Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
by TimoDD- 4 replies
'OST Air VA' 'OST Air Virtual Airlines' is founded and operated by Timo De Deyne and Nick De Rammelaere. It is a virtual airline for all the 'Ostend Airport'-lovers and other pilots who are interested in routes to and from Ostend Airport (Belgium/Europe). 'OST Air Virtual Airlines' is a organizer of subcontracting-flights with regular airlines, aswell on the future will be a own fleet come active. The operations of 'OST Air' are mainly based on real live operations to and from real 'Ostend Airport'. This virtual airline is active by MS-Flightsimulator and flyable on oa Onlinesim. On this moment is the site under construction but already active. Because this is a freetime…
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 6 replies
Last reply by Scott, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys ! I would like to announce the arrival of Cargoitalia Virtual for all of MD-11 fans and specially for the cargo pilots. Cargoitalia Virtual is the first and unique virtual airline that reproduce Cargoitalia's real life activities. Its concept is unique and is based on a simulated real life pilot career that begins when a user subscribes as a cadet pilot and thanks to the exlusive use of PMDG MD-11F simulator the pilot will be followed by the instructors with a step by step type rating that guides him to his total 50 hours before he becomes a second officer. Cargoitalia Virtual is characterized for its close support with the VA staff that takes place on Skype…
Last reply by maiochine, -
- 3 replies
Hey everyone, I am looking to start a new virtual airline. It's a lot of work and I am in need of help to get it off the ground. I have web space and domain available already. If interested, please PM me. Thank you.
Last reply by omglookeyhere, -
- 6 replies
- 2.6k views About Us Well we are the newest name in Virtual Airlines and our philosophy is that pilots are sick and tired of the treatment they have received from other Virtual Airlines in the past. We want to make our operation fast, easy and a lot more fun for our pilots to fly. Our base of operations is Washington Dulles, which is an airport that a lot of pilots want to fly to but there isn't a whole lot of service in and out of Washington Dulles. We are not only confident that we have picked the right location for our operation but we have the right ideas on how a virtual airline is supposed to operate. Our fleet consists of the Airbus A319 and Bombardier CRJ200 …
Last reply by mark1million, -
This afternoon I got an email from a gentleman making a charter request for my ATR 72....I thought to myself "oh this is a cool idea" , then I look up his site and it is a real mining business.... ... I explain to him in my footer it states we are a fictional charter service, but then ask if I can have an idea of what they are doing as I try to simulate real world Ops as best I can...Thought I would share.. My goal was to simulate a real charter service website with a mix of the flight sim stuff too...Guess its working!!!
Last reply by -Nick Tyson-, -
- 5 replies
Hello, If you are interested in having the best VA experience, please join us today at! Here at Buzz we hope you're going to have some of the best times of your life -- whether you're doing an overnight flight to Gatwick or just flying locally, city-to-city. The places you'll go and the people you meet, you're guaranteed to have a fun but professional time at Buzz. So sit back, strap yourself in, and tell the passengers to get ready for takeoff, because here at Buzz, YOU fly the plane. Regards, Carl Mark CEO of Buzz Virtual
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 9 replies
Hello all Is there anyone who can make a FREE Promotional Video for my PIAS VA? I also need someone who can design the livery for my VA but for FREE. Thanks
Last reply by Frans, -
- 3 replies
Hello Everyone! I just started a new virtual airline named flyabudhabi! Please feel free to join as we need pilots and Staff for our airline! Regards - Ablai!
Last reply by Ablai, -
- 3 replies
City-Link Hello and welcome to City-Link , the UK's newest addition to the world of Virtual Airlines. Here at City-Link we offer routes that other virtual airlines can't offer. We fly around the UK to the biggest cities carrying passengers on our luxurious aircraft. We aim to offer the best service for Passengers and do our best to keep the price down. We hope all Pilots who join have a great time flying these short routes and flying the best aircraft we can offer. We hope you can join us today and have a great time at City-Link. Thank you! City-Link ~ Linking to UK together Fleet: Dornier 228 CRJ-700 737-300 Cessna Grand Caravan 208B Fokker 70 (more …
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
- 4 replies
We are excited to announce our new custom website designed by MacieJO! We decided to go away from the freeware skin an it turned out very nice. Also, we have a new promotional video for 2015: Thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way! Please check out the NEW Soar Virtual! Thanks! Thomas Hawksworth
Last reply by thawksworth, -
- 5 replies
AIV Announces Completion of Phase I Development Stage 12 months of Development for re-launch Virtual Airlines Operation ends DULLES, VA (KIAD) — December 20, 2011 — Today at Atlantic International Virtual Airlines Headquarters and KIAD Hanger ground breaking, AIV announced the ending of Phase I Development stage. Atlantic International Virtual started the development stage back in January 2011 on plans for re-launching their Virtual Airline that will mirror real world airline operations. AIV has created 3 phases of their re-launch which should be completed in the First Quarter of 2012. Phase I consisted of the web development of Atlantic International V…
Last reply by UnitedFlyer767, -
- 9 replies
I would like to take this time to thank the developers of phpvms. It is an amazing software. Starting a virtual airline has been a dream for a long time now. I encourage everyone to see what phpvms can do for you!
Last reply by OA01, -
- 7 replies
Hiya Guys, THe past 12 months on phpvms have been fantastic and my skills in php css and the codon framework have increased tenfold. With some minor template fixes to finish off i thought I would share my work with you all Please tell me what you all think.... Imagine Airways Homepage
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 9 replies
Virtual Blue (VB) is a virtual airline organization based in the games of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Microsoft Flight Simulator X. We are a community of aviation enthusiasts and real world pilots who wish to take their aviation experience to the next level, through the use of a virtual airline. Our virtual airline, Virtual Blue, simulates real world schedules and procedures of jetBlue Airways. Being a simulated version of jetBlue Airways in the flight simulation world allows our pilots to operate throughout the Americas, using their fleet of Embraer E190 and Airbus A320 aircraft. Using their established core values of safety, caring, fun, integrity, and passion;…
Last reply by Connor1994, -
- 5 replies
Hello i am the orginal founding ceo of fly jet virtual airlines, fly jet va as formed in 2009 and operated intill 2011 due to my bad health..but even is good and its time to awaken the engines again for flight i will be opening the website on the 30th of jan but i am looking for a website developer to help me with a few final things.. If you can help please email me at
Last reply by James142, -
- 3 replies
-- Hello everyone! I am the Vice CEO at a new fictional Virtual Airline, GoCal. Our website is almost fully-functional, and our Social Media pages are fully set up. We are currently creating schedules and adding more aircraft to the system. We are currently looking for someone to create us a livery for the Bombardier Dash Q400 and the Embraer 190. We will be paying for the work done. If you'd be willing to create the GoCal liveries, get in touch with James Thompson, the CEO. His email is Our deadline for emails is the end of the month so if you would like to create the liveries, do get in touch as soon as possible. Kind Regards, GoCal M…
Last reply by BAW432, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, what are the legal requirements to make a real related virtual airline? Modifying some parts of the name is possible to skip them? THANKS LORENZO
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 9 replies
Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, February 18th, 2012 at 20h30est (Sunday February 19th 01h30z) for our February 2012 Fly-In where we will fly from Italy direct to Venice over the most famous Italian cities; Naples, Rome and Florence. Departing from Palermo (LICJ) in Sicily, we will fly to Venice Marco Polo International (LIPZ) for the Venice Carnival. We will then take a gondola and cross the Canal Grande to Venice S. Nicolò (LIPV) where we will depart and fly over the Dolomites to Bolzano (LIPB), a nice town in South Tirol. The Carnival of Venice is one of the most famous carnivals in the world and has very ancient origins dati…
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I'm Adam, CEO of Emerald Virtual Airways. About us: Emerald VA is a starting out airline and we have the most friendly staff and pilots around. We are one of the most free airlines, and the regulations we do have are easy to follow. We have our own liveries and fleet, which consists of two Boeing 737-800s, and two Airbus A320s. We are currently leasing a Boeing 767-300ER, which we do not have a livery for. We only have a few rules, but ones that are crucial to proper airline handling, and are very realistic. Our website is: Rules and Regulations: Our rules are: -Pilot must make Pilot Report once every month -Landings can not be more th…
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 4 replies
Alaska Airlines Virtual had began planning on February 10, 2012 and had began creating our website the following day. Here at Alaska Airlines Virtual we will never give anyone a check-ride or an exam to reach another rank in the airline. We feel that flight simulation is a hobby so there is no need for exams or tests. Our staff team is highly qualified and trained to be apart of the staff. All of the staff here have been running on simulators for atleast 2 years and some of us even more. We welcome everyone even if you just purchased the simulator to come and fly with us. We would love to have you fly with us and participate in Teamspeak and events. Why not sign up now? …
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 2 replies
Catfish Air (CFA) offers two scenarios in which pilots can operate. We offer civilian service as a regional airline which services the Southern United States and many Caribbean destinations. Our civilian airline fleet includes the AT-72, the CRJ-200, the CRJ-700, the CRJ-900, and the Boeing 737. We also offer our pilots the unique opportunity to fly "real-world" combat operation missions in the Middle East and Iraq theaters of operation by joining our Task Force Thunder (TFT). You can fly troops through hostile airspace from Kuwait into Iraq and Afghanistan. You can also fly special missions for awards by flying UH-60 Blackhawks and CH-47 Chinooks into hostile airspace …
Last reply by Scott Bourque, -
- 4 replies
I'm going to go ahead and start an airline thread to keep airline updates in and get feedback from you guys. I appreciate all the help I am getting from those more knowledgeable, and I am grateful for any constructive criticism you can provide here. To start off with, I wanted to get some feedback on one crucial area of the VA that you guys can't access - the Pilot Center. I have a few ideas in my head, and I started implementing them this evening, and I was hoping to get your thoughts. (Refer to attached thumbnail) Thanks, guys! [update - Hiring] I am looking to hire a few individuals to help me out. I doubt I will have much luck finding interested candidates on the p…
Last reply by James142, -
- 7 replies
AiRGO (IATA:A2 ICAO:AGO Radio Callsign:"Freebird") is a new Airline Bringing Full service from the US to the world With the Corporate Headquarters in Long Beach,Ca the Airline hopes to operate a mid to large sized fleet. AiRGo operates as an FAA part 121 scheduled air carrier serving leisure and business destinations out of our San Diego International Airport (ICAO: KSAN) hub along with on-demand charter services throughout the US. AiRGo currently operates a fleet of 16 aircraft consisting of Boeing737-800 and Embraer E175s. AiRGO is a FSX exclusive Airline and only operates a payware fleet . Visit Our site at
Last reply by Beach20, -
- 8 replies
Different VAs have different numbers of hours before promotion. Airlines in the real world will obviously have a much higher number required. Many VAs claim to have a realistic system similar to real-world airlines, where they fly for about 50 hours just as a Trainee! I think that's a little much. I just wanted to know everyone's opinions on the topic, and what you have yours set to at the moment. Here's mine: freshJet Ranks
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 8 replies
To culminate the release of our new website Qantas Virtual decided it was best to promote the new website with an updated promotional video. The primary aim behind this promotional video is to display some of the many new features we have on our sleek new website.
Last reply by Tylor Eddy, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, I am thinking of creating a second virtual airline. Any ideas for airlines for it to be based off ? - Joshua
Last reply by ZacharyArena, -
by BernieMaMan- 6 replies
Hi All, Could anyone help me here, I'm looking to find out how to set up my own FSInn server that will automatically log flights to my website and to a specific pilot. I know this must not be easy but cant seem to see this anywhere. Any help will be great.
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 5 replies
A year since a start of our operations and 10 months since our acceleration, American Virtual has grown significantly now hitting the great milestone of 2000 flights and almost 7000 flight hours. We continue to soar to new heights with hopes of one day become the best. We offer an experience like no other with core values of: Passion, Enthusiasm, and last but certainly not least fun. The sky is not the limit, we're here to exceed the limit and go higher. Moving forward is coming soon. Thanks for the great support along the way, and give us good wishes for another 2000 flights but this time in less than year. Chase R CEO of
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
- 3 replies
HI Guys Jordan Barber is a thief and it has been brought to my attention he basically stole a entire replica of my website that was made by Sava Markovic I would not of been made aware of this if it was not for the guys at emailing me and telling me they had the exact same website as me done by Jordan barber I would not of known this.below is the email they sent to me.I feel sorry for them they payed him money and ended up paying someone else to make a new site. Im Just saying people who contact this guy don't do business with him Hey, thanks for your reply. It seems that our original designer (Jordan Barber) copied your website design…
Last reply by StartVM,