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623 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hi, I'm currently in the process of creating a virtual airline and would need a graphic designer/repainter to paint our fleet. To start, we currently only have 3 aircraft (Dash 8 Q400, A320 and 77L) and would need payware and freeware versions of each aircraft for a total of 6 repaints. This is rough mockup of the intended livery: Please PM me if interested so that we can go over the details, logo files ect.. Thanks, Mike
Last reply by HoneyBadger, -
- 1 reply
Hello, need someone to design skins for a website. We already have a design almost complete. We also have an admin template. We just need phpvms implemented and finished. Landing page too if possible" If you are eligible please contact the below, thank you. contact
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 43 replies
Hello everyone. I am starting to provide paid phpVMS development services. This includes development of phpVMS skins, modules, code changes, adding new features to my existing modules or 3rd party modules, or anything that pops to your mind. If I know how to do it, I'll get you a quote. Info about me: My Portfolio: My Services: Info: You will find that I am easy to work with, provide fast and efficient code, and all of that for cheap prices. Everything I do as a paid project is exclusive to that VA and I won't publish any modules, skins or pieces …
Last reply by Sava, -
- 5 replies
Hello community, I am here to offer skins development services for better customization of your website. I work with developing skins since 2013, and I learned everything by own account to achieve a good level of development. For now I have to offer two demos of my recent projects: If anyone is interested in knowing the price for the development of a new skin send a private message
Last reply by dinometal24, -
- 10 replies
Hello, I need a schedule pull from Delta American and Southwest Airlines for my Virtual Airline. If someone is interested in helping me out, please let me know. Thanks.
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone! quick question! I'm looking to start a business of sorts, creating and selling virtual airlines as a service and want to use phpVMS as a platform. My questions is, is this allowed by phpVMS? If I were to set up a phpVMS site and provide a skin, for money, is this allowed? I know phpVMS is under Creative Commons, but I saw non commercial and I can't find their terms of service anywhere. Thanks!
Last reply by thawksworth, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I am looking for a Custom made phpVMS skin for my Virtual Airline ( American Airlines Virtual ) and would like the Website to look like If Interested Please Contact me.
Last reply by Aaryan, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I was looking into a new website is there anyone who might be able to make one for me. Im looking at about £0-50.
Last reply by Aaryan, -
- 0 replies
Hello, everyone if you are struggling with calculating flight time for routes? If so then this is FOR YOU!!! This program estimates flight time based on multiple variables, including the following Number of passengers Type of Aircraft Cruising Speed of Aircraft AND MORE Attached are two screenshots from the program. I can fully customize the program for your specific aircraft and needs. Email me at for more information.
Last reply by treygeboy, -
- 0 replies
Dear phpvms community, I don’t know if I am announcing this in the right place or not if it is in the wrong place please move it to the appropriate location. I was speaking with Simpilotgroup via email about developing a module which will definitely be a change and will hopefully help you to secure your phpvms website and give your members that extra security. One time I tried to install an SSL Certificate on my virtual airline once and it just went a bit wrong. I have been for a while now wanting to create the SSL Module for phpvms. I cannot give any other information at this time as per just planning the development out, There is 3 of us on the developin…
Last reply by GTiNetworksinc, -
- 4 replies
I'm looking for a module: schedule to a type of aircraft, for example 737-400, instead of a registration? to do an "Real schedule".
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Can someone design a point system. Administrators would be able to add points to a pilots account, these points may be then redeemable for certain things within the virtual airline. Thanks My budget is 20-30 dollars on this one
Last reply by Melli, -
- 2 replies
Hello All, I have started my website development as i have got a lot of time on my hands and i want to focus on helping you Airline Owners out! Rates are quite low depending on what you want doing to your airline and on the amount of pages you want. Logos and banners will come free with the purchase and if you already bought a skin and looking for a more advanced one it will be %75 off what you choose! Hope to be in contact with you soon. Skype: live.scotishandrew Regards, Andrew Drummond.
Last reply by Lawrence, -
- 5 replies
Anyone has a service that offer a schedule pull... We need to get schedules off 7 different airlines for my multi-alliance VA.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 4 replies
Im looking for someone who will design for us a custom pilot center . More info via priv. We need that to be done in maximum 4 weeks !!!
Last reply by SMcLaurin, -
- 2 replies
I'd like to announce our new ACARS System. Background picture gets resized to: 836x1112px Logo gets resized to: 163x44px Login Screen: Main Screen: Features: Charter Flight Pirep logging Live ACARS Chat Webradio(playing radio of your choice) many more in future Price for a version with your logo and Background: only 5$ Contact us for more information:
Last reply by Collin147, -
- 0 replies
To Whom It May Concern: Pixel Webs is a website development business based out in the United States, which is expanding to phpVMS. We are going to be taking care of phpVMS by updating and adding exciting features to it continuously as well as developing modules for it. Also, we are offering our custom-made development services for virtual airlines: Logo Design: Our professional team will design a custom logo for your airline within 48h maximum, 2 revisions and all for $15(USD). Pilot Centre: Custom-made pilot centre for your virtual airline, with unlimited custom pages, and up to 10 rounds of revision. It will be delivered within 2 weeks. Price $250(USD). Basic W…
Last reply by PixelWebDesigns, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I see when people are struggling getting their Virtual AIrlines online, They will either complain that it will cost a lot of money to keep it going. Now i started this post to tell you you can get your website up and running for just £5.00 a month! Included in our company's personal plan to help you be the best Virtual Airline out there. Depending on how many sites you want or how many email accounts you want and the certain amount of space, the prices may varies. Web Hosting: All plans are provisioned on a fully managed dedicated server with SSDs & 1Gbps connection to the internet. All accounts come with control panel access as standard. -Personal Pla…
Last reply by hurkulez, -
- 0 replies
Save $100.00 Off each package until October 31, 2016! Choose from a complete package or contact us for individual services such as Pilot Center, etc... The first and ONLY the first customer to choose the presently being worked on first Turn Key Solution will receive an extra $100.00 Off! Only one customer and the first is to receive this offer. First come, first serve. You MUST purchase a template license for the Turn Key Solution! You must contact me here on the forums for this offer only so I can keep up with the first customer to accept this offer for the first TURN KEY SOLUTION! A deposit is required on all work! A portfolio of some …
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 2 replies
Good morning gents, I've an HTML responsive template i would like someone to convert it to phpVMS, if anyone interest PM please. Yours,
Last reply by FlyingMachine, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I was wondering if someone could edit one of my modules real quick. If you can please email me at Thanks, Trey
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 2 replies
Looking for someone to help me install phpvms so that everything works without problem against payment. not serious refrain , contact me by MP
Last reply by flybywire054, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Am looking for a volunteer repainter however I do not mind spending a bit of money. I am CEO of SkyJet Virtual Airlines an airline that has been in operation for 1 month. I need repaints done for the PMDG 737 -700 -800 and -900 as well as the 777-200LR. As for aerosoft,the a320. Blackbox A330 and aerosoft crj 700 and quality wings 757-200. I can split the job between a few people if nescessary. I already have a design,and if you are interested contact Thank you. Anthony Edwards CEO, SkyJet Virtual Airlines
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
- 3 replies
Good evening, I will contact to ask for help to finally install the skin "Lance or ocean blue" for my VA contact me by MP for the price thank you Good evening, I will contact to ask for help to finally install the skin "spear" for my ... contact me by MP for the price thank you
Last reply by ethanou77, -
- 0 replies
I'm able to offer a wide range of phpVMS development services, from bespoke module production to basic skin design. Project turnaround times are currently quick, as I have no other commitments for the next 3 weeks. For more information, and a free no obligation quote feel free to get in touch with me via Private Message. Regards Jon
Last reply by Jon, -
- 0 replies
Hello Guys, I need help with my painting. We're currently going to run our new virtual airline and have problem with create our new painting for PMDG 737 NGX. I have a image draft what we need but it's too sophisticated for anybody of us, to do it on our own. Can you help? PS: We need something like this: Of course I can pay for it if needed. Please, contact me by PM or email:
Last reply by ombos, -
- 2 replies
Hi gents, if anyone can help with the matter please contact me, i can't see any aircraft within : Select An Aircraft Type. Paid support is requested please, yours,
Last reply by FlyingMachine, -
SpeedBox Hosting | £1.00 Fully Unlimited cPanel Hosting | Can Install phpVMS on Request.
by SpeedBox- 0 replies
Hello phpVMS forum members! is very proud to offer a unlimited hosting plan for only £1.00 or $1.23. This includes .Unlimited Disk Space . Unlimited Bandwidth . Unlimited Emails . Unlimited Sub-Domains . Super Fast Solid State Drives And so on. We can install phpVMS on request. We also have LiveChat which is nearly 24 hours. Thankyou.
Last reply by SpeedBox, -
- 0 replies
All of our packages include: 20x faster SSD drives Fully featured cPanel Softaculous 1-click App Installer (Over 250+ applications including WordPress, phpBB and Moodle) User configurable php version control (5.2+) through an easy PHP version selector in cPanel On Demand Support MySQL Databases + phpMyAdmin Advanced email management with optional Google Apps integration In-depth metrics, system statistics & visitor information IP blocker, hotlink and leech protection, and Mod Security WAF Easy on-demand full website backup Plus many more utilities... We also offer free phpVMS installation on registration. We will install the latest stable release o…
Last reply by Max, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, everybody. I am Dexter Recently I set up a website. Preliminary work has been completed.Now I need a perfect ACARS system. And It's module on the phpvms. If you can do the job, please email me ( Then we can talk about this. :-)
Last reply by TennShadow,