Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
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- 4 replies
6-23-17 I have seen phpVMS go through many different phases in what is nearly 10 years since I stumbled across it. Nabeel has been able to create the defacto application for people that want to start or run a virtual airline and keeping it free and open source deserves nothing but appreciation for Nabeel. I as many others have benefited from his work, both financially and not. I apologize to all those that were/are affected by my absence for quite some time both here on the forum and at SimpilotGroup. Things have changed in my life and my attention can not waver from my real world responsibilities for the foreseeable future. While I had hoped things would get to…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hi All, I was looking for a chat platform for our virtual airline. Id like to use teamspeak3 as the privacy policy isn't that great for Discord but as my service provider only provides dynamic IP address i'm a little stuck with my choice. Has anyone had the same issue as me and been able to get around it? any help welcome
Last reply by Matthieu, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, So this is a question for you all/virtual airlines: Discord vs Teamspeak, which one do you prefer using for your virtual airlines, and if you're a member of a VA which does the VA use? Secondly, do you know the pros and cons of each? which do you prefer? And finally, if I was to use teamspeak, how many slots is advised for a small start-up virtual airline? I look forward to hearing from you all.
Last reply by Heritage1, -
I wanted to suggest a pilot pay module, I think this would be a popular add on or module. It would be nice to assign pay by rank. What do you think??
Last reply by Nabeel, -
by Nabeel- 3 replies
What kind of data is useful?
Last reply by Leiserson, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone know here can i find the file to manualy edit the pilot lists os aircrafts list. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I have a question: i want to know how do your create flash images. there are a cuople of things i want to Fash on my website
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 3 replies
Ok recently I have come once again upon the flying tigers group. If you arent familiar with them they create and run simulated real world airlines such as cathay, JAL etc. Now the only difference that I have seen between their sites and other simulated real world airlines is a notice at the bottom ( For Flight Simulation purposes only. Not a commercial site. Not affiliated or endorsed by any airline. 2002-2009 Name VA - All rights reserved). Now I have contacted a few airlines in the past about using their name ( some that the flying tigers have) and they said that using their name is prohibited and will result ina cease and desist. Ive looked into trademark and copyrigh…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
As you may know, my VA's website has been down for a few months now. I have been trying free hosting companys non stop and trying to install phpVMS on the hosting but non of them seem to work. I can get the first installation page when you fill in the MySQL database info but can't get further than that. It doesn't allow me to. I don't know if its an issue with phpVMS, but it worked a while ago so I am assuming not. I was just wondering if somebody would be kind enough to give us free hosting for a few months, I hope it wont streach out too long but at the moment my webpage is quite rubbish, I just have a temporary website. I would require a panel account because I am wish…
Last reply by goldenairways, -
- 3 replies
Dear Friends, I have just read and signed the online petition: "Letter of Support for Microsoft's Flight Simulator Franchise" hosted on the web by, the free online petition service, at: I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.
- 3 replies
i NEED SOME help please every time i download it to my site it gives me 1.lib/signatures is not writeable 2.lib/avatars is not writeable 3. lib/rss is not writeable 4.core/cache is not writeable 5.core/pages is not writeable 6.Could not create core/local.config.php. Create this file, blank, with write permissions. please help what should i do
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Big Thanks
by Dee- 3 replies
A big thank you to Nabeel for giving us this great application/code Made it a breeze creating the VA ...great stuff bud Air India Virtual opens for registration ;D
Last reply by Dee, -
- 3 replies
To the VA community at large. Since December 2009 Pontchartrain Airlines has been a labor of love on the drawing board. Tuesday I joined this site and right away received very kind help from Nabeel and Dave over at New England Air. Many thanks to both of these gentlemen As a result of that help Pontchartrain Airlines has taken a major step toward becoming a reality. When operational we will fly The DC3 and The Constellation. Over time we intend to enter the jet age. Until then we will in essence at first be a southern regional carrier operating in the 1940’s. At this point we are a small mail carrier evolving towards passenger service. Historically the late 1920’s e…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i'm wondering about one thing .. example: PILOT001 and PILOT002, they are in the same airline, both are using FSAcars reporting system .. the PILOT.ini file is the same except "PilotNumber=PILOT001" so, if PILOT001 will change his .ini file to "PilotNumber=PILOT002", he will send his report to PILOT002 account .. am i right? I find line "passwd=" and "Password=0" Please give me sollution, how and where to configured their own unique password. Step by step if possible Many thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
I've seen a lot of cool stats listed on peoples sites but I can't figure out what code to put in do to what. I'm sure there is a list of what does what somewhere in the docs but I can't seem to figure out what is what. Heck, I don't even know how to link the contact module so I can have a contact form. Any help would be appreciated. BTW, I'm a network engineer so working with code is not really my thing. :-)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
I'm thinking of buy the following. The Saitek Pro Flight Yoke with Three-Lever Throttle is from Saitek The CH Products Pro Pedals USB Flight Simulator Pedals is from CH Products My question is, since these are made from 2 different companies. Will they work together?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 3 replies
hello gents i am looking for some help currentlu i have some flash coding to show a small slideshow off screenshots.( on the right but i am looking for something that will enlarge the screens when pushed i looked at lightbox 2 but here it will show all the pictures and not 1/or slideshow. does annyone know something to make this work thanks in advance joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, i was just wondering what expenses you guys use for your company? Maybe we can sum stuff up here so others can have an example... me in particular ;-) thanks! Lucas
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, I'm just wondering what should I purchase (Heathrow scenery). Either the UK2000 Heathrow Xtreme, or the Aerosoft Mega Airport London Heathrow? I'm looking for the most realistic possible. I have FSX if that helps. If you have another recommendation (that is heathrow), then please say. Please also vote on the poll, and WHY I should pick your choice?
Last reply by cloudsurferuk, -
- 3 replies
this was amaizing
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
I'm getting desperate for this now and I'd do it myself but I'm far from talented. I'd be ever so grateful if someone would paint the FFG Saab 340 in the Flybe (Loganair) livery. I do not mind what the reg is - as long as it's an active one. You can download the paintkit here. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, Just throwing a question out there. I have a Nvidia 8800GTS videocard and i also use Nhancer to enhance the graphics. Now, my problem is that when i go out of my plane and look at the taxiway in the distance... i see that the lines on the taxiway and other details are blurry or something like that. i really dont know how to explain. Maybe you can see the video i attach to this post... Its similar to my problem.... Hope someone can tell me what settings i should adjust... Lucas
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, my ARTCC on vatsim will be hosting the first ever Vatventure.. It will take place all over the ZAU airspace, over 250 pilots expected each hour, so it will be really fun. Just from a insiders look at things, we will even be parking planes on the grass hehe. Please let me know if you or your VA will be attending. It would be great to see some VA's from here join in on the fun. The event information link is here - Thanks Ada
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 3 replies
Any XACARS users here know if there is a way to change fuel from pounds or gallons to kilograms? I searched but did not find any relevant info on the subject.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
To Jamie Trueman whatever ya name is, If you ddos me or dos me I will rip ya balls out and feed them to the kids in Africa, i will hack ur computer and get your ip and report it to the police to track you down and get ya. you might think your funny but your not, calling me a *****r over my brothers msn aint gonna happen, Like i said I will continuesly send pings and packets to i know your server ip so shush. I will get my friend to hack your little crappy bmavirtual. your a bunch of noobtubers so shush. Touch my computer and I will crash your site and i KNOW HOW TO :@
Last reply by MAT, -
- 3 replies
Hello. I am working on setting up and organizing my VA. The name is FlyAmerica Virtual with headquarters located in Philadelphia. I was wondering if there was anyone here who would be willing to pain our fleet. I am unable to pay for the work but the livery I have in mind should be fairly simple.The fleet consists of 6 aircraft: Posky: 737-600, 737-800W, 767-200ER, 767-400ER, 777-200LR, 777-300ER. If anyone is interested please let me know here or at my e-mail: Thank you. I forgot to mention the time frame for completion is very extended. I would like to have all the aircraft painted in a 3-4 month period. I don't want to put a big load of work on someo…
Last reply by jake, -
- 3 replies
Hope you all have a great one, and an awesome new year! Thanks for making this a great year for phpVMS.
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, I now that you can use mysql_num_rows but with phpVMS theres the custom mysql connect syntax that makes everything a lot cleaner. i.e. DB::get_results($query) How do I count rows? (i.e. count the number of schedules with B747-400 departing EHAM) Cheers, Nout
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
I am making a virtual airline (Alaska Virtual Airlines) and will be setting it up with phpvms. I want to use the logo and name of the Real World Alaska Airlines/Horizon Airlines on my site. What should I do so someone doesn't come knocking on my door?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone I wanted to remove the news from the frontpage_main and add something else. But I dont know what to put in its place. Would anyone like to suggest any ideas that I could use for my main page ( Thanks guys! James
Last reply by Kyle,