Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
i been trying to put a new skin in my website but when i load the skin up is shows up as HTML!?
Last reply by pilotconnor, -
- 1 reply
Hello i was wondering if someone would like to help me make a skin for my virtual airline, we already have a basic one & would like someone to make us a more complex one. If you feel you have the necessery skills to follow out the task then please please please contact me on: I know i have posted a few requests for skins although they have been for my friends, this is actually for my VA, Zoom Virtual Greatest Possible Regards, Connor Sullivan CEO of Zoom Virtual Airlines
Last reply by Ben, -
- 2 replies
Ok, so on my frontpage I have a column for each thing like new pilots, pirep and news, now the news is setup to only show the first few sentences of the story then I have a read more link...what I want to do is limit the number of characters that are shown, then I want the full story to be in another file. I'm guessing I'll need to edit the news_newsitem.tpl file to only show x amount of letters and what not then make a new .tpl file to have the full story in. So, here is my question, how do I limit the the php..I'm a php n00b.. How do I echo the link to the full story..I'm guessing each news story has an id in the database..? Php is so confusing...sor…
Last reply by flynryan692, -
- 4 replies
I thought that my skin was working fine. Then today when I logged in something is wrong. I created a page with my route maps on it. But it doesen't show up in the navigation bar. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 8 replies
Hello I installed both version of phpvms (5.5 and v2) but I have problem when i want to install a skin on them. when I install any of skins which are free like ela skin or icrew lite , after installing and activation my crew site is code and error ! Does anyone help me or install it for me please? :((( I paid if need Regards
Last reply by Amirmahdioun, -
- 0 replies
well its my first Post for Asking help i have a problem i uploaded the Template on my Testside so here is a link well the Problem are that i have needed many cheat to bring this to work, at last it works now but the sliders and change from mainside to pilotcenter should work with a popup but it not want work i dont know what i must change any advise would be kind. Iam a noob on PHPVMS and PHP so pls dont be to much technical, well at first i will send you my code: SOLVED THANKS
Last reply by SiedlerP, -
- 32 replies
I followed Nabeel's tutorial to create the skin. When I loaded it up it didn't look like it should. I thought I did everything right, but I guess I didn't. Can anyone help? Thanks. The site is:
Last reply by patva1, -
- 2 replies
Ok so I am the first to admit, I am ok at integrating a bunch of things most of the time, but skinning is NOT up my alley at all. I watched the skinning tutorials and the guy said he found a simple template to use. Am I correct in saying this guy found a forum template? Or are they plain jane html website templates that he is modifying? I am having real issues figuring this out. I am looking for some place to find free templates from so I can get a layout that I like that I can alter to my liking. Any suggestions? Thanks Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 6 replies
Hi, all! I am very new to skinning, and am, or at least attempting to , design my first skin from scratch. I am using a drop-down menu for it, but because the header has a pre-defined height in the CSS code, it gets cutoff. I tried taking out the predefined height, but the content of the page cuts off the drop-down menus that go below a certain haeight. I realize this is probably a stupid question to some of you, but any help is appreciated .
Last reply by coryb12, -
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I thought I would try to create a reference guide that is more of a list of elements and pieces that you can put into a template (a little more in-depth than the documentation). I think its generic enough to not get too technical, but if I left something out, let me know so I can update it. EDIT: forgot to attach phpVMS Skinning Reference.pdf
Last reply by monkeypaw201, -
Skinning Service
by Guest chikolol- 11 replies
hello guys am carlos i have over a year now im skinning phpVMS with me you will get quality! you have seen! sites like Uno air Fly Maple Air and Bahamasair Virtual United Virtual etc..... here is one of my latest design! If anyone needs a layour customed made to for your va 100% proffesional! well contact me. Base price is $40 and up! I only give top quality layouts!
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 3 replies
how do I skin the sidebar of my website ? I'm goin for a grey backround, with each module in its own little box with a blue header image..
Last reply by md82, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, I'm hoping one of you can help me with the following; At the moment I have a skin that is only 1 page with 1 <div> I think. I would like to make a Left Column and a Right column for putting in modules and stuff. I have tried a few different things but keep messing up my skin. If I knew how, where exactly do I put these <div>'s ? Do I place them in the header.tpl ? or in the frontpage_mail.tpl ? Any advice would be most appreciated. Adam
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hello my name is Miroslav I have long had a desire to make a virtual airline company but I do not have skinning if not sorry then give me your skinning
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
I remember there use to be a really nice video somewhere on this site where it showed you everything you needed to do to skin. Now there are only a few pointers that I can find in various places but no visuals. I checked the four topics made to "help" skin but im still stuck with a template and nothing else to do with it. Does anyone have any other kind of tutorial, video or pdf or something? I think it would help out a lot of people like me who need a refresher on the whole process. Heres the template I just finished.... I have changed the banner image now, and i also had to kill the quality to attach it I'm just doing this for fun/practice.
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I am trying to get skins on my website but all I seem to be getting is white screens with writing. Even with the most basic to install like deep blue. I am using Phpvms 5.5.2. Can anyone help please? Much appreciated below is the example of StislaSkin skin. I have tried clear blue also with the same results. whej trying deep blue I was able to get other pages to work like pilots page but not the home page
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 4 replies
Hello Here you can see the first (and new) skin I've designed for my Virtual Airline : Sky Away Virtual Airline. Sky Away Virtual Airline Stéphane
Last reply by stephanepa38, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I have a problem with the Skyline Skin for my VA, the problem is, I have two items (To explain easily) 1st Item: The banner for my VA. 2nd item: An announcement. I want my banner on the top, and the 2nd item below "Welcome To Fura" I put my banner on the top as I want, good.. but when I put the 2nd item (Below the Welcome) it replaces my banner with the 2nd item, why? (The Items Are Images)
Last reply by BPOI, -
- 10 replies
Maybe I release the Skin I've designed in a few weeks:
Last reply by SmarticleCo, -
- 2 replies
Hello All, I was just wondering on how I can change the text in the Pilot Center of Skyline v1.1 to images. I attached my images. Thanks in advance! Yianni
Last reply by YianniM, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I'm very very new to this and have only limited knowledge of HTML, PHP, JavaScript,... and have only been at this since a day or two... I'm trying to add a slideshow to my homepage. I've used many before on standard HTML pages and they all worked fine, but no matter what I try, I seem to get stuck here. In stead of seeing a nice fading result, it just places all the images I specified below each other. Can anyone clarify, or give a useful tip as to where I can find a solution for this problem? Many thanks Peter
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
Is there some one here that could help me how to work with joomla and phpvms? I had already looked the posts abourt joomla here but they aren't enough, I still whitout know anything... Give me a small tuturial is if it's possible.
Last reply by Tom, -
I installed smf 1.11.1, or whatever......and was wondering; what is the easiest way to add the core_navigation.tpl and associated .css file to make the forum look more integrated into the main site?
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 0 replies
Hello! My name is Thomas and I own soar virtual airlines.( ) As we continue to grow I would like to get a custom skin for the VA. I was wondering if any of you would be willing to develop us a skin for free or a low price? If you are, either PM me or email me at Thanks!
Last reply by thawksworth, -
- 0 replies
Hello; I have a problem with my other pages of my skin, at the level of the images of the logo and my footer. I join you the code of the layout to know if there is pad of them ure no code and 2 capture of the website. Thanks Images 2.tiff Image 1.tiff <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title><?php echo $page_title; ?></title> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/Rexair-virtual/css/grid.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" /> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/Rexair-virtual/css/camera.css" rel="stylesheet" me…
Last reply by Florian8262, -
- 9 replies
IF i gave someone a template could they skin phpvms for me?
Last reply by Coolkid122, -
- 2 replies
Hello. Can someone either edit the templte for me or get on my Teamspeak server and help me write it. Thanks in advance. To get the Teamspeak information, my email is:
Last reply by Jacob Armstrong, -
- 2 replies
ok weirdly my news module is weird when using firefox. On google chrome it is normal. any help would be great thanks Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 1 reply
Hello, so i am editing my webpage and i have some problems. First, as you see in the image, an image is at first of newest pilots i have tried to add it but right now i have it like this . The other problem is this my news doesnt appear on the module, i already dl it, but it didnt work. Thanks!
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 12 replies
Hello Folks, I'm working at my new skin. I did it. And it worked. But the area (the contents, where are placed the news and the sidebars) between the header and footer became so weird. What I have to do to repair this? Here is a picture, so you can see what I'm saying. I want something more organized. Help me please.
Last reply by Eicosav,