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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Is it possible to check the values via phpmyadmin in order to see if they are the same with the one which are being given to you by the admin center?
  2. I do not think that it has to do with phpvms support forum. Did you get in touch with your web hosting company?
  3. Ok. you may use the if statement i send you wherever you want. <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { ?> //The .tpl file you want to show if a user is not logged in <?php } else { ?> //The .tpl file you want to show if he is logged in <?php } ?>
  4. Replace this: <?php echo $pirep->pilots. " ($pirep->rank)";?> with this: <?php $pilot_data = PilotData::getPilotData($pirep->pilots); echo $pilot_data->rank; ?> PS: Did not check if it works. Just give it a try.
  5. Probably you must have set the auto pilot retirement to true. Go to you local.config.php file, find this: Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); and replace it with this: Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', false);
  6. Open the appropriate file (in the default version of phpvms it is named core_navigation.tpl) and just use this: <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { ?> //The meeus you want to show if a user is not logged in <?php } else { ?> //The menus you want to show if he is logged in <?php } ?>
  7. And what was the solution? This will help those who may have the same probpem with you.
  8. I will try to check how it works exactly. If i find out anything, i will offer a free "personal" update for those who may want.
  9. Version 1.3 has been uploaded. I have also added a rank check based on the aircraft which has been selected for each one schedule.
  10. As i stated above, i do not want to built my modules based on other modules which will might get updated by their developers. It the developer decides to change its module's database tables structure then my module might not work correctly. I can only hook my modules to this module. Of course, i can create an updated version for each one client based on his own needs. As for the Tour Module made by Simpilot, i do not think that i can hook it in any way...
  11. Today, i restarted working on the project as i had stopped it for a couple of days. I have already added the following functions: Hours Check Flights Check Landing Rate Check Days of Membership Check Any other suggestions?
  12. You can add them via your phpmyadmin. The table is named (your db tables prefix)_pilots .
  13. You will have to get in touch with your web hosting company in order to increase this limit.
  14. Does you site run bootstrap? Check this please: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/9746-bootstrap-and-google-maps-fix/
  15. Check this please: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/18860-i-have-a-xxxxxxtpl-file-not-found-error/
  16. Problem solved. TourData.class.php file should be: public function get_sog_schedules() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules WHERE flightnum>='SOG00001' AND flightnum<='SOG00015' ORDER BY flightnum"; return DB::get_results($sql); }
  17. Pilot Academy v2.2 Some of the headers showed Greece Airways Virtual. Edited these files and everything should be ok The new version is available by Simpilotgroup. I am open to any suggestion or request you may have.
  18. Please upload and send me the files in order to check them. Send the to info(at)php-mods(dot)eu . I will check it and i will let you know...
  19. I have uploaded version 1.2 . There were some other problems with the aircraft on the main table of the module. Now everything work correctly. Thanks to @aarbee for the debugging.
  20. The problem is that i am not able to hook my module so easily to other's modules. Of course i can hook it with my own modules. If the developer of the hooked module decide to update its module, this means that my module might not work correct... What to you mean about membership awards?
  21. First of all remove this from the tour_schedules_sog.tpl file (line 14): $schedules=DB::get_results($query); Check if it works now...
  22. Go to core/common/PilotData.class.php file and find this (in my file it's in line 219); public static function getLatestPilots($count=10) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots ORDER BY `pilotid` DESC LIMIT '.$count; return DB::get_results($sql); } and replace it with this: public static function getLatestPilots($count=10) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots ORDER BY `joindate` DESC LIMIT '.$count; return DB::get_results($sql); }
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