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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Probably yes. I would suggest you to get in touch with your hosting provider.
  2. Try WHERE flightnum > '00000' and flightnum < '00004' "; Â Just to test
  3. I would suggest you ti create a TourData.class.php file on you common folder and include the select function there. Personally, I do know why it does not work and i do not suggest including database functions on your .tpl files.
  4. Thank you Ryan. Will try to add them also.
  5. I just uploaded version 1.1. There were some wrong functions in the previous version which have now been corrected. The download link can be found on the first post. Please let me know if you have any problem, question or suggestion.
  6. Probably, that has not to do with the system as the to do list is not based on the flight numbers you have field but in the departure and arrival airports.
  7. Thank you for your kind words . Please send me via pm your schedule_results.tpl file in order to edit the module for you.
  8. Use WHERE flightnum >= '0001' and flightnum <= '0003' "; And check the 0 you have on your flight numbers...
  9. Ready and published here. Please let me know if you have any question, request or suggestion.
  10. Non-Flown Flights v1.1 This module is going to create a simple list (based on the default schedules list) which will include the flights which have not been flown yet but a pilot. This is based on the schedule's departure and arrival airport ICAO codes. How to Install? Download the module from the link you will find below. Copy and upload the files, same as the structure of your phpVMS website. If you want to link your VA's pilots to this module, use this part of code: www.yousite.com/index.php/NonFlownFlt -or- <?php echo url('/NonFlownFlt'); ?> Please note that this module is only accessible to the users who have logged in on your phpVMS website. Screenshots Download This module has been uploaded on GitHub and it can be downloaded via here. Support Support will be offered by this forum. If you have any question/suggestion or request do not hesitate to let us know. I am not going to answer any personal messages requesting support for this module. License Registered Under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Please do not remove the copyright notice as it is part of the Creative Commons License which module is licensed under. Please consider buying me a coffee. FYI, coffee in Greece costs just 1€. Have Fun!
  11. I have already prepared something.I am going to publish is in the next hour.
  12. Another pilot of my virtual airline had also requested something about it. My question is, where this function will be based? On the flight numbers the pilot has field or the departure and arrival airports the pilot has field. I think that it's quiet simple...
  13. I am currently updating Pilot Awards System. The next version will include an auto award system. Can you suggest me any criteria? Currently, i have already added the hours and flight criteria. (An award will be assigned after completing x hours or after completing y flights).
  14. Is this your problem? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/20739-trouble-with-airports-also
  15. First of all i think that you will have to get in touch with David. He might be able to help you. Can you describe to us what you need exactly?
  16. What do you mean? You will have to edit your registration_form.tpl file.
  17. Hi All, Currently, i develop version 1.1 in order to update the module and add more features. One of the feature is an auto awards system. What kind of awards do you want to auto assign? For now i have added on my list the awards based on the pilot's hours and landing rate. Let me know you suggestion and what would be useful for you. servetas
  18. Pilot Academy v2.1 Add points function based on simpilot's Pilot Rewards Module. Version check system The demo system has been also updated and it can be found here. The new version is available by Simpilotgroup. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or requests for the next version of the module.
  19. I would like to inform you that version 2.0 have been released. You can purchase it via Simpilotgroup. If you have already installed a previous version of the Pilot Academy module and you want to maintain your data, please contact me via pm or via opening a support ticket on Simpilotgroup/Noticeable Hosting Support Center under phpmods phpVMS modules department. Otherwise, you may proceed via following the installation steps of the Pilot Academy System v2,0 . Thank you all for your support.
  20. Pilot Academy v2.0 After, one month of continuous developing, we are happy to announce you the next version of our Pilot Academy module which is v2.0. We have updated the system radically and nothing is the same with the previous versions. The new version allows you to: This system is going to help you maintain your training facilities of your virtual airline. You are able to add and manager your VA’s trainers with a basic permissions system which will not allow full access to everything. Create specific training courses which can be requested by your pilots. Also, it is possible to set a minimum rank which has to be gained by a pilot in order to be able to request the exam. Add specific material for each one course with download links. After a pilot’s request, a trainer can assign the course to himself and start communicating with the trainer using a build in communication system (in order to arrange a meeting or anything else) or get his email and get in touch with him by email. The trainer is able to assign theoretical and practical check rides in order to check the trainee’s progress. Theoretical check rides can be taken by the trainee whenever he wants. You can set a time for a theoretical check ride and the number questions which will be given to the trainee (can be set by the Pilot Academy Settings). The theoretical check rides are being evaluated instantly. This version of the Pilot Academy System meets all the VATSIM standards for an Authorized Training Organization. If you have any question or any request do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
  21. Do you have selected all the week days?
  22. I do not know if this is possible. Please wait if anyone else know anything about it.
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