Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Does anybody know what file is causing the problem! it is not properly aligned thanks
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 7 replies
hello, Just wondered if anyone could possible help me out with modifying the Obsess blue template? What i would like is for the banner to be at the top then the menu bar then the login. If someone could possibly point me in the right direction that would be great. thanks Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 8 replies
HI guys, I have installed Obsess blue on our site and works fine, I have made some small changes, nothing major at this time. On the site I have modified the scroll to read with our VA name, but how do I slow it down as it moves too fast? Alaso down on the left there is news links, with our causing major issues with the .tpl file how do I just get rid of it and move the other links up? One last one, before uploading the file to my host I changed what I thought was the back ground black color to our blue color, but its still black, is there a way I can do this? I have tried doing it a few times but still comes out black on the live site? Cheers Deano
Last reply by 5SA CEO, -
Obsess Blue Help
by Guest kva- 9 replies
I am using the Obsess Blue Template with phpVMS and I love it. I have installed my site and edited a few things however, on the Registration page it comes up with an error at the top. The error reads: I would appreciate any help because, as you could imagine, this is probably the most important part of the site and my VA will not be able to run without it. Thanks for any help, kva
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I'm using the obsess blue skin and everytime I try to add a bid it says no route passed any ideas on a fix please ? There are schedules in the database and not using a free host, Many thanks in advance, Colin
Last reply by Colin, -
- 6 replies
I need help with editting the .tpl files in the Obsess Blue skin. When I try to open in notepad it just shows up as a blank notepad, please help someone. I also have no idea how to edit the frontpage_main.tpl
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have a problem with my ObsessBlue skin, I am trying to Add a Bid to fly and it just keeps saying "No Route Passed" this seems to be a problem with the database or there is some code missing, I have no idea which one. Help would be appreciated, thanks.
Last reply by OneSKyVirtual, -
- 3 replies
Found the original Obsess Blue and trying to modify it for my site with phpVMS. When I test it in Dreamweaver it looks like this: But when I upload it to the va it loses the styling: Here is the original template: Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Been awhile since I have done skinning for phpVMS and almost forgot everything I learned years ago! Thanks!
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, I get this error on my Obsess Blue Template: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '>' in /home/contin56/public_html/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/layout.tpl on line 123 Any help? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Dyl963, -
- 2 replies
Hey can someone help me ? I am lookin to change /* regular */ body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial; background-color: Black; <<<<<<<< THIS } img { border: 0px; } .size { width: 950px; margin: 0px auto; } TO THIS >>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< How do i do it? I've tried this background-image: -webkit-gradient( linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, rgb(194,236,255)), color-stop(0.71, rgb(20,145,255)), color-stop(1, rgb(0,115,255)) ); but it doesn't work.
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 5 replies
Hi, Anyone tell me how I can stop the Newfront from showing underneath every page you visit in the ObsessBlue skin? The echo page content is there as well as the show newsfront, but if I remove the shownews front, the news doesnt show at all when going to the home page. Thanks in advance, Graham
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 5 replies
I downloaded it direct from FSPaintShop and installed and I am missing parts of the template! Here is the one I am working on: Jets VA Obsess And here is the original I found: Obsess Original I am missing the menu dark backgrounds! I have compared the images folder and don't see any difference from the original! Thanks! Never mind it was the style sheet that came with the FSPaintShop version. Once I uploaded the original style sheet and changed the reference in header.tpl everything showed up properly. I just enjoy editing phpVMS templates every now and then!
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Does anyone by any chance has the coding to create drop down menus in the obsessblue skin? I tried a lot but somehow not working and currently doing my head in to get it working Edwin
Last reply by Edwin, -
- 4 replies
origin my Help me ! all archives ok in ftp ! thanks !!!
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 2 replies
i downloaded that ObssesBlue skin and installed it thing is its not working when i try and select the skin from the admin its not there only crystal is there and ive been tryin for the past 8 hrs and its now 6:00am here can you please help there is no light at the end of my tunnel atm thanks michael Eurojet VA
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I am trying different skins. I installed the Ocean Blue and was trying to figure out how to add modules such as fleet under the Corporate Menu or add other menu buttons and different modules, documents, and etc. Where can I find a fleet module or string to add it to the Ocean Blue skin? I have found that things can added to the core_navigation.php Thanks Perry
Last reply by perryfincher, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has a fix for the slider showing twice when viewing on mobile? I've attached a screenshot. Regards, Pete
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 1 reply
1. When selecting view pirep the following error is shown and a blank page. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in ..../httpdocs/lib/skins/ocean_blue/pirep_viewreport.php on line 108 2. How do you set schedules availability to pilots last location and by aircraft for their rank. I found code in schedule_results.php but cannot figure out the settings. Pilots are restricted to Aircraft type by rank. 3. On mobile/phone cannot see online pilots ether in map or status. Any one have fixes.?
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys, I´m totally new into phpvms, an found this Ocean Blue skin, but now i just have some issues about it. On my frontpage, index.php, the live flight tracker will not show the map, so im looking for some help to figure this out.. Also in the header, where the slider is, i want to remove the avatar my profile, anyone please help me out.. Best regards Michael [Please delete, moved to paid services]
Last reply by DanishFlipper, -
- 6 replies
Hello guys Everything was fully working but since yesterday, my home page is gone, like layout does not appear anymore BUT all others pages are OK? what happened and how to fix? Thank you
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
Thanks, FlyAlaska. Can please tell me how to change the all blue buttons ?? I upload the images And i see folder name slider ?? this skin have header slider ?? if have how it's work ?? And my last thing any update news about the blueIce skin for new Version ?? Best Regards, EDIT: Moderator moved to Skinning forum as this relates to changing something in this skin, not a new skin release.
Last reply by Curshad, -
- 6 replies
hello everybody does anny off you know where i can find the old skinning video from nabeel as i just started mij verry first skin thanks in advance joeri
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 14 replies
How do i get stuff to only show on the home page such as if the left side shows say who is online and the the user goes to login well on the left side it still shows who is online, how can i remove that? Thanks!
Last reply by JohnMck93, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, Working on a new site for VVG and well when it comes to the pilots center I suck! This is what I have so far and just wondering what your opinions are on it? Obviously It's still a work in progress! cheers
Last reply by Joshua John, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I saw that if you create 4 pages, you will see the pages in the menubar. The menubar shows on creation date/time. Is there a way, so I can change the order? Greetings, RobB
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 14 replies
Hi all, Im trying make a aircraft table, the only part that fault me is order by weight. The data not is been order correctly (see image): ............ FROM phpvms_aircraft ORDER BY phpvms_aircraft.weight"; Seems that fail is in order number by number and not full cuantity. Ex, order by weight ASC: 12005324 (the fourth digit is smaller than 3) 1203 (the fourth digit is bigger than 0) The heavier aircraft is ordained as the lightest How i can resolve this? Thanks, regards...
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, The site is still a work in progress but almost complete. I would love to hear some comments before I completely finalise it. Nabeel or anyone else with the know how. How do I include a separate php page. The complete list of links in the bottom are now a permanent fixture in the Layout.tpl file, originally I wanted to use the standard <?php include ("bottom_links.php"); ?> but that just would not work at all. I also renamed the file to bottom_links.tpl and use the standard templateShow to bring it into action, but that would not work either. What have I done wrong? Looking forward to your comments regarding the site Cheers
Last reply by selwynorren, -
- 51 replies
Ok I'm having some problems that one of the skins i got from on the pilot list and the bottom of the skin shifts up and the hub titles gets shifted to the left. Why is that? Also I have a ferind been trying to get the pilots on the bottom that are shitfing to the left after the sidebars. Why is that?
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 19 replies
Hello, does anyone here knows how to make a flash website for phpvms? I want to make my own flash webpage. but I do not know how to do that because, of all TPL files. and do you have tips? and what program can I use best?? I have not a lot of flash experience. Greets Michael Kraan
Last reply by Jeff, -
Do you know the side bar on the left. New Pilot's etc. It is aligned to the right a little. Well i would like it a bit more to the left. Where abouts can i edit that? thanks Daniel
Last reply by Daniel,