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Everything posted by servetas

  1. You are a php pro, as you stated above, why can't you understand what Manuel said? It is an array and you have to create a new table and just use foreach to show the data. Ι hate it when someone expect everything on his plate...
  2. Please continue the discussion here. There is no need to open a second topic for the same answer.
  3. Version 1.1 has been released. It includes the RSS function requested by jusromaine. Also, we have done some other changes on its code. We always try to accept your requests and support you in anything you want. George
  4. Hello, I have developed an Advanced News System module and the rss function would be something easy to add. Please send me a pm if you are interested. George
  5. Yeah, unfortunately this is a problem. You can try to get in touch with the developers in order to get the correct download links.
  6. Hello, One good solution is the module developed by Vansers.
  7. All the skins can be found here: http://forum.phpvms.net/forum/24-releases/.
  8. For your information, this module has been already released. More information can be found here.
  9. You will have to state the $month and the $year variables before. In your case the following should work i think: <?php $month = date("m"); $year = date("Y"); echo TopPilotData::top_pilot_hours($month, $year, 5) ;
  10. Dear All, We would like to inform you that Advaced News System module has been published on our website. This module is going to help you share your va's news and let your pilot's express their opinions about the announcements. It's time for a change... More information about the module and screenshots can be found here. Best Regards, on behalf of the PHP-Mods Team
  11. There is not any default option inside phpvms for this. Also, i do not remember if anyone has developed something like this. During tha last months, i have seen that a lot of users what to have a system like thia. Maybe it is a good idea... Lets see.
  12. Flight schedules are not based on your hubs so how are you going to restrict them?
  13. Hello Guys, Dimitris is a member of the PHP-Mods Team. The module has been recoded and rereleased by PHP-Mods. More information can be found here. Topic locked
  14. I think that it can be done but it is not very easy...
  15. You can alternatively use the contact me form i think: http://www.simpilotgroup.com/contact .
  16. Hello. This is an english speaking-writing forum...
  17. Unfortumately, there is not any ready part of code or module for this "job". You have to develop it on your own and in general i do think that it is not something very difficult.
  18. Why don't you get in touch with your web hosting provider?
  19. Number 2 is fine compared to number 1...
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