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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. you can create a module that will send an email with a random number that expires in some days and then in the registration module just add a check if the email and code exist in the new module then to proceed to registration, if you want i can create the module for you for a small fee
  2. What other code doyou have ?
  3. usualy it returns as an array have you tried to print_r($MODULE_TEST); and see what it returns ?
  4. you need to get the variables from somewhere example for <?php echo $userinfo->hub;?> most propably you will be able to get it with $userinfo = PilotData::getPilotData(Auth::$pilot->pilotid); final result should be $userinfo = PilotData::getPilotData(Auth::$pilot->pilotid); <?php echo $userinfo->hub;?>
  5. You can get a json output for each airline with the following addres www.website.com/action.php/acars/data and then display it in your aliance website
  6. Did you changed your mysql password ? and can you provide a link ?
  7. wich phpvms version do you have ? and also what is your php version
  8. Sure why not
  9. Hello I have modified a chat script from php to PHPvms format for your websites you can have a look at it here http://baggelis.com/phpvms/index.php/livechat I was thinking of charging it for 5 euros just so i can go and drink a beer If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me
  10. You are using the wrong function that is why you should use $pireps =PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid,10)
  11. Yes it should send you the mysql file by email
  12. Which tracker are you using ? It seems that the pilot id is not sended corectly
  13. Ask and it will be given to you Matthew 7:7 backup.php Put the backup.php in your admin folder and you can call it in the crop by getting the address from here by replacing maintenance.php with backup.php
  14. For example if you want this pirep to b declined yo can add a criteria like -> maximum speed of this aircraft is very dangerous or -> forgot to call a mayday it is copy paste the text from your log and the module will search for this words and if exist then the pirep is declined As each acars tracker has diferent text then you must create new criteria
  15. can you post a protected website ? i am curious of how it is shown Thanks
  16. I agree with web sorry for not answering you previous question got lost somewhere <?php $r = range(1, 24); $selected = is_null($selected) ? date('H') : $selected; $select = "<select name=deph id=dephour>\n"; foreach ($r as $hour) { if(strlen($hour) < 2) { $hour = str_pad($hour, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } $select .= "<option value=\"$hour\""; $select .= ($hour==$selected) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $select .= ">$hour</option>\n"; } $select .= '</select>'; echo $select; echo":"; $rminutes = range(1, 60); $selected = is_null($selected) ? date('i') : $selected; $selectminutes = "<select name=depm id=dephour>\n"; foreach ($rminutes as $minutes) { if(strlen($minutes) < 2) { $minutes = str_pad($minutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } $selectminutes .= "<option value=\"$minutes\""; $selectminutes .= ($minutes==$selected) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $selectminutes .= ">$minutes</option>\n"; } $selectminutes .= '</select>'; echo $selectminutes; ?>
  17. As it is searching in the text part of the log can you please attach or link a full log of a pirep ?
  18. Yes it works you might need to rename the tpl to php
  19. in a similar case i had modified the pilotdata.class in order to calculate the expenses
  20. do you have a report with the criteria that you want ?
  21. can you post a link to a pirep , your criteria list , and your pirepdata.class.php
  22. As this post is marked as solved i would highly suggest you to open a new post
  23. I offer a custom acars asswell please have a look at http://baggelis.com/index.php/apvacarsm/apvacars-custom it is compartible with all fs platforms by using fsuipc and with xplane by using xuipc
  24. Please follow instructions 3.Edit simbrief.apiv1.js in lib/js and add your full website addres in the apropiate location 4.Edit your schedule_briefing.tpl in /core/templates and in line 195 edit the link to corespond to your site Example http://www.yoursitelink/index.php/SimBrief
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