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623 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hi there, I run and I'm looking to accomodate our Route Map page to show us our route details. A good example that I'm after is here: We have two hubs at the moment, Dubai and Birmingham. I'd like a map to operate so when I click either of these hubs, it will then show all of the destination airports just like that link above. When you click on the destination, I'd like a line to be drawn between departure and arrival airport. I'd also like it to bring up a bubble stating the flight numbers associated with that route, the route distance and the aircraft that fly those routes. I'd also like an improved search …
Last reply by Rnaetsar, -
- 0 replies
All of our packages include: 20x faster SSD drives Fully featured cPanel Softaculous 1-click App Installer (Over 250+ applications including WordPress, phpBB and Moodle) User configurable php version control (5.2+) through an easy PHP version selector in cPanel On Demand Support MySQL Databases + phpMyAdmin Advanced email management with optional Google Apps integration In-depth metrics, system statistics & visitor information IP blocker, hotlink and leech protection, and Mod Security WAF Easy on-demand full website backup Plus many more utilities... We also offer free phpVMS installation on registration. We will install the latest stable release o…
Last reply by Max, -
- 1 reply
Hello! My name is James, and I own a virtual airline known as GoCal. As part of the process of establishing itself, GoCal requires a custom skin for its website. I am willing to pay around $20 for a skin, though this guideline is flexible. If anyone is interested, please contact me at I am available any time and will respond as soon as possible. Many thanks, James Thompson
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 3 replies
Hello all, Please excuse my last post about Cheap Web Host, we have re branded and are now known as Flat Host - Web Hosting. We are now accepting registrations through our billing service but are still working hard on our website (due to be finished in the next couple of weeks). Our cheapest plan is £1.50/pm we offer three different currencies to purchase in. We do not currently offer domain registering but you may transfer or use a domain with a different host but remember to update your nameservers. Register today: http://www.flathost....ients/index.php Order hosting: http://www.flathost....lients/cart.php Please email with any questions. …
Last reply by VirtualFlybeVA, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I am in need of a talented Carenado painter asap. I will pay you for your time. I need 1 repaint for the Cheyenne III. Hammerhead.
Last reply by Highskies, -
- 0 replies
I am looking for someone to design a new skin for my Virtual Airline. Designer must have experience in this field and can provide me with work that has already been completed. It needs to be user friendly and browser friendly. If anyone meets the bill please send me a pm with your work. as well as expected pay rates.
Last reply by Passion, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys I'm the deputy president of Soon to be open finnair Virtual indeed someone who can quickly makes phpvms site free if your doing it please contact me via email :
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 1 reply
Is anyone available to create a custom ACARS or can you point me in the right direction. This would be for phpvms 5.5.X. Looking for something that has a bit more detail in the log than what smartcars provides. Things like autopilot disconnected, landing lights on, etc. Thanks guys. -Zac
Last reply by PikoSim, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I was looking into a new website is there anyone who might be able to make one for me. Im looking at about £0-50.
Last reply by Aaryan, -
Cheap TS3 Servers!!
by Guest- 0 replies
Hey Guys, Pacific Hosting just started hosting CHEAP TS3 servers. If you interested visit We add new packages daily! Check it out today! Thanks, Ryan Palmer
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi all, i search someone they would help us integrate Template to our Side admin and frontend, and we need someone else who can help create a Briefing imput and outputfile for Simbrief API. I have special for this setup a Testside: Most Problem we have are we not able to setup right the Javascripts to working Correkt, we have now written the Layout.tpl much times without get this fixed. Maybe did someone outside know what to do and can fix that. i know our Budget its not high its only between 50 -100 EUR. but we really need Help
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 2 replies
Hello everybody, We created a new Italian Virtual Airline, but need an help with coding the phpvms platform. We don't ask you to do it for free, but I hope you will not be very expensive We will insert a "donate" button so we expect to pay for these services. If you want to apply, please contact me via private message. Thanks for reading. Sincerely, Andrea
Last reply by PausNefzen, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows how to write modules for phpvms. If you do please let me know via email ( Thank You Sincerely, Trey G.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 0 replies
In order to maintain a minimum level of uniqueness among Virtual airlines, this module has been removed from the market by No further orders can be made. Zumeweb | Premium Module Detailed Fleet Information: This module allows fully detailed information regarding a particular aircraft in your fleet. Features include, Date of aircraft purchase, statistical calculations, recent flights with aircraft, scheduled flights on aircraft, statistical graph for revenue comparision, and more! All classes are extensively documented. Includes all updates Demo Price: $15 Woo! This is awesome. How do I get it? If you are interes…
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I have decided offer hosting and domain registration. I have some skins already converted for free but can offer skins and new VA construction for reasonable prices. Please visit for more information
Last reply by VAEA, -
New News Module - FSP News
by Guest lorathon- 1 reply
FS-Products is announcing a new module that is available for purchase. A News Module that has commenting ability and also rating ability. This module comes with a user friendly settings page that allows customization without having to change the code. If you don't want ratings than you can shut it off. If you don't want comments, shut it off. No template changing necessary. More information available at
SpeedBox Hosting | £1.00 Fully Unlimited cPanel Hosting | Can Install phpVMS on Request.
by SpeedBox- 0 replies
Hello phpVMS forum members! is very proud to offer a unlimited hosting plan for only £1.00 or $1.23. This includes .Unlimited Disk Space . Unlimited Bandwidth . Unlimited Emails . Unlimited Sub-Domains . Super Fast Solid State Drives And so on. We can install phpVMS on request. We also have LiveChat which is nearly 24 hours. Thankyou.
Last reply by SpeedBox, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I am wondering if anyone could install phpvms for Celestial Air Virtual. I don't need full web design just installation help. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Michael Schwartz
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 2 replies
I am looking for a person or company that can do repaints of payware aircraft and freeware aircraft. It would be more than a just a one time transaction. I try to do at least 2 a month so i can complete my project sooner rather than later. Payment through paypal seems to be the easiest. Occasionally i will do a handful at a time. Let me know if you have any questions or interested.
Last reply by tdohrer, -
- 1 reply
Hello guys, there will be a free update for all customers of my Flight Position Tracker module soon which will finally store the flown flight path with the pirep so that you can view your pilots flown paths on the pirep map. It will now also delete recent positions from the position report table immediately when the pirep is filed to prevent seeing the old track on the map if a pilot flies the same flight twice on the same day. To test this new features i need a couple of VAs who must currently own my Flight Position Tracker module and are willing to try this new feature on their site. Since its a Beta Test you have to be aware that there could still be some bugs wit…
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 2 replies
I'm looking for someone who's willing to create a design, just the way i want it to be, i got some ideas, but i'm just not able to get it done I don't know about pricing, but i guess "sky's the limit" good work = good money ? If someone's interested i guess skype would be the best way to talk things out/explain what i want ?
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 1 reply
Hello! I am looking for a skilled person who can make me a good website for my VA, and who can also do a custom ACARS system. I am not expecting anyone to do this for 5$, but i have a price limit. So please, if you can do this, contact me and we'll see if we can reach an agreement on the price. Cheers, Kim.
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 1 reply
Hey All, I'm in need of a Livery repainter it's quite urgent please anyone reply.
Last reply by PeterWeiland, -
- 0 replies
B767Designs are extremely close to opening their site which can be found HERE! We will be offering Phpvms skins,Repaints,Website Design and much more... Whilst We are still under consrtuction, come say hi and check out our forum at: HERE! Seen You There! Jonathan
Last reply by Jon, -
by jordanm1977- 1 reply
Looking for someone to help redo my VA Website let me know if you are interested and prices
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 0 replies
- 1.6k views Hello, We have revised our packages and prices, We have added more file storage to some plans, decreased prices on all web hosting packages and more changes are on the way, with our current customers they receive all the upgrades completely free of charge so you will always receive the best deal. PHPVMS will be installed on request free of charge on all packages. Special Offer – 50% Off for 6 months on all orders - Discount Code: phpvms25 UK BASED CPANEL LITE SPEED SERVERS ===================== Shared_Basic – 1.13GBP Per Month ===================== • 2 GB Diskspace • 15 GB Bandwidth • 3 Addon Domains • Unlimited Emails • D…
Last reply by MichaelD, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I am Joe the COO of Millennium Aviation ( ). We are looking for a new webmaster to assist with upgrading our phpVMS version as well as assist with developing our new website. Our previous webmaster passed away unexpectedly. For more information you may contact me via email :
Last reply by karfageniiy, -
- 2 replies
- 1.6k views do you do this code? i would like to have on my VA Email me at Thank you
Last reply by ctabuyo, -
Accepting new projects
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi All, I am happy to be accepting new web development/project management projects for the beginning of the summer season. I am able to provide a low price, and cater to your budget. Currently, I am operating as a Freelancer with a backburner brand with no overhead operating costs - which is beneficial to clients. A little bit about me: In the past I owned and operated (which sold when I got busy with school, and transformed into several other services breaking up the project, including being the first to introduce schedule pulls from flightaware), worked with several VA executives getting airlines off the ground and much more. Currently, I have wrapped …
- 3 replies
Hello everyone! I'm suprised that no one has made a virtual airline from Bulgaria! My goal is to recreate Balkan Air (the former national airline) with some of the soviet planes and some new. Il-18, Tu-154B(, Tu-134, Boeing 737-8, Boeing 767-400 and Airbus A320-200. I worry more about the repaint because I know HTML and CSS(I don't know how to work with php), but I cannot paint in any kind of photo editing program. The old logo could be modernized and re used.( If you want more information just PM me. Thanks in advance! Boris
Last reply by LukeW,