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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Are you sure about that? Check your database. It must have changed correctly but unfortunately it does not autoselect the correct value. Try to change the group to the one you want and then make a fake registration. What happens?
  2. Let me say that in reality his va has exactly 57086 flights (based on its finances). Nevermind, you are just more than 13000 flights out .
  3. Is this a tour calendar or an event calendar?
  4. Can you tell us your website url? Are you able to file your pirep manually?
  5. Yes but they are readble without the need to zoom in
  6. Go to core/modules/ACARS/fspax.php and find lines 137 and 159.
  7. Sorry for saying that to you but we are not obliged to help you and offer support in anything.
  8. Unfortunately, i haven't seen any post where we can show our cockpit sets. So, let me start... It consists of two displays, the Siatek Pro Flight Yoke System, a Samsung Galaxy Tab II 10,1" as an FMC (using a specific application), two keyboards and one kneeboard which can be laced on my foot in order to help me write down the notes i want during my flight.
  9. Save the local.config.php file of your current phpvms installation directory (it is in the core folder). After that, delete all the files and reupload a fresh version of phpvms in the same directory with the previous one. Then, install it as usual but on a different database. When the installation finishes, go to the core folder and replace the new local.config.php with the previous one. Of course, check if the versions are the same between these two phpvms systems as there might be some database changes. Although, i do support Strider's opinion that reinstalling phpvms won't help you in any way...
  10. Before posting your problem, you have to search over the forum in order to check if it has been answered... An example can be found here.
  11. I would suggest you to contact Jeff. Check here.
  12. You may create a hidden field on the registration form: <input type="hidden" name="code" id="code" value="Company's code" /> Where Company's code use HDA for example. And after that, you may remove the select airline field from the registration form.
  13. Type it (the index.php) on your browser ...
  14. You have to place the index.php on your website's url when visiting your website from a browser. Do not visit your website using just http://www.royalmaroc-va.com/ but http://www.royalmaroc-va.com/index.php
  15. http://royalmaroc-va.com/index.php/login
  16. When you log in on your website, TICK REMEMBER ME...
  17. Place the index.php on your website url when visiting it: www.yoursiteurl.xx/index.php
  18. The base custom version of kACARS costs 40$. I would not suggest smartCARS as it depends on its developer's server(s). If, for some reason, he decides to close his server which hosts the chat system, you'll have a lot of problems. You know nothing about him, so you will not have the chance to get your money back. Also, i would not cooperate with someone who tries to advertise his program via sending emails via your phpvms's contact form in order to make you buy its acars system. My opinion is that the key of succees is offering good and reliable services, not trying to find new customers via disturbing them. Personally, i do prefer kACARS as me and Jeffrey have worked a lot in order to built a very good and well designed acars system which is not like the base custom version of it. Moreover, his support is great and you have the chance the test the program before buying it via using the kACARS_Free. More information can be found here (of course the price it higher...). Of course there are a lot of other programms which are realy very good! That's all for now...
  19. I have managed to create required fields for the ivao and vatsim ids but you'll have to edit some core files of your phpvms system and it is very difficult if you do not have knowledge about phpvms...
  20. Find the line which says: Util::SendEmail($email, $sub, $message); And replace it with this one(comment it): //Util::SendEmail($email, $sub, $message); Then, keep a backup of the last version of the file and upload the new one on your server.
  21. Check this... <?php if(!file_exists(SITE_ROOT.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png')) { ?> <img src="http://www.greeceairwaysva.com/fss/lib/images/noavatar.png" /> <?php } else { echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png'.'" alt="No Avatar" /> '; } ?>
  22. Also, you can create a system which will tranfer the posts and the topics from other forums such as SMF, phpBB, etc.
  23. Dear All, We would like to inform you that today Greece Airways Virtual celebrates its three years of operations. We would like to thank all our members for their support. We wish to continue supporting all our pilots via this way in the future. Below you can watch a video about what we have made during the last three years. Thank you, on behalf of the Staff of Greece Airways Virtual
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