Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
Ok so my next challenge in skinning! I have got a custom skin which has a rotating image slider at the top, which looks lovely. On pretty much most pages everything seems ok, the rotating image slider is at the top and the page content is where it should be. However, if I do a search on the schedules and press the button for results, when the page loads I can see another mini version of my rotating image slider above my search results. So I end up with the normal page image slider, then a small one which looks like it has been nested into the main page body content. My questions is two-fold; Can I create a different page to load so that my rotating slide only appears w…
Last reply by t_bergman, -
- 24 replies
PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME REASON WHY SHOULD I PAY SOMEONE OR POST ANY LINKS HERE! THESE LINKS MAKES MY SKIN MORE WORST. Ok, it's been real week of skinning and me and my webmaster can't even kink things out. We been through many tutorials and they don't even work and it messes up our skin. We been trying different temps but won't even work. If you would like to help us out. It would be nice! We even got someone to skin our site. But no response from them for 3 weeks now. And I'm just losing my mind and i lost 10 pilots due to the skinning problems. Please let me know if you would want to skin for us. We will provide a temp or you can make us one. I'm sorry, i don't pay onl…
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Website designer needed contact me on skype please daniel_cormack thanks
Last reply by VirtualBMI, -
- 2 replies
Dear Members i have started making my own website and very much succeeded in creating my own template but the problem is with the main page when ever i add some content or add side menu my main page did not expand its area automatically means the footer area is static it is not increasing by him self what should i have to add in css all my website contents are inside the wrapper div tags any help will be appreciated. Regards James
Last reply by jamyboy, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, Well I come back to you looking for someone who can make me a site for phpvms v5.5. contact me in pv for people interested. the project is pretty urgent. thank you
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 5 replies
Hello guys, I'm simply a novice when it comes to coding, I would like some help with a few things on my website, that being: 1. The frontpage design and layout. 2. Thing to have implemented on the front page 3. Metar/TAF request script If anyone would be willing to volunteer to help me out with any of these things, it would be greatly appreciated and credit will be given where applicable, if interested, kindly send me a PM. Thanks
Last reply by t_bergman, -
- 8 replies
Gents...looking for a little assistance with my website. I have managed to get the template up and running and it looks okay. I have two major issues right now: When I access the home page, my navigation is set up on the left of the website. When I click on a link (Login, Register, etc.) the new information shows up, but at the bottom of the page. I want this to be at the top. You shouldn't have to scroll down to see the new information. I have no clue how to change this. The second issue I have is with the alignment of the website. On the homepage, everything looks good, but again, when you access the navigation links,everything shows up at the bottom of the page and i…
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have created a template for phpvms, now I have the well known Jquiry problem. can someone take a look and fix it for me? offcourse I will pay for it. The site is: Kindly regards, Rick Winkelman
Last reply by ncd200, -
- 0 replies
Would anyone be interested in helping me with my website. I can't pay you but what I want done is not difficult(integrate phpVMS, edit the template I have picked out). If you can help please leave a post or PM me. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by patva1, -
- 5 replies
Alright so I've got a template that I've been toying around that I finally like, the issue I'm having now is continuing to build the site. Use phpVMS? or just Integrate it? I'm not a coder but with a little brushing up and google, I can make stuff happen. I just don't want to have to go through pain of figuring out how to transfer a working design into a template for phpvms ( unless its easier than I think it is). So far it's just a Home page , but it gives you the idea of what it would look like. Any Ideas? A warning as I might be tech savvy, but as I said, not a coder Thanks,
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hello all I am busy a while now by creating our VA Website If you want and have time drop a visit to give me your opinion The link is And you can use this login details Username Password We are using Joomla as main CMS and phpvms as Dispatch Centre Usernames and password are the same for both via JFusion Module It is still work in progress so any feedback is welcome. Best Regards
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
hi all I am using the brilliance skin and i have put a welcome not in the layout.tpl I only want it on the home page . Can anyone tell me where to put the code please
Last reply by VAEA, -
Welcome to our site
by Guest soundchok- 4 replies
hello, i have a message "welcome to our site" in all pages of my site how to chnge or remove it?? thanks you
- 0 replies
I think that you will have to do with the database , navdata, but does not solve it Anyone that can help me ? Thanks
Last reply by Angello, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, i was wondering, im working on a skin for a VA, what do you guys think of it? Enjoy Ada
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 4 replies
I have made this template to work with phpvms and i will try to make a new one every day So please tell me what do yoy think about these one so i can se my mistakes and correct them thanks If anybody whant's it pm me so i can send it to you and i will upload it when i am finished with my site see ya
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 7 replies
Hello, now that fs paint shop is down for some reason, what other websites is there is there to get skins off? Regards
Last reply by david thompson, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, just currently setting up a testing phpvms on localhost. However, I've tried skinning myself and have looked at guides on how to do so but i cannot figure out on how I can start skinning with CSS? I'm getting a little confused. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
Last reply by Jevans, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone. Im currently interested to change my VA website. i have programmimg background. Basic of website design. My question now is, where and how do i start ? Which file should i use as a template or do i really have to start everything from scratch? Which file should i modify? For ezample, im confused if i should use the frontpage_main and modify it or otherwise. Hope you guys are able to help me here
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys just wanted to take a small poll here... Which design do you like better? #1 (This I designed from scratch, but it has its issues) #2 (This on I am still working on, it stated as a template but doesn't resemble the original template at all anymore.) Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 6 replies
- 2.3k views (makes no mention of phpVMS but it clearly is) These two seem to have nearly identical if not the same skin, that being said does anyone know which one this is and who would I contact to obtain it? Thanks in advance for your help! Max
Last reply by ziggy08, -
- 0 replies
Hi , I have a problem I changed the template of my site because the former was beginning to date and I perceive a white background with black letters running around visible on my site in question: How's being done and how to fix the problems! Regards Roman
Last reply by airbus2005, -
- 1 reply
Hello this is a new skin for phpVMS Demo: Download: Sorry I dont speak english
Last reply by GALAXYVIRTUAL, -
- 0 replies
I just wonder if anyone wants a new admin layout? Heres what i have in my mind 1) Top Navigation with Sub Menus 2) Header Picture over the Nav. 3) And Mods in the Center. What Do You Think? Please Let Me Know. The Poll is On Top Of This Post. If you have any suggestions, please post here!
Last reply by Kyle, -
Will Pay For skin
by Guest N402KC- 1 reply
Well ive tried and tried and i keep getting errors. If someone is willing to take the time needed to make a nice skin, i am willing to pay. If you make designs please post, and if i like, i will purchase from you via paypal.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
Willing to Pay up to $100.00 For a Skin
by Guest N402KC- 10 replies
Hello fellow phpVMS Users, I have been developing a Simulated United Virtual. I have decided to use the phpVMS System but i cannot use the default skin. For very good skinners i am willing to pay 'Up To' $100.00. For anyone willing to skin this, Please contact me via Phone. My cellular number is +1 (913) 544-8652. If i do not answer please leave a voicemail and i will contact you ASAP. Also please be sure to post at the bottom of this thread if you do not want to call. [/] Thank you for anyone who is willing to do this. Regards, Brian B
Last reply by goldenairways, -
Is anyone willing to make us a template with dropdown menus for abou$55 , price is negosable! Thanks!
Last reply by -Nick Tyson-, -
- 9 replies
Hey everybody, I created a new skin for my VA, but am a little stuck about the design of the Pilot Profile. I created this and would appreciate some constructive feedback. Thanks
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
by Guest chikolol- 2 replies
You know is amazing how people want to create virtual airlines and such a few portion actually sucessed. You guys have to know that making a va is like making a real airline just virtually, save money if you know your not up for the challenge, is best give that hosting money to charity or donate it to your local hospital! do something rather useful with it! Point is! i am willing to help anyone with their va site and operations , is ashame that such a good system like this has poor skins and people just dont have the skill, i will RESCUE ALL OF YOU! every person thats using this system reply to this with your va link i will remake your entire site with in 2 weeks each giv…
- 3 replies
This 'skinning' thing is not easy ! They all say it is, but they lie ! First you must learn css, html, sql, php, etc., etc ..... I am happy with my first try at intergrating this great phpVMS project to my VA: The phpVMS starts under the 'Operations' menu item. The current site is: we have a lot to move, but it will be easier to do with phpVMS. Many thanks Nabeel ! Mike
Last reply by RogerB,