Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
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hello, I need a download for brilliance template phpvms. Like this the download doesn't working thank u
Last reply by yav123, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, I design skins occasionally for my site, but never make them, therefore do not release them. However, I decided to make one, and here it is. Positive comments and criticism welcome. Hope you like it
Last reply by Jon, -
- 1 reply
Hey everyone, I am offering to make a few skins from scratch. I will have the skins up on Flightguypaints if you guys want. Also, I can make FREE custome skins. As I am still a amateur at making these, but, I can make them hehe. More info in a few days. Ada
Last reply by James142, -
How do i delte pages that i don't want please help
Last reply by chris2, -
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I am currently working in this skin at http://jacobslisting...x.php/Frontpage and I am trying to align the Recent Reports etc... to the right side like the Crystal default skin. Any ideas?
Last reply by in2tech, -
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Hello For my pilot centre im trying to get it in rows .. First Name : ------ Surname ------ etc etc Does anyone have the code for setting stuff side by side? regards
Last reply by david thompson, -
- 2 replies
Hey i am currently looking for a skinner to skin me a new design to replace i lost all the original skin files so i am looking for a better more professional replacement, i am willing to pay. If i could could i see some of your previous skinning works? PM ME or email if interested.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
I am working on a new skin, will release in the next few days. I am still Adding some features at this point. have a look and let me know what you think. This skin will have some VATSIM integration, PHPVMS addons installed and some other stuff.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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How Can I Fill in and create page for Seperated Link, About Tab in the Lance Skin?" Thanks
Last reply by mltpilot, -
- 1 reply
Hello! I am in a big need of help in making or choosing a skin for phpvms. For some reason I cant install phpvms3. The install folder is empty. All replies are welcomed.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
i am wondering how to make it so the page detects the users screen size and automatically adjusts itself to its size, i personally use a 21 inch widescreen dell monitor. and would be cool to se the entire page without a lot of black border
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I think that you will have to do with the database , navdata, but does not solve it Anyone that can help me ? Thanks
Last reply by Angello, -
- 1 reply
I am currently looking into using phpVMS for my new virtual airline. I was wondering if anyone could make me a skin, per my specifications? Thanks
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 2 replies
Today Citybird has a brand new layout, that are based on the Paintshop template and fully operatoinal with the great piece of sofware phpVMS 8)
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 2 replies
I tried adding Google Translate by adding the following script to footer.tpl. <script src=""></script> It works except for the complaint that the Google Map key is invalid (since the translated page is displayed on Google's site). I can live with that, but don't like the idea of its removing the viewer from my site. I tried to get the translated page to display in a newwindow by using target="_blank", but that doesn't work. Anyone know of a way I can get the translated page to display …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
I have a problem on my website accent, appears diamonds with a question mark in the middle! as shown in the image. the link is in my V.A: I would like to know how to solve!
Last reply by Otacilio Jales, -
- 1 reply
hi im Graeme Davis i have Just opened a new VA Bmi Baby Virtual i have got phpvms all setup just one thing the skinning i to be honest dont have a clue what im doing im looking for someone to help me make a skin i would like something with a bmi baby aircraft in it and a white background cheers website
Last reply by Nabeel, -
i hv the Obsess blue template. the little black bar with the marquee is a little wonky as you can prob see. any ideas how to fix it which folder etc. ok second if you have a look at the finances etc. link below can u help me with that as well thanks Finances (table)'> Pirep Report (table)'> Wonky bar (black one at the top)
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 1 reply
Hey guy i need someone to make me a custom skin for my website. price rank i am looking for cheap as i do not have a lot of money at this time The website is i skinned it with a free downloaded skin, but i would like something custom Airline detail: Black Bird Virtual Airlines We handle our main fleet as well as an express fleet, a cargo fleet and an charter fleet.
Last reply by servetas, -
by Guest chikolol- 2 replies
You know is amazing how people want to create virtual airlines and such a few portion actually sucessed. You guys have to know that making a va is like making a real airline just virtually, save money if you know your not up for the challenge, is best give that hosting money to charity or donate it to your local hospital! do something rather useful with it! Point is! i am willing to help anyone with their va site and operations , is ashame that such a good system like this has poor skins and people just dont have the skill, i will RESCUE ALL OF YOU! every person thats using this system reply to this with your va link i will remake your entire site with in 2 weeks each giv…
- 1 follower
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is there a copy of phpvms with the function of uploading by csv for fleet as the on the website doesnt have it
Last reply by Vangelis, -
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Hello there, I have two questions regarding skinning which I struggle to find an answer to. I am a newbie skinner, I have ported my own CSS theme into phpVMS and well, it needs some editing. I have managed to do quite a bit now, however there are things which I need and I'm not sure how to solve them. 1. In pilot_list.tpl, can a CSS file be imported? If yes, an example would be helpful, not sure where to exactly insert such a tag since I'm clueless about PHP. 2. I have created a subpage called "Hubs", however it doesn't seem to be directly editable (e.g via Adobe Dreamweaver), the file is blank. What I wanted to do, if it's possible, is to remove the heading "Hubs" whe…
Last reply by HighFlyerPL185, -
- 1 reply
- 1.4k views comments and advice welcome
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys! I'm not sure how to do the header ramdom change, like a user goes to my site the header picture is changed, then another user goes on my site and the header picture is different. How do i do that. Thanks
Last reply by Artjom, -
I just finished the tutorial video on the skinning, but i came across this <?php if($_GET['module'] 'frontpage'] { ?> now i know that, there is something betweetn the mod and front but i could not read it on the video or understand what was said, could someone point me tothe correct direction? Thanks!
Last reply by JohnMck93, -
- 2 replies
This Is The Picture of my Site with two Side Bars. If you would like to have it, then reply back and i'll put it in the releases. It's easy to add things in your side bar!
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, Working on a new site for VVG and well when it comes to the pilots center I suck! This is what I have so far and just wondering what your opinions are on it? Obviously It's still a work in progress! cheers
Last reply by Joshua John, -
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Hello, Thanks for reading this post. I am the Chief Executive Officer or British International and I need help skinning! I have tried all sorts of templates etc however I want to start a fresh, new one. I need some tips and handy advice and even someone who would be willing to help me free of charge. Many thanks! Jason
Last reply by BITCEO, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I am creating a skin and in my skin I have made all the pages as separate .tpl files. so my the address would be index.php/mypage.tpl however i cannot get my pages to come up it just says module does not exist. Can anyone help? Thanks, Jordan
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
That format should select in Artisteer to create a template for phpVMS. Do I have to make any changes? They are worth those created on Artisteer?
Last reply by Txmmy83,