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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. If you have details and logs please PM them to me. I don't know of any exploits as I do alot of filtering and assume everything comes in dirty. But there's always something new
  2. There are docs here: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?app=ccs Can you run the /install/checkinstall.php script, and post the output here ?
  3. If there are active flights they'll just get repopulated in
  4. Nabeel


    That's in the registration module?
  5. Can you give a screenshot of what it actually says?
  6. I know it's easy, but legally you are not allowed to, as it's part of the Creative Commons License which phpVMS is licensed under. But you can purchase an option to be able to legally remove it.
  7. Are you editing templates directly? You should be copying your edits into your skin's folder. If not, then reupload all the files listed there, since they are corrupted Hi, I'm not sure what you mean?
  8. You can now purchase a license to be allowed to remove the "powered by phpVMS" from your site. It's a one-time, $45 fee, which applies towards one VA. The link to the cart is here.
  9. Yes it just needs a powered by phpvms. It's there, that's fine
  10. Did you clear the cache? The IDs might not be matching up, but if you did a 1:1 export. Did you try a schedule export and import using the admin panel import/export functionality?
  11. Yeah, I'd have to check it out in some more details, not sure off the top of my head.
  12. Like the message says... contact your host Except it's free hosting so, well, you might be out of luck
  13. Can you post the output from running install/checkinstall.php?
  14. Nabeel


    Ah wait, it as in the betas where I had added it.
  15. Nabeel

    Need Help

    People won't help you out if you don't make an attempt on your own. Try googleling those things. Obsess blue template is out of date with the latest version. Start with the default skin, and try tweaking and changing things there. Read the documentation as well
  16. In the bottom left corner in IE, does it give a warning or error icon?
  17. You can code up a module that has the pirep_file hook, and then post to the twitter api. Their api is pretty easy, you just need a key, and it's 3/4 calls. They have examples in PHP of how to
  18. The size issue is just a byproduct. It seems like uploads aren't working properly. Make sure the lib/avatars directory is 777
  19. The decimal gets rounded down, I believ
  20. Do you get any errors running install/checkinstall.php
  21. Nabeel


    There is a setting to shut off those emails
  22. There's a setting for the rank image I believe
  23. Nabeel


    I have no way to resetting them and keeping them there, since it reads the data live from your site
  24. Sorry, the average flights is wrong - it's per month, not per day. The yesterday's score... ignore that for now
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