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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Are you seeing the award images on the admin side?
  2. Just use Great Circle Maper - http://www.gcmap.com/
  3. Use http://box10.host1free.com/~virtua4 for the url in the kACARS settings.
  4. I didn't know there was documemtation. The setup is very straight forward, just need some comon sence.
  5. Do mean something like this?
  6. In the readme for the airmail, there is the code for the mail. Place that where you want it to show.
  7. Search in the main Schedules too, see if you get the same results.
  8. Did you run the exe as administrator?
  9. https://github.com/DavidJClark
  10. When you get on Windows Live, give me a shout.
  11. <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?>
  12. I do it manually every time.
  13. After you accent PIREPS that are in the tour, go to the Tour admin and click Rebuild All Tour Records. I do this for everytime there are tour flights.
  14. flyalaska

    VAForum 2

    Whats your url?
  15. flyalaska

    VAForum 2

    It needs to be http://www.mysite.com/index.php/Forum You forgot the index.php
  16. Put the entire code where ever you want to display it. Example. <?php $cws = new CodonWebService(); $xml = $cws->get('http://www.vacentral.net/airline/cva_canadianvirtualairlines/xml'); $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml); echo "Our airline's rank is {$xml->rank}"; ?> Replace the VACentral URL with your VA's VACentral URL.
  17. I didn't save that flight, Can you give me the the info for the MD83?
  18. I have FSPax. How do I pull that info
  19. @ Joeri do you paint X-Plane?
  20. Lets rule out the obvious, do you have the correct API in your config?
  21. Anyone have fuel info for a MD87?
  22. The first shot shows the form that I filled out. Notice that all fields are filled correctly. The second shot shows after I submit the information. Notice the info is in the wrong places.
  23. How can I have so a pilot can view a pilots profile and click on a link to sent that pilot a PM?
  24. Love this adon. Little issue. When I add a entry, when I save it. Every is messed up. Example. The image is the description, the url is another place. I have to edit to fix it. Happens every time I add a entry,
  25. Are you using FSACARS by chance? That was a glitch with FSACARS.
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