Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
hi everyone, i have zero knowledge about php script, html etc. etc.. i have recently started a new VA for Vatsim India. And i now wanna create a good looking homepage as i didn't like the PHPVMS homepage.. it should have my VA's logo, new pilot's and again a nice attractive site.. please help me i have to promote VATIND thanks, Chaitanya Kaul
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Good evening , I would like to have more informations about skinning. How can i create my Skin with DreamWeaver because i'm a very big noob in php html css and others. When i try to follow this tutorial : nothing apears. I'm trying to search a webmaster to help me and no body can help me without a salary... What are the tools required to create one skin and what's format using ? php ? html ? tpl ?? Other ? Please help me !!
Last reply by Ismaelpec, -
- 3 replies
Hi there, I have to say that I have very much enjoyed working with your software so far, and am very happy with the results I am getting using it. One thing I would like to be able to do though, is to add drop down menus to the main nav bar, as I am hoping to expand on the site quite alot. Could anyone give me any pointers on how would be best to do this please? Much appreciated, Stu. PS Here's a linkie to the site:
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys.... well im request a quick convert of my new web template to a phpvms skin i will pay if necessary. Im not really good at converting and splicing things etc and yes ive seen and read the tutorials but im really busy with other duties and rebuild other parts of my website (after a server crash). Im available on PM.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 2 replies
Hello all, I've been reworking the ReachVA website and I've come up with the issue of reskinning the existing drop down menu with styling that would match the existing site colour scheme. I'm familiar with basic HTML and CSS but I can't make sense of this menus particular structure. Its CSS seems all over the place with no comments left to explain what each section does. Any help is most welcome.
Last reply by reachva, -
- 5 replies
I just got done getting SkyBlue setup and so far so good. I went to do some trial review (incognito browser) and was surprised to discover the site looked completely different. IMGUR link of site when authenticated - IMGUR link of site when un-authenticated - URL of VA - I've clearly setup something incorrectly but I'm unsure what I did, followed the documentation to the letter.
Last reply by seatbackpocket, -
- 4 replies
Hello People! Since 1 month, I've been working for a skin for phpvms. I've developed the skin and a VA has already bought it! Some screenies of Login Page, Register Page, Pilot/Crew Center and Flight Board are attached with this post! Its a payware HTML template from Themeforest which I've converted for phpVMS ! Dashboard: Flight Board: VistaID: Charter System: Group Flights Module: VistaInvite System: VistaChallenge (Assign new challenges to your pilots): Login Page: Preloader:
Last reply by Yash, -
- 2 replies
Its coming soon, called Diamond Flux both lite and pro version.
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 8 replies
Hey, I've revised my homepage and I think it looks very clean and neat. Loving the jQuery Login thing too! Opinions?
Last reply by James142, -
- 1 reply
I want to make a column on the right of the page for adverts which will all be images around 150px wide. Should I add the CSS in the frontpage_main.tpl?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone have a banner solution for this skin? I did get one from bannersnack to work, but it restarts every time you go to a new page. Wowslider does not stay the size I create it to be, always larger. Anyone else have a good one? Free preferably.
Last reply by RocketRod, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I found a really cool addon, because when you click on the icon of the aircraft, shows the route traveled... As can be seen here. Could anyone help me how to make this effect? Or at least that shows the path that remains of the aircraft to the destination, even if it is straight. And not the path from source to destination. Very Thanks.
Last reply by Jhony300, -
Any idea how do edit MY ROUTES MAP - /index.php/pireps/routesmap I thought it was route_map.php, the changes are not being made.
Last reply by web541, -
- 0 replies
<---------SNIP!!----------> Sorry! Never Mind. Yet another useless post. My apologies. Please feel free to delete if you want.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
In my flights schedules page, the Options list and my main flight ID are white, the same colour of the background so I can't see anything unless I put my cursor on it. Is there a way I can change this specific text colour. I am using the Lance Free Skin. Thanks
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
How would the code look, if I wanted to edit the schedule_searchform.tpl to have the option to select "By Departure Airport" AND "By Aircraft Type" as one search together?!?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
When a schedule with a very long route is entered to the point it overflows the table. How can I scroll the overflow here?
Last reply by Jimmy_S, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys! Got 2 issues here. First is when I try to bid a flight i'm being shown a blank white page and the flight doesn't bid. When I try filing a PIREP at index.php/pireps/filepirep, and enter a flight number that does not belong to a flight between the airports selected, it gives me an error message saying that.Is there a way to make a custom PIPER possible? So a pilot will be able to select a departure and arrival airport (or better yet just enter ICAO codes for any airports), enter a flight number, and that'll go into the logs. Thanks!
Last reply by spielbergsp, -
- 3 replies
So i'm having extreme difficulty getting my custom pilot center's schedules, working with action.php, to be able to add bids without giving the well known "No route Passed" error. I have done everything i can think of to removing all references of ANY javascript being called in to copying everything in core_htmlhead.tpl and placing it in either of the schedule_x.tpl files. Nothing will get this to work! I have it working on my website now that does not have a custom pilot center page. Just having issues adding bids using action.php...... So now, instead, i am looking at making it just a link, as described in…
Last reply by Jetwave, -
- 2 replies
I tried adding Google Translate by adding the following script to footer.tpl. <script src=""></script> It works except for the complaint that the Google Map key is invalid (since the translated page is displayed on Google's site). I can live with that, but don't like the idea of its removing the viewer from my site. I tried to get the translated page to display in a newwindow by using target="_blank", but that doesn't work. Anyone know of a way I can get the translated page to display …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Hi! How can I modify the background color for the active tab in the schedule search page? Thanks!
Last reply by EricThePanic, -
- 11 replies
I was wondering if anyone could assist me in building a flight search form for the main page. The example above from an old ATA site is good. Plain and simple. Has a drop down box for airports and everything. I would like the date/pax still there for eye candy. Any help would be appreciated!
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 2 replies
there is an IP board bridge for phpvms to read out the registrations?
Last reply by Rickisani, -
- 0 replies
Hey there I´m the CEO of EuropeSky and where searching for an talented "skinner" for our phpvms System If someone is interested in helping us - please contact me - We don´t have a lot of money but we will try to pay you for your help Or ICQ 84001245 Or Skype : Nagelfar2 Thx
Last reply by Nagelfar, -
- 6 replies
I have been messing around with the header and logo for my VA and would really appreciate it if anyone could offer their opinions on which to go with. Here's the new one: and here's the old one: Any comments will be gratefully received! Thanks, Stu
Last reply by stuartpb, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I'm here again to ask for help. Sorry if what I write is already in the forum but I searched and found nothing. Would you like to send an email to the pilot automatically after 15 days of entry if it is a total flight equal to zero. It would be just an email to warn that he is already reaching the deadline to make the first flight. I would also like to know if can delete the bids, as many pilots reserve flights and take too long to do it. After 5 days, if the pilot does not fly, the flight booked would be deleted. Sorry for the English, I used google translate. Very Thanks.
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
- 3 replies
Hello everybody! I'm having some doubts in phpvms, I have a V.A The in VAFS, but now i go operate with PHPVMS. I would like to know how a pilot center separate from the site, like another site, i already have the template here with everything, i dontk know how separate the two templates. Some can give me a help please? Best Regards Ruan Loos
- 0 replies
How Can I Fill in and create page for Seperated Link, About Tab in the Lance Skin?" Thanks
Last reply by mltpilot, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I want to make the "main domain" as the website. The pilot center should be on a subdomain. Everything is located on the same webspace. I it possible to show the login, the livemap/live flights, pilot roster, flighplan etc. one the main domain? Greetings Julius
Last reply by alpsJet, -
- 2 replies
Hi I have just had a new skin for my site, however i need to place a link to /pilots When i do this the link doesnt work, someone told me i may have to enable the page so people can see it as it may have been locked. I have checked and double checked my coding and it is right i have had another guy check it and he says its right. its just not making an active link can anyone help as if i had any i would be tearing my hair out.
Last reply by shaun105,