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Everything posted by servetas

  1. BTW, George You may use this if you want to place them on the same line: <?php if(!$allawardtpes) { echo 'No category available'; return; } foreach($allawardtpes as $type) { ?> <h3><?php echo $type->typ_name;?></h3> <?php $allissuedawards = vAwardsData::GetAllIssuedAward($pilotid, $type->typ_id); if(!$allissuedawards) { echo 'No issued awards'; $allissuedawards = array(); } foreach($allissuedawards as $award) { ?> <?php if(!empty($award->awd_image)) { ?> <p align="center"><img src="<?php echo $award->awd_image;?>" /></p> <?php } else {echo 'No Image available';} } ?> <?php } ?>
  2. Can you check if this works? <?php if(!$allawardtpes) { echo 'No category available'; return; } foreach($allawardtpes as $type) { ?> <h3><?php echo $type->typ_name;?></h3> <?php $allissuedawards = vAwardsData::GetAllIssuedAward($pilotid, $type->typ_id); if(!$allissuedawards) { echo 'No issued awards'; $allissuedawards = array(); } foreach($allissuedawards as $award) { ?> <?php if(!empty($award->awd_image)) { ?> <br /> <p align="center"><img src="<?php echo $award->awd_image;?>" /></p> <?php } else {echo 'No Image available';} } ?> <?php } ?>
  3. The module has been released and everything should be ok. Please let us know that you think about it and if you would like to see any other function.
  4. Poll System v1.0 After a lot of months of ab sense, php-mods team is ready to release its next module for phpVMS. This is a Poll System which will give your pilots the chance to say their opinion about many things of your virtual airline by voting. The administration is quite easy. You are able to open and close a poll or set a closing date for each one. More information about the module can be found here. The demo system can be found here. If you have any suggestions or any question, do not hesitate to contact us. Last but not least, we would like to let you know that we are open to make any updates or customizations of this module in order to fit your own needs. Just drop me a pm or open a support ticker on our billing system.
  5. Hello Simone, You will have to open a support ticket on the Simpilotgroup Support System. (I have already answered to yur ticket.)
  6. What data do you want to maintain in your database after the rejection?
  7. Hello, Please check the manual which is included on the module orin the first post here. For anything else, you may use the SimpilotGroup support system. Thank you for purchasing this module.
  8. For some reason, i can't see the image.
  9. David and joeri, i can help you if you need me. I have plenty of time available, just drop me a pm.
  10. Thank you very very very very much! I changed 'by' to 'addedby' and everything worked!! Having sent almost more than four hours today just for this. -_-
  11. If i omit it, the result is the same. On the other INSERT queries i do this with the same way and everything is OK.
  12. It is correct. It means Flight Scheduling System.
  13. Hello All, I hope you are fine . I am trying to create a new module for my virtual airline but i have stuck in something(i think very silly). More than three hours have passed but i can't find anything. For some reason it does not send the data to the database. Can you find the problem? public function assign_checkride() { $this->set('pilots', AcademyData::get_pilots()); $this->set('exams', AcademyData::get_exams()); $this->render('academy/checkride_assign.tpl'); } public function checkride_theory_assign() { $ret = AcademyData::theory_checkride_assign($this->post->examid, $this->post->pilotid, $this->post->by, $this->post->at); $this->set('message', 'Added'); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); } public function theory_checkride_assign($examid, $pilotid, $by, $at) { $examid = DB::escape($examid); $pilotid = DB::escape($pilotid); $by = DB::escape($by); $at = DB::escape($at); $sql="INSERT INTO phpvms_fssexams_available (id, examid, pilotid, by, at) VALUES ('', '$examid', '$pilotid', '$by', '$at')"; DB::query($sql); } <h3>Assign Theory Checkride to a Trainee</h3> <center><form id="form" action="<?php echo adminaction('/academy/checkride_theory_assign/'); ?>" method="post"> <table width="60%" border="0"> <tr> <td>Trainee:</td> <td><select name="pilotid"> <?php foreach($pilots as $plt) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $plt->pilotid; ?>"><?php echo $plt->lastname; ?></option> <?php } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Checkride Type:</td> <td><select name="examid"> <?php foreach($exams as $exm) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $exm->id; ?>"><?php echo $exm->exam_description; ?></option> <?php } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><center><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit This Material" /></center></td> </tr> </table> </form></center> <br /> Another eye is always helpful .
  14. If you are interested, please send me an email in order to see if i can do it.
  15. David, i think that it has been stated quite a lot in the past but, are you able to add time restrictions on the exam system like the entrance exam module?
  16. Hello to all of you, Have you ever though of joining a Virtual Airline Alliance? Why did you joined it or why not? What kind of (dis)advantages do you believe that there are? We are thinking of joining a va alliance but we want to know more about how they generally work... Servetas
  17. This is also a kind of support. In a lot of modules of mine i have made a lot of customizations inside them for free but via the support system of Simpilotgroup. I'm sure that David will try to help him...
  18. Yes, but using smartCARS does not differentiate from any other virtual airline... That is the case.
  19. I do aggre with Strider. We (in Greece Airways Virtual) have fully customized our custom kacars and if anyone see (1 & 2) it, he won't understand that this is a custom kacars. Of courser, Jeffrey's support was great and he tried to do his best in order to built it. Of course we have to pay more but the result worth it!
  20. On 14th of Febuary 2013: And on 20th of March 2013:
  21. Do not request support via the forums for the Simpilotgroup's payware modules. Use the Simpilotgroup support system and i think that David will do his best in order to help you! Ref: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6228-simpilotgroup-payware-module-support/
  22. Personally, i would not buy any module-software whose developer spams in order to advertise his product. We have already received two emails about it and we have answered in all of them...
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