewcenter/lib/skins/crewcenter/ ?
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