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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. I didnt got anything not in my email nor in pm of the forum
  2. there should not be such code as the login script uses action.php where there is no such code have a look at this test login http://baggelis.com/phpvms/action.php/APVacars?data=verify&pilotID=VBA0001&password=yourpassword
  3. I would not be worried sometimes random errors show up
  4. is something not working ? or you are worried because you get this errors ?
  5. you are missing table airmail_folders import the mysql again to your datatbase
  6. I am sure that this function is working as i tested it can you attach the php files that you use ?
  7. Do the same as before for this function get criteria
  8. send ftp and a demo username and password and i will have a look at it
  9. Go to PirepAcData.php in core/common and find Public Function get_settings() and change it to Public static Function get_settings()
  10. public static function TotalHoursBetweenDates($icao, $startdate, $enddate) { //Count total hours $query = "SELECT SUM(flighttime) as hours FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE submitdate BETWEEN '$startdate' AND '$enddate' and (depicao='$icao' or arricao='$icao')"; $result = DB::get_row($query); return $result->hours; }
  11. Any chanche we can acces your server to have a better look ?
  12. What happens when you add a bid with the default template ?
  13. I am also looking into it as it is not working on my server aswell
  14. I am not sure that I understood what exactly you want you paint it somehow
  15. check in the template what it is the source of the images
  16. Did you try to contact the creator ?
  17. Stupid question maybe, have you checked the pilot's rank ?
  18. Turn on logs in local.config.php and see if there are any errors
  19. You have some issues with your template and not with the module i wil have a look at it when i have finished with a project
  20. No it will not when you click on the button do you get the popup window from simbrief ? If not make sure all the necessary files are included
  21. Link with test account please so we can check
  22. I dont think you followed all the instructions but in order to help you you need to tell us your website link
  23. did you read the https://github.com/vangelisb/Simbrief/blob/master/phpvms/ReadMe.txt ? it has clearly instructions how to do it, if you still dont understand then you will have to find someone with basic file upload and editing knowledge
  24. https://github.com/vangelisb/Simbrief
  25. go here and get your self a key for cathpa https://www.google.com/recaptcha/
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