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Everything posted by DisposableHero
As far as I know, mailgun api needs/uses guzzle (which we have already), so up to my understanding from their docs that line should be either `api.mailgun.net/v3/americanva.org` (without https://) or just `americanva.org` (without https:// and mailgun's standard api path). Hope you figure it out and this topic becomes sticky with the answer provided
Thanks for your kind thoughts. Honestly, I never told that it would be easy Specially when you want to simulate things in detail, it will take time to setup and manage. Yeah, that mentioned module/addon is available and it allows admins to define almost everything needed for proper flight planning per fleet/aircraft configuration. Combined with nice subfleet and fare structures (needs admin work and time too) all matches up and works fine
Are you really sure about that “domain” line ? It looks like a full url to me. url/uri : https://domain.com/something/ domain : domain.com
Mailgun Secret is your mailgun API KEY, if you have a mailgun account you will find it there. And for the SMTP try, your main setting still remains as `mailgun` so it will fail as expected. MAIL_MAILER is the main/driver setting, if you want to try SMTP (either your own server or mailgun smtp) it should be MAIL_MAILER='SMTP' (or 'smtp') as per the docs. And after changing settings at env.php level, you should always clean application cache Otherwise your changes will be not be active. Good luck
Yes it is. Examples are from Disposable Theme v3, the balance and details are visible only to the user and admins. Same thing can be done with any other theme, data needed (user model and all of its relationships like pireps, balance, journal transactions) is already there.
My pleasure That trick is what I use when a plain csv is needed, works with all versions Hope you can use v7 for your VA and meets your needs. Good luck and God speed.
That templates are 4 years old and I am 100% sure that they will fail with latest dev builds due to changes done to the import/export logic during that 4 years. Best way to get a working csv template is adding an item manually (a flight, an aircraft, a subfleet, a fare etc whatever you need), exporting to csv You will have the 100% compatible edition according to your installed phpvms v7 version. Good luck
[SKIN] Disposable Theme (Current)
DisposableHero replied to DisposableHero's topic in Disposable Hero Addons
Sorry, do you want to see ALL online flights of IVAO and VATSIM at your dashboard ? If you setup your phpvms user profiles and your theme (or the widget itself) properly it shows online flights of YOUR PILOTS only (IVAO and VATSIM). Displaying ALL flights is not a good idea at all. -
Hi Didier, Subfleets are a group of aircraft in everyone's case, it is not something special for you. It is their design logic, they hold the fleet with same specs And making subfleets only by aircraft model is not something logical too (you can check the guides about it, how real world subfleets are divided/handled etc). Anyway, with your logic, an aircraft (B738) represented by multiple addons, having custom airframe match at aircraft level will not work either. Imagine a scenario in which you are simulating an airline with 2 B738's in its fleet. But you have 5 different addon developers in 4 different simulators, which your pilots own and wish to use. What will you do then ? Add fake aircraft to your fleet to cover all possible addon matches ? A320 : Flight Factor, JarDesign, Aerosoft, FBW B738 : Zibo, LevelUP, iFly, PMDG (2x 'cause they are different for FsX and Prepar3D, soon for MsFs probably too) MD8x : Rotate, Leonardo (2x) examples can be extended to other models easily. And the worst result is, by making an aircraft "Zibo" only will mess up things during flight operations. You have 3 pilots using X-Plane, they want to fly at the same time but you have only one X-Plane/Zibo matched aircraft. One pilot will pick the best aircraft, others will be forced to use the ones with iFly or PMDG specs. Then a poor Prepar3D pilot will find himself/herself in a mess So in short, your theory/request (having custom airframe match at aircraft level) and what phpvms v7 currently offers (having it at subfleet level) fails Or at best works only if you are simulating one addon and using one simulator (like X-Plane and Zibo only VA or MsFs and FBW only). This is why, I built the "Addon Specs" logic (fine tuned it in time according to user/va feedback and needs we discovered along the way), which can support almost all possible scenarios and has the flexibility of being used in multiple ways Like creating a "new" aircraft model which Simbrief does not support yet (like A21N), fine tuning default simbrief options for a specific addon or just using multiple pre-built simbrief aircraft profiles within a fleet. Maybe you should check this forum to find the answer of your own question, there is a nicely organized "Downloads" section here, link is at the top Good luck and safe flights --- Addition: Your request and partly phpvms v7's current design CAN work only when you allow an aircraft to be used by multiple pilots at the same time. Which is not realistic of course but can be a solution if you are aiming to have a relaxed setup.
It is already possible at Subfleet level. If you have custom airframe ID's for specific aircraft types, you can use them at SimBrief Type field of a subfleet. When filled, that field is sent to SimBrief via API as per their documentation and gets used during planning. Additionally it is possible to have multiple custom airframe ID's assigned to an aircraft, a subfleet or to an ICAO code via a module (Disposable Basic > Aircraft Specs), also it is possible to use that module for more custom options (like not using airframe ID's but sending all info as "custom aircraft data", which has some benefits compared to using a saved airframe ID) Safe flights
Found this : https://altitudeweb.co.uk/about/ May help.
There is a solution provided with the latest dev build for this. That previous behavior had a reason (multiple settings may be conflicting with each other), I will try monitoring the issues reported for the latest dev build. For now, it will consider aircraft settings to filter that dropdown, this may change later on (with the same result if we can, if not we may return to the previous logic) Safe flights
1. vmsAcars licences are issued for the "domain", so in your case it will be "epizy.com" which is a generic domain of a free hosting service (Infinity Free Hosting). 2. Free hosting services block your access to the most of the backend resources/services you may need while running phpVms v7. So in short terms, I do not think it will work on Infinity Free Hosting.
You may need to convert the "money object" ($this->user->journal->balance) to an integer, or the opposite like converting your definition to a "money object" ($balance). // Casting as integer return (int) $this->user->journal->balance >= (int) $balance; // Getting the integer value with php core functions return intval($this->user->journal->balance) >= (int) $balance; // Coverting an integer to a money object return $this->user->journal->balance >= Money::createFromAmount($balance); PS: Last one needs the declaration of `use App\Support\Money;` beforehand. Hope you figure it out
There is no such thing called `$this->user->balance` , check my example carefully Looks like your problem is there @XPBaz Also the code in my first message is almost complete (except the top definition part before the class line), what happens when you try that ?
[ADD-ON] Disposable Extended Pack
DisposableHero replied to DisposableHero's topic in Disposable Hero Addons
To be honest, I did not liked the way OnAir operates. The idea is good and sounds promising, but the execution sucks. The way they operate, the way people handling things (like the prices they put for some jobs or aircraft rentals) are just funny. Which makes it a game where some people have fun, rather than a real life like economically simulated airline industry world. I used it, some of my friends was at the top tier servers (I forgot what it was called), tried to help them with realistic details etc but it did not took long for me to realize that it will not be possible Even if you create an airline there and make everything realistic, the rest will not follow you and you will fail in the massive multiplayer world of it. You can create an airline and close your doors to outside world of OnAir, which is the same as installing phpvms v7 to your domain and having the same virtual airline Only difference will be the amount you save by not subscribing to OnAir, you can spend that amount to much useful places (like donating to charities) and still keep the fun of flying together with friends. In short term, OnAir may look cheap (on the management side) but needs pilots to subscribe for flying, but in long term having a virtual airline is much cheaper compared to it. You can divide the costs of management (acars license, domain, server etc) to all members or just to the management team, which then will be more cheaper for everyone participating. Your wish is really hard to accomplish, technically it requires a main server which will manage pretty much every single income, expense, airline, fleet etc. So all members will be on the same level, imagine you creating a fleet. You need to have some money or lease aircraft, after that step you need to define its costs, all of these should come from a main server and you (as the va admin) should not be allowed to change them. Same thing needs to be done at income/expense level, fuel prices, parking fees, air traffic costs etc. All needs to be handled by that main server and member airlines should not be allowed to change/override them for a "global economy" If you left some doors open people will reduce expenses and increase their income and at that point the whole logic fails... Anyway, I do prefer having my own simulated virtual airline with close to real life financial values, letting myself and my friends to fly and enjoy the realistic details (if they wish, if not they can just fly and skip the finance part). Best wishes -
In the above example $balance is the amount we wish to give the award, entered manually by us at admin > awards page (it was $flight_minutes in your example) $this->user->journal->balance is the user's balance (it was $this->user->flight_time in your example) When a user sends a pilot report and when it gets accepted (either manually or automatically) award checks are done too. So to test your new award class, you need to file / accept a pirep (no need to fly, just file a valid manual pirep and accept it) Also, if something goes wrong you probably will not see an error page, but the pireps will not be accepted. You need to check your laravel logs to see where it fails (Most of the time it is awards, a missing one or a faulty one)
Yeah, you are on the right track but missing some more Technically you need to change more things. The $flight_minutes you mentioned is the value you define at admin > awards page, you also need to check the user's journal for current balance against it. Also changing the class name is needed (to avoid duplicate names and errors), so in simple terms what you need will be something like the below example. // Creating a new Award class class PilotBalanceAwards extends Award { // Award definitions public $name = 'Pilot Balance'; public $param_description = 'Amount of balance at which to give this award'; // Award method public function check($balance = null): bool { // Checking our own value to be sure if (!is_numeric($balance)) { Log::error('PilotBalanceAwards: Provided value "'.$balance.'" is not valid'); return false; } // Here we check the user's balance and return the result (true/false) return $this->user->journal->balance >= (int) $balance; } } Hope this helps, good luck
[ADD-ON] Disposable Extended Pack
DisposableHero replied to DisposableHero's topic in Disposable Hero Addons
Thanks for your kind thoughts I still prefer you flying for your own va along with some of your management staff (under a test environment/domain), get used to managing/configuring phpvms v7 and Disposable addons, then when you feel ok switch to live ops. If you already have 143 active users, then you should already have some experience about VA management Rest is just technical details, reading docs, trying out options, fine tuning things as per your needs, in simple term "admin duties". Being a member of my va will not provide you those details 'cause you will be a "pilot" there, no admin access, no rights to change things etc. What you will get by installing Disposable Addons (Basic, Extended and Theme) is the same at my VA. I did not hided things to myself or my va, just added some personal things on top of them. Check your messages too. Best wishes -
[ADD-ON] Disposable Extended Pack
DisposableHero replied to DisposableHero's topic in Disposable Hero Addons
My VA is not a test site or a place for you to test things, this is why you were rejected by an admin If you had completed the donation as described above, you need to provide some proof about it (via email or private message) so I can send you the latest release. Best wishes -
Probably because the structure of that 3 year old files will not work anymore (due to core changes happened during development/improvements.) How to get latest csv examples; 1. Visit demo site , click admin > airports > export csv (repeat for fleet, aircraft, airlines as per your needs) 2. Install phpvms v7 (either for a local test or for an online test), add at least one airport, subfleet, aircraft, then export to csv Both options will generate examples (with some data) using the latest csv format v7 uses for import/export.
[SKIN] Disposable Theme (Current)
DisposableHero replied to DisposableHero's topic in Disposable Hero Addons
Looks like you simply skipped reading (or read but ignored) the basic requirements part of Disposable Theme v3 'cause this can only happen with a non-updated (or not properly updated) phpvms v7. [2021-12-19 21:46:03] production.ERROR: Call to undefined method App\Models\Aircraft::simbriefs() This important info is at the top of the readme Theme is NOT compatible with beta4 or earlier development builds of phpVMS v7 prior to 14.DEC.21 Minimum required phpVMS v7 version is phpVms 7.0.0-dev+211214.c12cf0 So, if you update your phpvms to latest development build available as of today, I think you will be able to install and use Disposable Theme v3. Be advised though, there is another note in the readme about module compatibility, so you need to update your modules too. Theme is NOT compatible with older seperate Disposable addons, it is designed to be fully compatible with Disposable v3 series addons (Basic and Special as of date) Good luck with the updates. -
[SKIN] Disposable Theme (Current)
DisposableHero replied to DisposableHero's topic in Disposable Hero Addons
Nobody can reach that log with that link, it is not possible. Either download your log, pack it (zip,rar,7z etc) and upload somewhere with "public" access or just copy & paste the error part please. And by "update" what do you mean ? You already have Disposable Theme v3 installed/working but can not update to its latest version or something else ? (Asking this because Disposable Theme v3 is NOT an update over v2, it is a new theme) -
[ADD-ON] Disposable Basic Pack
DisposableHero replied to DisposableHero's topic in Disposable Hero Addons
You are probably clicking the buttons provided at addons/modules page. Try using module link instead of them Not these