Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Who always gets ticked off when you have a bunch of inactive members or people with age less than 13 years old joining the VA and faking birthdays in their application? Or an inactive pilot wants to rejoin but won't still fly? This is my question to the inactive pilots, why did you join the VA and all the suddenly you don't want to fly? Waste of my time sending them the auto termination warning emails and terminating them. Kids joining the VA, oh boy... That's a hellish thing to deal with. At SCX VA, we usually get few applications with age under 13, and we have to reject/delete their application and ban their IP address in our ACP. Right now, we have about 10 banned IP…
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 7 replies
Hello, Sorry if I make this claim, but found no answers or tutorial somewhere I turn to companies that have a Team Speak server or 2 or 3 equals ... My question is: Some of you know how to create a TeamSpeak Server as its own drivers? How to Fly EasyJet VA or Ireland or other VA ... Thanks in advance and sorry for the question!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 7 replies
I am a little confused to what the latest build is, I am running version 2.1.934 is this the latest? Thanks,
Last reply by Tom, -
- 7 replies
I was looking at VA reports and I noticed that it says to use % for wildcard. Can anyone tell me what this does and how to use it? I tried a couple different things and it tossed errors all over the place at me. Thanks. Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 7 replies
I was wondering if anyone has created custom AI aircraft of their VA for flightsim? I've only seen one VA do this and I thought that was a really neat idea. Their AI followed their schedules. I wonder how hard it would be to make this happen?
Last reply by Strider, -
- 7 replies
Hello everyone I am now offering free PhpVms Setup with a Paid Website, It offers everything that you need to start up your virtual airline. We offer the same features as Fivedev but we are cheaper! Please Pm for the Hosting Plans! I will have a website up soon.
Last reply by joeri, -
Dafsim Setup
by Jeff- 7 replies
If anyone is using Dafsim on their website, Could you please PM me on how to get it all set-up? Their website and forums don't explain very much.
Last reply by BBuchanan, -
- 7 replies
So I spent a few hours designing a website for a new project I'm thinking of starting. This morning I started with the repaint but after a couple of hours, the design I thought looked great in photoshop: Turned out to be rubbish in FSX: Would anyone have any ideas/tips on how I can make the repaint more realistic? Thanks :-) James
Last reply by James142, -
- 7 replies
This System is no longer in development. It is exclusive to only the virtual airlines already operating this system. Hello Guys, I recently finished coding a Dynamic Inflight Entertainment System, and since the current results are outstanding, I would like to share with you guys more information about this module, I am planning to start distributing soon. I named it DYNIFE. DYNIFE refers to Dynamic Inflight Entertainment System. This system is an inflight entertainment, but not like the others. PM if anyone is interested, I can give you alot more information including access to the demo.
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 7 replies
I only heard the other week that Lockheed bought the license for FSX ESP, and have released their updated version of FSX, which is called PREPAR3D. Shows how behind the times I am! I've just subscribed to the developer version, and am waiting for the install to finish. Is anyone else using it, and if so what are your thoughts on it? I'll post up once I've had a chance to take a flight with it.
- 7 replies
Hey guy, I'm looking for a backup script I can run as a cron job that will backup, compress, and the email me my databases nightly. I had a script several years ago that did just that but I don't have it anymore and my googling magic is not strong on this one. My host backups my site daily but I want the added protection of my databases being backed up off site from the host. Any help would be great. Thanks!
Last reply by OmerAslan, -
- 6 replies
Hi,I would like to request some extra features for the crewsystem. Feel free to consider them.*To possibility to to add weekdays to the flight schedule. Not all flights of the va's timetable are operated daily!*Some standard scripts/addons for VAs to integrate phpVMS into there own website, like: a flight search script (like a booking engine), a login script (so pilots can login to the phpvms systems from the va's homepage), a pilot roster script, a departing flights script (which gives you e.g. the first 10 flights that will depart from your main hub ), ...*A mailing list, to send notams directly to all pilots mailboxLast, Currently the system doesn't work properly with…
Last reply by eurobelgian, -
- 6 replies
Hi,I've tested the latest build, and I have following remarks/problems:ADMIN CENTER- add airlines -> options: no entries show up in the box- add schedules: lay-out is still not clear at my pc- add flight schedules: an extra notes field should be handy. Customizable fields as the pirep fields even more!- add flight schedules: distance calculator could be handy, this site is easy and appropriate for it: (Where the icao codes in bold should every time be changed by the system, just a button next to th…
Last reply by eurobelgian, -
- 6 replies
I was looking into a way to for us to be able to change a pilot's rank manually in the admin panel. can you stear me in the right direction?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Hi, This will be the first update I have installed;) So, do I just upload the entire folder? thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Hello Guys, I do not know else to do, because when you finish installing phpvms when I see my site it is giving errors ... Look around I hope someone help me .... please ... even more ... my email is:
Last reply by goldenairways, -
- 6 replies
Hello at all, I'm Marco an Italian boy, i'm 16 years old and my passion is fly. I'm a student at 3rd year of Aeronautics Technical Institute in Bari (Italy, Puglia). I had a Virtual Airline many month ago Adriatica Airlines (OnLine for 1 year). My hobby are many, but I prefer web developing, especially using Joomla! a contenent management system Open Source, Simple Machine Forum 1.1.x, mybb 1.4.x, and i have 3 years of experience with these tools. But my PHP level is basic, because i work with HTML and Joomla Framework. I have discovered this wonderful tool and I want to partecipate to improve this tool. So i'm developing a Multi-Language System and Italian Langua…
Last reply by I-MAXI, -
hello nabeel before we found phpvms we have tride many logsytems for our airline. on we have used and was build in in our own vms likwise software was xacars maby something for the future to implement into phpvms and the nice part of this tracking software is ist alsow compatible with xplane. gr joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
- 6 replies
phpVMS installed and works, right out of the box!?!?! I can't understand this. Things like this never happen to me. ;D I need to rest now. ;D ;D ;D ;D Thanks for a great product.
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 6 replies
Someone how can recomend any mods for the SMF forum? I'am looking for a mod that can list the 10 last forum post in the front of my website, like this: (scroll down to Latest Forum Messanges)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Show us your Pilot ID Images here:
Last reply by wrenchca, -
- 6 replies
I just imported some routes, and it would appear that the calculated distances are a bit excessive. For example the distance from PHNL to RJAA is 3886 miles, but the system is calculating 17944. It looks like the problem occurs as one crosses the international date line. OMG103 PHNL (07:00 UTC) RKPK (16:30 UTC) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 17318.1 0 P (0/1000) OMG102 PHNL (07:00 UTC) RJGG (15:00>UTC) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 17825.3 0 P (0/800) OMG101 PHNL (07:00 EST) RJOO (15:30 EST) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 17750.4 0 P (0/900) OMG100 PHNL (07:00 EST) MMMX (14:30 EST) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 3812.58 0 P (0/900) OMG9…
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 6 replies
Ok This is weird, just went on the forums everything was there, then when i logged in i can only see The Control Tower, vaCentral. My permissions gone somewhere? Thomas.
Last reply by Thomas, -
hello gents i am having a wierd error on my site if a pilot wants to register i first let him pas the rules page i made then ad the end is a button that will go to the registrationpage. but this button won't work in IE8,yet it is working in all other common brouwsers(firefox,opera,chrome). can any shoot a fix at me
Last reply by joeri, -
- 6 replies
Im curious to see what everyone got! I got a Wacom Bamboo pen and touch tablet & an iPhone 3G along with about $100 in cash, a large RC helicopter and some clothing!
- 6 replies
Hello guys we are proud to launch our new website with the phpvms log system, working perfect!!! Kind regards Bart-Ceo.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 6 replies
didn't know if anyone ever tried this. I threw and image in a few of my mail charters...have a look.
Last reply by vancouverA380, -
Dont Text and Drive
by Guest N402KC- 6 replies
Wanted to share a friendly reminder not to text and drive. 3 1/2 hours ago, I was driving home and a 43 year old mom ran a stopsign and hit my car, causing my head to go threw my drivers window. 4 Stitches on Side of Head, Broken Nose, 7 Stitches on my nose, Severe bruising. Dont text and drive. Its just not cool.
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 6 replies
i'm thinking about getting a new server for myself and what i am looking into is so i can host my VA. What you guys use out there?
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 6 replies
Can someone send me a Dreamweaver template? I know they have some markup in it, with the content tags, etc. I'd like to either somehow have phpVMS parse it directly, or instructions on how to translate from that to phpVMS (which should be real simple with the layout.tpl format)
Last reply by skymx,