Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Would something similar to that be of help for people? Not that I have the time to do it anytime soon.. lol... just throwing it out there?
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 2 replies
hi, i want to know how I can install the css drop down menus? obsessblue currently use the skin, I would like to know what is the name of the file that I go to install the css drop down menus? please do not just need to know the name of the file, also need to know how to install it step by step. here I send in attach the css drop down menus that I want to install to have an idea that can help better. agradesco the help they can give me
Last reply by El Macara, -
- 3 replies
Hello Gents...I have been hacking away at this PHP stuff for about 3 days with absolutely no website experience whatsoever, but I have finally started to figure it out. I have used a template and created a website for my air service. But...I have one problem. My navigation on the left side of the website does not work! I have spent hours trying to figure it out and I know it is simple. The only tab that works is the admin center tab and it only works once I log on. When I log on, no other navigation tabs work. Can somebody be kind enough to take a look at my site and tell me what I have missed or done wrong? Thank you all very much!
Last reply by VictoryAirPilot, -
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- 2k views What do you think?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
We have re-designed the British Atlantic Boarding Pass: Still needs some finishing touches, but am really proud of this one .
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have been having an issue with my website. I got this skin and when I go to the pilots list, as shown in picture below, it is all messed up. I have the code for the pilots list here. Does anyone see anything wrong with the code? Thank you for your help, Jonny <div class="clearfix colelem" id="u1543"><!-- group --> <div class="clearfix grpelem" id="u1546"><!-- group --> <p>Pilots</p> </div> </div> <div class="grpelem" id="u1553"><!-- simple frame --></div> </div> <div class="clearfix colelem" id="pu…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 3 replies
Newly i decided to start Scandinavian Airlines system VA. an Airline that is Based on SAS. but now i need some help with the Skin/Logo design for SAS VA . i have an Budget that Goes up to 40EUR. what i requier from the Designer: - Experience - Preiw of Earlyer works - an good reputation Carl r Kristiansen Scandinavian Airlines VA
Last reply by EENielsen, -
- 2 replies
Buy Template for admin part of phpvms, look for template for admin part of phpvms.
Last reply by web541, -
- 1 reply
Hello people, after 4 months of success of India VA, we have decided to change the theme/skin for our VA. So is there anyone who can make an awesome skin for our VA. The person's name who is making skin will be displayed on our popular website, We welcome your tips for our website so that we can make it the best!
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 6 replies
How difficult is it to integrate phpVMS into a core website? Is there a tutorial on doing this that I am missing or does it just work like regular skinning?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
This 'skinning' thing is not easy ! They all say it is, but they lie ! First you must learn css, html, sql, php, etc., etc ..... I am happy with my first try at intergrating this great phpVMS project to my VA: The phpVMS starts under the 'Operations' menu item. The current site is: we have a lot to move, but it will be easier to do with phpVMS. Many thanks Nabeel ! Mike
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 2 replies
Hey can someone help me ? I am lookin to change /* regular */ body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial; background-color: Black; <<<<<<<< THIS } img { border: 0px; } .size { width: 950px; margin: 0px auto; } TO THIS >>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< How do i do it? I've tried this background-image: -webkit-gradient( linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, rgb(194,236,255)), color-stop(0.71, rgb(20,145,255)), color-stop(1, rgb(0,115,255)) ); but it doesn't work.
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I am constructing a new skin and I'd like a bit of help, I have made a new registration form (baring in mind the old one didn't work either) and I am getting a registration error - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`virginat_vex`.`phpvms_pilots`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_pilots_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms_airlines` (`code`) ON UPDATE CASCADE) I just wondered if anyone could help? Thanks.
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 4 replies
I was wondering if there was a way to view the skin without other pilot's seeing it. I don't want to turn Maintenance Mode on because you can't submit PIREP's. I plan on taking all day. LOL
Last reply by Jacob Armstrong, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, here's the new skin i've made for my VA. Full screen, responsive, mega menu and many other things :
Last reply by harryh146, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys, I am new to PHPvms and i have downloaded and installed phpvms to my site and i have a default skin which doesnt look the nicest. If anyone knows how to skin phpvms could you drop me a line at this would be very thourghtfull of you. Cheers & Happy Flying _________________________________________________________________ Jordan Havard CEO - Founder PAJA Airlines
Last reply by PAJACEO, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Website designer needed contact me on skype please daniel_cormack thanks
Last reply by VirtualBMI, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, just currently setting up a testing phpvms on localhost. However, I've tried skinning myself and have looked at guides on how to do so but i cannot figure out on how I can start skinning with CSS? I'm getting a little confused. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
Last reply by Jevans, -
- 2 replies
Hi to All, how is possible change thestyle of my number of page ? I try every way but i have only that visualization.... in vertical ...
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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i need a color that matches with #33CCFF. or go here to see the color.
Last reply by loplo, -
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Greetings to all forumers! Like any VA webmaster we are constantly trying to get everything to the max. and i saw these and really liked them how do make my tables or boxes ... like this stripes? And whats the name of this element? or technique? Thanks in Advance! Wish you all the very best!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
- 3 replies
Hello there, I have designed a pilot centre for my pilots, and I have made a custom banner just for the centre. In the layout.tpl, I have a jQuery sliding banner defined for all of the sites, but I was wondering whether there is a way to exclude it in the pilot center, so I end up with a single banner, and not two of them? Regards, HighFlyer
Last reply by Sava, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, I'm hoping one of you can help me with the following; At the moment I have a skin that is only 1 page with 1 <div> I think. I would like to make a Left Column and a Right column for putting in modules and stuff. I have tried a few different things but keep messing up my skin. If I knew how, where exactly do I put these <div>'s ? Do I place them in the header.tpl ? or in the frontpage_mail.tpl ? Any advice would be most appreciated. Adam
Last reply by Nabeel, -
any idea or help why this happens when i resize the window of my broswer???
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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Hello, I found a really cool addon, because when you click on the icon of the aircraft, shows the route traveled... As can be seen here. Could anyone help me how to make this effect? Or at least that shows the path that remains of the aircraft to the destination, even if it is straight. And not the path from source to destination. Very Thanks.
Last reply by Jhony300, -
- 4 replies
Dear community, I want to edit the welcome text on my welcoming page. But I can't find the good file in my phpvms file... I think that there is a html file with the actual text. I want to find this file to modify this text... Bests regards, Jules
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys i am looking for some people to help me out with a couple of things 1. i am looking for someone who is willing to do custom liveries for my fleet for free or little money. 2. i need someone to create me a custom skin for my website for free or little money if you can help me out with this please contact me
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I really need your help. I am setting up a virtual airline and need a custom skin. I have tried making it myself but I am getting really confused. I have a budget of near £0 so instead of asking someone to design one for free. (unless someone is willing) I am wondering if anyone will help me create my own skin. I don't want anything fancy just something simple yet personalised.
Last reply by bambam35614, -
- 2 replies
Hello all, I've been reworking the ReachVA website and I've come up with the issue of reskinning the existing drop down menu with styling that would match the existing site colour scheme. I'm familiar with basic HTML and CSS but I can't make sense of this menus particular structure. Its CSS seems all over the place with no comments left to explain what each section does. Any help is most welcome.
Last reply by reachva, -
- 3 replies
When I go into pilots it tells me "The module "LISTING" doesn't exist!" how do I fix that
Last reply by Jeff,