Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hi All, Im new to the forums here at PHPvms. My new VA, Cirrus Air has recently run aground in regards to our system, before we did have a coder helping us create a personalized/custom system only to find that he was only building his own va with tips and helpers from how we built our own. Two days before our planned opening he decided to leave us with an incomplete system and forced us to pushback our opening until the 20th of May, maybe even further. We had to choose this pushback date because the only person we could find to help us out has exams until then. We've already decided to use PHPvms and our new guy still cant help until the 20th, but we need to open or p…
Last reply by Jeremy B, -
- 4 replies
i got it to work. Feed Back Please
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 4 replies
I've been looking at some of the pireps and I am seeing things like this. Fuel Price 34582.1 This is the price of fuel, $ per lbs I have been going with the default price whe I creat routes, I'm assuming that the figure shown is the total cost of fuel, not the price per lb.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, Just throwing a question out there. I have a Nvidia 8800GTS videocard and i also use Nhancer to enhance the graphics. Now, my problem is that when i go out of my plane and look at the taxiway in the distance... i see that the lines on the taxiway and other details are blurry or something like that. i really dont know how to explain. Maybe you can see the video i attach to this post... Its similar to my problem.... Hope someone can tell me what settings i should adjust... Lucas
Last reply by joeri, -
- 4 replies
I've looked here before and I always thought of phpVMS as a CMS, but I am beginning to realize that I needed something that has the ability to scale with the airline as it expands. I also hope to help out around her a bit more, since I am paid to work with MVC on PHP on a daily basis Simulated Continental is moving to phpVMS soon so this should be fun.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 0 replies
Hey Guys: I am looking for someone who can do livery Repaints. Please contact me so we cant further discuss my project. Chris
Last reply by ChrisHD, -
- 3 replies
With the help of my new flights ops director, we have finalised the rework to our fleet. Now though, we need to have the aircraft repainted, and my skills are definitely lacking in this area. So does anyone have any recommendations for people who are offering repaints as a service? Please only recommend if you have used their services personally. Thanks in advance Stuart
Last reply by stuartpb, -
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Hi I wounder if there is a free webbhost site where i can publish my page on! im not so good at this so i wounder if someone can help to publish my site,i dont which pages and php and Databases who i will uppload on the page! I hope there is someone out there who can help to create a page? Best regards Joakim Gustafsson
Last reply by Adam., -
- 4 replies
Hi Nabeel. I am REALLY out of date. I am still on Version 2.0.874 Has there been a new stable since then I need to update to then upgrade from there? Or am I good to go as far as upgrading my current install to latest beta? As we all know I have ran into some major medical issues the last month or two and I have not been on a bunch or able to do any web work. I am so far behind if I start reading posts now, I might be caught back up to speed by tomorrow afternoon.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
I'm new to the web site business, having previously hosted a web site at iPage, the web hosting site for dummies. Now that I'm moving our web site to FiveDev/PHPvms, I'd like to learn more about hosting the site. For example, what is an SQL? How do I access my database? My question here is, what would be a good reference book for learning basics like these? David Reed Historic Airline Group
Last reply by reed0427, -
- 0 replies
I highly recommend site5 for web hosting - it's completely compatible with phpVMS, and they have excellent customer support. I still use them for client sites. Uptil the 1.0 release, phpVMS was developed on site5. Click here to goto site5 Note: The above link is a referral/affiliate link, so if you sign up using the link above, site5 will give me $25 for every sign up, which goes a long way in hosting!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Name is Peter and I hail from Cambridge, Ontario Canada. I've started FS in 98 then switched to CFS1, CFS2, Cfs3 and then switched back to FS and have not looked back.
Last reply by TennShadow, -
Will this program be able to track what the pilot did in the flight... kinda like ACARS, that will know exactly what the landing speed was, the touchdown zone, the info of the know like ACARS
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hi all! I am coding a custom ACARS program in C# for my va. The pilot login function will have the pilot enter their ID and password, then it will need to query a different Login.php (will be in the same folder, but named Login2.php). The different Login.php will need to simply take to ID and Password that is sent to it form the ACARS program, and send back to the program as true or false (basically, does the ID and password match up in the database, and does the pilot ID exsist). I need some help on what the new Login.php would need, as I have no experience with php. Can anyone post the php needed to perform a function like this? Also, if anyone knows what code is …
Last reply by coryb12, -
- 3 replies
Hello All, Will this combination work: X Plane+VATSIM+XSquakBox on PHPVMS system? Thanks and Regards, Arvind AV
Last reply by joeri, -
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Is it a good idea to use Cloud Flare? If so, does it update after every so long? Is there a way to change it in the settings? Thanks, Edmund K
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 1 reply
Is there away for us to display fixes and VOR's in our mapts like VATAware does??
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Ok recently I have come once again upon the flying tigers group. If you arent familiar with them they create and run simulated real world airlines such as cathay, JAL etc. Now the only difference that I have seen between their sites and other simulated real world airlines is a notice at the bottom ( For Flight Simulation purposes only. Not a commercial site. Not affiliated or endorsed by any airline. 2002-2009 Name VA - All rights reserved). Now I have contacted a few airlines in the past about using their name ( some that the flying tigers have) and they said that using their name is prohibited and will result ina cease and desist. Ive looked into trademark and copyrigh…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
Hi all. I read a while back that someone has on their site a live ACARS stats on their home page much like the newest pilot banner on top of the home page. I have searched and searched and can not find it. I think with old age setting in on me my search skills are starting to slip on me. To be exact, what this code did was give a list of everyone who is actively doing an ACARS flight on the VA website. Not Vatsim or IVAO or anything, it was just who is connected to your site via an acars device. Thanks for helping me in the right direction. And feel free to give me a virtual slap for slacking on the search skills.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Does anyone know how to get new skins for free or know how to make them.. i also want to know how to change pilots rank and hours... and to ask more questions when they sing up please help
Last reply by Kyle Watkins, -
- 0 replies
Hello there fellow VMS users As I know many of you fly on VATSIM I thought you might be interested in participating in an event my VA (Air Serbia ), SCGvACC, CassubianVA and PL-VACC are organizing! Info: Event page: October 7th 1700z-2100z LYBE With the summer of 2011 behind us, we are enjoying the last warm days and preparing for the winter. We thought, what better way to say goodbye to the summer than an event? And that is why we now present you the BELGRADE VA FLY-IN 2011 EVENT by Air Serbia Virtual, CassubianVA,PL-VACC and SCGvACC. Our goal is to have as many VAs as possible fly during the 4 hour time f…
Last reply by Sava, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone! I have been gone for ever it seems but it's only been days and I am WAY behind on the beta versions. Hell I am still on 22 and we are now up to 38 I see. I'm glad all the dam holiday stuff will be over here in a couple days and everything around my house can get back on track. Hope everyone got what they wanted/needed for Xmas and that you all have a very Happy New Year. And my resolution for this year is going to be to quit lying. Yes that's right. Every year I say I am going to do this or that and never do, so this year I am not even gonna lie about it at all. lol I am just simply not going to do anything or say anything about doing anything. ;D ;D ;D
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Well, I wonder if someone can put in my Fsacars VA, scheduling the program I know how, but i can not do the php on the site, someone could help me with this problem I'm having? My website the VA Email me Skype: emerson.braga.ribeiro msn: appreciate if someone can help me!
Last reply by Matthew Talbot, -
- 1 reply
Hi Nabeel,I wanted to install the newest build, but at the (nice) installation process, I got this: But I can't find that folder???!A little help please...Anthony
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Dear readers, FlyZen has recently come back from the dead and I have once again begun the development process. But if you haven't seen my previous logo's, then you don't know that I'm not Picasso when it comes to graphical development. My talents lie with SSS and other web based development. Thus when it came time to work out a logo for the 'New' FlyZen....I hit a stump...the font. I created a slew of different versions that I want the communities opinions on. The color plate will remain the same as seen in the examples. Instructions: After viewing each, please tell me which one you liked best. If you did not like any of them please leave recommendations. Im really goi…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Looked about and checked my email, could find any real news about this. I liked the phpbb better than SMF, my opinion. Just like to say loving VMS sooooo much that as soon as i have it working good for my VA i will start donating once a month, your work is worth every penny Nabeel!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone know here can i find the file to manualy edit the pilot lists os aircrafts list. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
No I am not looking for a "partner".... I'm looking for a partner for vAirline. I plan on developing vAirline into a great community resource. But I can't do it alone. I need some assistance with general coding. There's no money involved, just some fun with a project. If you are interested, please contact me on skype: pcapilot, or on email at nick(dot)tyson(@t) You will need to know PHP for this Thanks!
Last reply by -Nick Tyson-, -
hello gents i am having a wierd error on my site if a pilot wants to register i first let him pas the rules page i made then ad the end is a button that will go to the registrationpage. but this button won't work in IE8,yet it is working in all other common brouwsers(firefox,opera,chrome). can any shoot a fix at me
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Hey i have a pretty good do i get the FSACARS to work with FSX if it even does work with it. And are there any other programs i can get like that to use for my new airline im making. Thanks Wayne
Last reply by Nabeel,