Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hello. I am working on setting up and organizing my VA. The name is FlyAmerica Virtual with headquarters located in Philadelphia. I was wondering if there was anyone here who would be willing to pain our fleet. I am unable to pay for the work but the livery I have in mind should be fairly simple.The fleet consists of 6 aircraft: Posky: 737-600, 737-800W, 767-200ER, 767-400ER, 777-200LR, 777-300ER. If anyone is interested please let me know here or at my e-mail: Thank you. I forgot to mention the time frame for completion is very extended. I would like to have all the aircraft painted in a 3-4 month period. I don't want to put a big load of work on someo…
Last reply by jake, -
I know this isn't quite related to phpvms, but as a new VA, I don't have tons of knowledge or resources for getting things done as of yet. So I'm asking the PHPVMS community if anyone knows of a good resource for making repaints for a VA. I have a few different A/C needing painted for my fleet. Cheap or free would be awesome. I have an example of what I would like done.
Last reply by PhatZilla, -
- 0 replies
Hello,I would like to introduce pink virtual, the first virtual airline ever to support a cause. Pink virtual, supporting breast cancer, is expected to launch in late October possibly into early or middle November. That date is to be officially determined in the next few days. Pink virtual's CEO, Jordan Delaney, announced that they have ordered 25 Boeing 757-200's. He also stated this afternoon, "Pink virtual is the first virtual airline ever to support a cause. Now, we need your help, these positions are open and need to be filled as soon as possible by any qualified applicant. (1) Vice Chief Executive Officer, (2) Bidding system coder, (3) and Human Resources Director. …
Last reply by Pink VA, -
- 3 replies
I'm getting desperate for this now and I'd do it myself but I'm far from talented. I'd be ever so grateful if someone would paint the FFG Saab 340 in the Flybe (Loganair) livery. I do not mind what the reg is - as long as it's an active one. You can download the paintkit here. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone I wanted to remove the news from the frontpage_main and add something else. But I dont know what to put in its place. Would anyone like to suggest any ideas that I could use for my main page ( Thanks guys! James
Last reply by Kyle, -
Need Ideas
by UAVCEO- 5 replies
Other than UAV (which is having issues at this time) I am thinking of a new Virtual Airline to create, which will start up this summer. It will be fictional, and there is my problem. I was wondering if you have any ideas for a name or scheme or something. Here are some plans I am thinking of: US Based Main hub in Minneapolis or Midwest location Other hubs TBD I want it to kind of be a laid-back, leisure airline. (Like Ted was) Any thoughts/ideas to jolt my mind would be appreciated.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
New site!!
by RogerB- 7 replies
Love the new site!!!! dude!!
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 0 replies
Hey Guys! I thought we might need a thread like this. I used to do website feedbacks for $5 on before and a lot of people loved my service. So, if you post your URL here - When I get the chance, I can give you some feedback on maybe some small improvements. I may not always be available, but I'll try to reply as often as I can. This is a volunteer thing, and it's free of charge. Anyone is welcome to give feedback to other members. Please mention your Website URL, and I'll reply when I get the chance.
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 1 reply
hi, when is this available?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, I now that you can use mysql_num_rows but with phpVMS theres the custom mysql connect syntax that makes everything a lot cleaner. i.e. DB::get_results($query) How do I count rows? (i.e. count the number of schedules with B747-400 departing EHAM) Cheers, Nout
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
As the title suggests, phpVMS is what I am looking for, but I was wondering whether there was any chance of VATSIM being included in phpVMS in the near future. I've noticed that vaBase does have it already integrated but after looking around they seem like a very dodgy company and the code is supposedly bad. Cheers, Max.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Dear Friends, I have just read and signed the online petition: "Letter of Support for Microsoft's Flight Simulator Franchise" hosted on the web by, the free online petition service, at: I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.
- 4 replies
never used it, never knew it existed until I signed up here. Is it better or more stable than FSACARS and do flights show up on the map like they do with FSACARS? Recommendations for which ACARS is better?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, Im looking for a good program to make .exe's/installers for our fleet... anyone have any Ideas? I want to be able to package panels, sounds, ect. and have in installed via one .exe Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by pouzo, -
- 5 replies
I'm using live fuel prices and all I can say is "ouch". As of the time of this posting my VA has 79 flights recorded with over $3,000,000.00 spent in fuel! Thank goodness I have plenty of "virtual passengers" flying with us or I'd go bankrupt. Sorry, just had to post this little bit of silliness. Keith
Last reply by AFVA | Mitchell, -
- 5 replies
I have 2 questions about the phpVMS API and about using it with VB applications. First of all is it possible to use the API to view things like previous pireps, schedules, etc but also submit PIREPs via it (plus adding comments) and view/alter the pilot profile. Also is there ways to also use admin functions and control everything which you can via the admin panel. The reason is I am considering making an application client for my virtual airline so the pilot changes everything in the app, instead of online. Its mainly going to be made for experience as I am planning on making another application, but this will be a little practise and I am mainly doing this because ther…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Hello guys we are proud to launch our new website with the phpvms log system, working perfect!!! Kind regards Bart-Ceo.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 6 replies
phpVMS installed and works, right out of the box!?!?! I can't understand this. Things like this never happen to me. ;D I need to rest now. ;D ;D ;D ;D Thanks for a great product.
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 6 replies
I just imported some routes, and it would appear that the calculated distances are a bit excessive. For example the distance from PHNL to RJAA is 3886 miles, but the system is calculating 17944. It looks like the problem occurs as one crosses the international date line. OMG103 PHNL (07:00 UTC) RKPK (16:30 UTC) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 17318.1 0 P (0/1000) OMG102 PHNL (07:00 UTC) RJGG (15:00>UTC) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 17825.3 0 P (0/800) OMG101 PHNL (07:00 EST) RJOO (15:30 EST) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 17750.4 0 P (0/900) OMG100 PHNL (07:00 EST) MMMX (14:30 EST) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 3812.58 0 P (0/900) OMG9…
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 2 replies
Have an awesome day! Cheers xD
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, Having never really dealt with Civillian VA stuff before... not in a big way... I thought ID take the opportunity of an empty private flight server, and unlimited web resources to run a Civie VA alongside my ongoing Military Project. I was hoping the illustrious community here could advise me what in the way of ACARS programs is the best way to go? Cheers in advance.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Any free software for live streaming a view from your monitor on website ? Maciej.
hi guys, Been away for a few days and come back to a couple new builds. I read that there was some login issues and session management. Was going to upgrade today if this has all been resolved. Is it officially safe to upgrade now? ;D
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello all I was thinking of developing a android program for phpvms but to be honest i do not find any usage so my question to all of you is IF there was a android program for PHPvms what features would you want it to have ? and what would be the max money that you would want to spend for your airline ? Thanks
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi could we have some kind of intergration of vataware in to the system. Look there you can email someone about using vataware scripts. Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
didn't know if anyone ever tried this. I threw and image in a few of my mail charters...have a look.
Last reply by vancouverA380, -
- 4 replies
Hello all! I currently have a playlist on Youtube which has PHPVMS Tutorials (coding, walkthroughs etc.) i have been working on. All (nearly all) of them are in HD Link: Tell me what you think, Mitch (If you want a request send me a PM)
Last reply by AFVA | Mitchell, -
Hi, i just thought of a good idea maybe to bring in to phpvms at some time.. there are a few pilots out there who fly with fspassanger and they can end up with emergency and stuff like that.. i think that if this happens there should be somethink in the sytem that allows you to land at a closer airport as long as you declare a mayday . and still be able to file the flight as it will say in the pireps that you declared a mayday?? and thought on this i think it would be great and it saves pilots having to land and start the flight again ??
Last reply by MBrown, -
Hello Everyone Just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi since I'm new to this site. Our wing is interested in adding this incredible program. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get going please. Thank you so much.
Last reply by Dyl963, -
My name is Vince Novak and i'm CEO of a VA called Cerulean Airlines. would be very interested in helping to test this application when you are ready to do so.Thank YouVince NovakCEO Cerulean
Last reply by Nabeel,